In probability and statistics, a statistic is a function of samples. Theoretically, it is also a random variable with a probability distribution, called statistics distribution. As a statistic is a basis of inference of population distribution and characteristics, to determine a distribution of a statistic is one of the most fundamental problems in statistics. Generally speaking, it is rather complicate to determine a precise distribution of a statistic. But, for normal population, there are a few effective methods. This work will introduce some common statistics distributions of normal population and derive some important related theorems.
Let’s consider the probability distribution of Y = X2, where X ~ N(0, 1). The probability density of Y is given by
Therefore, Y ~ Gamma(1/2, 1/2), where
By using Gamma function (See Appendix I), one can determine the expectation and variance of Y, E(Y) = alpha/lambda, Var(Y) = alpha/lambda2.
The characteristic function of Gamma probability density is given by
where X ~ Gamma(alpha, lambda).
Consider the distribution of a summation, Z, of two independent random variables, X ~ Gamma(alpha1, lambda) and Y ~ Gamma(alpha2, lambda). The characteristic function of Z is given by
Thus, Z ~ Gamma(alpha1+alpha2, lambda).
Chi2 Distribution
Suppose a population X ~ N(0, 1), X1, …, Xn are iid, then
It is easy to check that E(Y)=n, D(Y)=2n.
Two important properties of Chi2 distribution:
The first one is trivial.
To see the second one, let Yi = 2(lambda)Xi, then
This completes the proof. #
Suppose X ~ N(0,1), Y ~ Chi2(n), and X and Y are independent, then
of which the probability density is given by
One can check that, when n>2, E(T)=0, D(T)=n/(n-2).
Suppose X ~ Chi2(m), Y ~ Chi2(n), and X and Y are independent, then
of which the probability density is given by
Theorem 1
Suppose X1, …, Xn are samples extracted from a normal population N(mu, sigma2), with a sample mean and a sample variance,
then, (1)(2)(3)(4)
Formula (1) can be easily checked by performing Gaussian normalization.
For (2) and (3),
Now construct a finite-dimensional linear transformation A from Y to Z,
One can show that A is an orthonormal matrix. Further,
Therefore, Zi’s are also iid ~ N(0, 1).
Consequently, U and V are independent, where
Since V ~ Chi2(n-1), then
To see (4), now that U’ and V’ are independent, satisfying
by the definition of t-distribution, we have
This completes the proof. #
Theorem 2
Suppose X1, …, Xm and Y1,…, Yn are samples taken from two normal populations N(mu1, sigma2), N(mu2, sigma2), respectively, and they are all independent, then,
Hint: This can be shown by applying Theorem 1.
Theorem 3
Suppose X1, …, Xm and Y1, …, Yn are samples taken from two normal populations N(mu1, sigma12), N(mu2, sigma22), respectively, and they are all independent, then,
Hint: This can be shown by using the definition of F-distribution.
I. Gamma Function
Gamma function is defined as
which has following properties
This completes the proof. #
II. Probability Density after Transformation
Suppose random vectors X, Y are in Rn and a bijective operator T is defined as
If the probability density of X is pX(x), then that of Y is given by
The cumulative probability function of Y is given by
This completes the proof. #
This theorem can be used to determine the probability density typical of the form “Z=X/Y”, “Z=X+Y”, etc., by introducing an irrelevant variable U and integrating the joint distribution of (Z, U)T to get the marginal distribution of Z, as long as T is bijective.