[root@cos65 thrift]# thrift --version
Thrift version 1.0.0-dev
安装Python bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
pip install thrift
安装完后import thrift 验证
安装单机版 hbase
wget http://apache.fayea.com/apache-mirror/hbase/stable/hbase-0.98.7-hadoop2-bin.tar.gz
创建/home/hadoop/hbase 目录,将gz包解压到该目录完成安装
修改配置文件 /home/hadoop/hbase/conf/hbase-site.xml 完成hbase.rootdir 修改,指定数据文件路径
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?> <configuration> <property> <name>hbase.rootdir</name> <value>file:///var/hbase</value> </property> </configuration>
修改conf/habase-env.sh ,设置JAVA_HOME
启动hbase bin/start-hbase.sh
启动thrift bin/hbase thrift start
解压后进入 hbase-0.98.7/hbase-thrift/src/main/resources/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/thrift 目录
执行thrift --gen py Hbase.thrift
将生成的gen-py 目录下的hbase 目录 copy到/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages 目录
from hbase import Hbase 测试模块导入
Democlient.py 样例
#!/usr/bin/python ''' Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ''' import sys import time import os # Modify this import path to point to the correct location to thrift. # thrift_path = os.path.abspath('/Users/sergey/Downloads/thrift/lib/py/build/lib.macosx-10.8-intel-2.7') # sys.path.append(thrift_path) # gen_py_path = os.path.abspath('gen-py') # sys.path.append(gen_py_path) from thrift import Thrift from thrift.transport import TSocket, TTransport from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol from hbase import ttypes from hbase.Hbase import Client, ColumnDescriptor, Mutation def printVersions(row, versions): print "row: " + row + ", values: ", for cell in versions: print cell.value + "; ", print def printRow(entry): print "row: " + entry.row + ", cols:", for k in sorted(entry.columns): print k + " => " + entry.columns[k].value, print def demo_client(host, port, is_framed_transport): # Make socket socket = TSocket.TSocket(host, port) # Make transport if is_framed_transport: transport = TTransport.TFramedTransport(socket) else: transport = TTransport.TBufferedTransport(socket) # Wrap in a protocol protocol = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol(transport) # Create a client to use the protocol encoder client = Client(protocol) # Connect! transport.open() t = "demo_table" # # Scan all tables, look for the demo table and delete it. # print "scanning tables..." for table in client.getTableNames(): print " found: %s" %(table) if table == t: if client.isTableEnabled(table): print " disabling table: %s" %(t) client.disableTable(table) print " deleting table: %s" %(t) client.deleteTable(table) columns = [] col = ColumnDescriptor() col.name = 'entry:' col.maxVersions = 10 columns.append(col) col = ColumnDescriptor() col.name = 'unused:' columns.append(col) try: print "creating table: %s" %(t) client.createTable(t, columns) except AlreadyExists, ae: print "WARN: " + ae.message cols = client.getColumnDescriptors(t) print "column families in %s" %(t) for col_name in cols.keys(): col = cols[col_name] print " column: %s, maxVer: %d" % (col.name, col.maxVersions) dummy_attributes = {} # # Test UTF-8 handling # invalid = "foo-\xfc\xa1\xa1\xa1\xa1\xa1" valid = "foo-\xE7\x94\x9F\xE3\x83\x93\xE3\x83\xBC\xE3\x83\xAB"; # non-utf8 is fine for data mutations = [Mutation(column="entry:foo",value=invalid)] print str(mutations) client.mutateRow(t, "foo", mutations, dummy_attributes) # try empty strings mutations = [Mutation(column="entry:", value="")] client.mutateRow(t, "", mutations, dummy_attributes) # this row name is valid utf8 mutations = [Mutation(column="entry:foo", value=valid)] client.mutateRow(t, valid, mutations, dummy_attributes) # non-utf8 is not allowed in row names try: mutations = [Mutation(column="entry:foo", value=invalid)] client.mutateRow(t, invalid, mutations, dummy_attributes) except ttypes.IOError, e: print 'expected exception: %s' %(e.message) # Run a scanner on the rows we just created print "Starting scanner..." scanner = client.scannerOpen(t, "", ["entry:"], dummy_attributes) r = client.scannerGet(scanner) while r: printRow(r[0]) r = client.scannerGet(scanner) print "Scanner finished" # # Run some operations on a bunch of rows. # for e in range(100, 0, -1): # format row keys as "00000" to "00100" row = "%0.5d" % (e) mutations = [Mutation(column="unused:", value="DELETE_ME")] client.mutateRow(t, row, mutations, dummy_attributes) printRow(client.getRow(t, row, dummy_attributes)[0]) client.deleteAllRow(t, row, dummy_attributes) mutations = [Mutation(column="entry:num", value="0"), Mutation(column="entry:foo", value="FOO")] client.mutateRow(t, row, mutations, dummy_attributes) printRow(client.getRow(t, row, dummy_attributes)[0]); mutations = [Mutation(column="entry:foo",isDelete=True), Mutation(column="entry:num",value="-1")] client.mutateRow(t, row, mutations, dummy_attributes) printRow(client.getRow(t, row, dummy_attributes)[0]) mutations = [Mutation(column="entry:num", value=str(e)), Mutation(column="entry:sqr", value=str(e*e))] client.mutateRow(t, row, mutations, dummy_attributes) printRow(client.getRow(t, row, dummy_attributes)[0]) time.sleep(0.05) mutations = [Mutation(column="entry:num",value="-999"), Mutation(column="entry:sqr",isDelete=True)] client.mutateRowTs(t, row, mutations, 1, dummy_attributes) # shouldn't override latest printRow(client.getRow(t, row, dummy_attributes)[0]) versions = client.getVer(t, row, "entry:num", 10, dummy_attributes) printVersions(row, versions) if len(versions) != 3: print("FATAL: wrong # of versions") sys.exit(-1) r = client.get(t, row, "entry:foo", dummy_attributes) # just to be explicit, we get lists back, if it's empty there was no matching row. if len(r) > 0: raise "shouldn't get here!" columnNames = [] for (col, desc) in client.getColumnDescriptors(t).items(): print "column with name: "+desc.name print desc columnNames.append(desc.name+":") print "Starting scanner..." scanner = client.scannerOpenWithStop(t, "00020", "00040", columnNames, dummy_attributes) r = client.scannerGet(scanner) while r: printRow(r[0]) r = client.scannerGet(scanner) client.scannerClose(scanner) print "Scanner finished" transport.close() if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) < 3: print 'usage: %s <host> <port>' % __file__ sys.exit(1) host = sys.argv[1] port = sys.argv[2] is_framed_transport = False #demo_client('localhost', 2181, is_framed_transport) demo_client(host, port, is_framed_transport)