$ dx --help
dx --dex [--debug] [--verbose] [--positions=<style>] [--no-locals]
[--no-optimize] [--statistics] [--[no-]optimize-list=<file>] [--no-strict]
[--keep-classes] [--output=<file>] [--dump-to=<file>] [--dump-width=<n>]
[--dump-method=<name>[*]] [--verbose-dump] [--no-files] [--core-library]
[<file>.class | <file>.{zip,jar,apk} | <directory>] ...
Convert a set of classfiles into a dex file, optionally embedded in a
jar/zip. Output name must end with one of: .dex .jar .zip .apk. Positions
options: none, important, lines.
dx --annotool --annotation=<class> [--element=<element types>]
[--print=<print types>]
dx --dump [--debug] [--strict] [--bytes] [--optimize]
[--basic-blocks | --rop-blocks | --ssa-blocks | --dot] [--ssa-step=<step>]
[--width=<n>] [<file>.class | <file>.txt] ...
Dump classfiles, or transformations thereof, in a human-oriented format.
dx --junit [-wait] <TestClass>
Run the indicated unit test.
dx --find-usages <file.dex> <declaring type> <member>
Find references and declarations to a field or method.
declaring type: a class name in internal form, like Ljava/lang/Object;
member: a field or method name, like hashCode
dx -J<option> ... <arguments, in one of the above forms>
Pass VM-specific options to the virtual machine that runs dx.
dx --version
Print the version of this tool (1.7).
dx --help
Print this message.
Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
dexdump: [-c] [-d] [-f] [-h] [-i] [-l layout] [-m] [-t tempfile] dexfile...
-c : verify checksum and exit
-d : disassemble code sections
-f : display summary information from file header
-h : display file header details
-i : ignore checksum failures
-l : output layout, either 'plain' or 'xml'
-m : dump register maps (and nothing else)
-t : temp file name (defaults to /sdcard/dex-temp-*)