#include "ImageParser.h" #include "Visualization.h" #include "Environment.h" #include "Grammar.h" #include "ModelMetadata.h" #include "FeatureDictionary.h" #include "ImagePyramid.h" #include "AppearanceModel.h" #include <opencv/highgui.h> using namespace IP; // ---------- ImageGrid ---------- // use default value (m_scale = 1.0f) // width, hegit: (12, 12) - means there is 12*12 Images (Mat) ImageGrid::ImageGrid(int width, int height, float scale) { m_width = width; m_height = height; m_scale = scale; } // (col, row): the index void ImageGrid::InsertImage(cv::Mat& img, int col, int row) { cv::Mat img2 = img; if (img.channels() != 3) { img2 = cv::Mat(img.rows, img.cols, CV_8UC3); for (int i=0;i<img.rows;i++) { for (int j=0;j<img.cols;j++) { unsigned char val = (int)(img.at<float>(i,j)*255); img2.at<cv::Vec3b>(i,j) = cv::Vec3b(val,val,val); } } } if (m_scale == 1.0f) { m_vecImages.push_back(img2); } else { cv::Mat imgCopy; cv::resize(img2, imgCopy, cv::Size(Global::Round(img2.cols*m_scale), Global::Round(img2.rows*m_scale))); m_vecImages.push_back(imgCopy); } // 0 - numHalfOrientation or numOrientation // the location of the input image in the grid like (1, 0) m_vecLocations.push_back(cv::Point2i(col, row)); } void ImageGrid::Clear() { m_vecLocations.clear(); m_vecImages.clear(); } cv::Mat ImageGrid::Render() { // get the size of the grid int width = m_width; int height = m_height; // to store the image size std::vector<int> cellWidth(width); std::vector<int> cellHeight(height); for (int i=0;i<m_vecLocations.size();i++) { cv::Point loc = m_vecLocations[i]; cellWidth[loc.x] = std::max<int>(cellWidth[loc.x], m_vecImages[i].cols); cellHeight[loc.y] = std::max<int>(cellHeight[loc.y], m_vecImages[i].rows); } int totalHeight = 0; int totalWidth = 0; for (int i=0;i<height;i++) { totalHeight += cellHeight[i]; } for (int i=0;i<width;i++) { totalWidth += cellWidth[i]; } cv::Mat img(totalHeight, totalWidth, CV_8UC3); img.setTo(cv::Scalar(255,255,255)); for (int i=0;i<m_vecImages.size();i++) { cv::Point2i loc = m_vecLocations[i]; int offsetX = 0; int offsetY = 0; for (int j=0;j<loc.x;j++) { offsetX += cellWidth[j]; } for (int j=0;j<loc.y;j++) { offsetY += cellHeight[j]; } // use a bigger image to include the images in the m_vecImages cv::Mat& cellImg = m_vecImages[i]; cv::Mat subImg = img(cv::Rect(offsetX, offsetY, cellImg.cols, cellImg.rows)); cellImg.copyTo(subImg); } // cv::imshow("ImagesForImageGrid", img); return img; } // ---------- Visualization ---------- Visualization::Visualization(Environment* pEnvironment) : _pEnvironment(pEnvironment) { } cv::Mat Visualization::VisualizeParse(ParseNode* pNode, cv::Mat& frame, bool showJoints) { cv::Mat frame2 = frame.clone(); VisualizeParseOnFrame(pNode, frame2, showJoints); return frame2; } void Visualization::VisualizeParseOnFrame(ParseNode* pNode, cv::Mat& frame, bool showJoints) { for (int i=0;i<pNode->childCount;i++) { VisualizeParseOnFrame(&pNode->children[i], frame, showJoints); } DrawParseNode(pNode, frame, showJoints); } // void Visualization::DrawParseNode(ParseNode* pNode, cv::Mat& frame, bool showJoints) { ModelMetadata::PartImgState& imgState = _pEnvironment->GetModelMetadata()->GetPartImgState(pNode); cv::Point p1 = cv::Point(Global::Round(imgState.corners[0].x), Global::Round(imgState.corners[0].y)); cv::Point p2 = cv::Point(Global::Round(imgState.corners[1].x), Global::Round(imgState.corners[1].y)); cv::Point p3 = cv::Point(Global::Round(imgState.corners[2].x), Global::Round(imgState.corners[2].y)); cv::Point p4 = cv::Point(Global::Round(imgState.corners[3].x), Global::Round(imgState.corners[3].y)); // estimated center point ??? cv::Point p5 = cv::Point((p1.x+p4.x)/2, (p1.y+p4.y)/2); cv::Scalar color(0,0,255); int thickness = 1; cv::line(frame, p1, p2, color, thickness); cv::line(frame, p2, p3, color, thickness); cv::line(frame, p3, p4, color, thickness); cv::line(frame, p4, p1, color, thickness); // draw a circle -- fullfill cv::circle(frame, p5, 2, color, CV_FILLED); if (showJoints && (pNode->childCount > 0)) { Production& prod = _pEnvironment->GetGrammar()->Productions(pNode->prodID); Symbol& symbol = _pEnvironment->GetGrammar()->Symbols(prod.symbolID); for (int i=0;i<prod.relationCount;i++) { Relation& relation = prod.relations[i]; ParseNode* pProxNode = relation.GetNode1(pNode); ParseNode* pDistNode = relation.GetNode2(pNode); Point2<short> jointProx = _pEnvironment->GetModelMetadata()->GetProximalJointLoc(prod.ID, i, pProxNode->prodID, pProxNode->state); Point2<short> jointDist = _pEnvironment->GetModelMetadata()->GetDistalJointLoc(prod.ID, i, pDistNode->prodID, pDistNode->state); Point2<int> centerProx(pProxNode->state.x, pProxNode->state.y); Point2<int> centerDist(pDistNode->state.x, pDistNode->state.y); Point2<int> jointProx2(jointProx.x, jointProx.y); Point2<int> jointDist2(jointDist.x, jointDist.y); cv::line(frame, cv::Point(centerProx.x, centerProx.y), cv::Point(jointProx2.x, jointProx2.y), cv::Scalar(255,0,255)); cv::line(frame, cv::Point(centerDist.x, centerDist.y), cv::Point(jointDist2.x, jointDist2.y), cv::Scalar(0,165,255)); cv::circle(frame, cv::Point(jointProx2.x, jointProx2.y), 3, cv::Scalar(255,0,255), 1); cv::circle(frame, cv::Point(jointDist2.x, jointDist2.y), 2, cv::Scalar(0,165,255), CV_FILLED); if (symbol.productionCount > 1) { std::string prodName = prod.name; cv::putText(frame, prodName, cv::Point(imgState.x, imgState.y), cv::FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, .5, cv::Scalar(255,0,0)); } } } } cv::Mat Visualization::VisualizeParseFeatures(ParseNode* pNode, cv::Mat& frame, bool showNegatives) { cv::Mat frame2 = frame.clone(); VisualizeParseFeaturesOnFrame(pNode, frame2, showNegatives); return frame2; } void Visualization::VisualizeParseFeaturesOnFrame(ParseNode* pNode, cv::Mat& frame, bool showNegatives) { DrawParseModel(pNode, frame, showNegatives); for (int i=0;i<pNode->childCount;i++) { VisualizeParseFeaturesOnFrame(&pNode->children[i], frame, showNegatives); } } void Visualization::DrawParseModel(ParseNode* pNode, cv::Mat& frame, bool showNegatives, int featureBlock) { Production& prod = _pEnvironment->GetGrammar()->Productions(pNode->prodID); Symbol& symbol = _pEnvironment->GetGrammar()->Symbols(prod.symbolID); PartState& s = pNode->state; int levelIndex = pNode->state.scale+symbol.scaleOffset; float scale = 1.0f / (_pEnvironment->GetScaleFactor(levelIndex)); AppearanceTemplate& t = _pEnvironment->GetAppearanceTemplates()->Templates(pNode->prodID); Point2<float> center(s.x,s.y); float maxWeight = -Global::Inf; for (int i=0;i<t.nodeCount;i++) { float nodeWeight = t.weights[i]; maxWeight = std::max<float>(maxWeight, fabs(nodeWeight)); } for (int i=0;i<t.nodeCount;i++) { float nodeWeight = t.weights[i]; AppearanceTemplate::Element& elem = t.feat[s.orientation][i]; Point2<int> elemLoc(elem.loc.x, elem.loc.y); int elemFeatureID = elem.featureID; int elemDeformationID = elem.deformationID; int elemFeatureBlock = _pEnvironment->GetFeatureDictionary()->GetFeatureInfo(elemFeatureID).blockID; if ((featureBlock >= 0) && (elemFeatureBlock != featureBlock)) { continue; } Point2<int> loc(Global::Round(center.x+elemLoc.x*scale), Global::Round(center.y+elemLoc.y*scale)); int pixVal = (255-(int)(255*fabs(nodeWeight)/maxWeight)); Pix24BppBGR intensity(pixVal, pixVal, pixVal); if (nodeWeight < 0) { if (!showNegatives) { continue; } intensity.R = 255; } _pEnvironment->GetFeatureDictionary()->DrawSymbol(frame, scale, loc, intensity, elemFeatureID, elemDeformationID); } } void Visualization::VisualizeProductions() { // Draw all productions in isolation with their joint locations std::string cacheDir = _pEnvironment->AppendPath(_pEnvironment->GetGlobalStrings().cachePath, "Visualization"); std::string geometryDir = _pEnvironment->AppendPath(cacheDir, "Geometry"); std::string templateDir = _pEnvironment->AppendPath(cacheDir, "Template"); _pEnvironment->VerifyDirectoryExists(cacheDir); _pEnvironment->VerifyDirectoryExists(geometryDir); _pEnvironment->VerifyDirectoryExists(templateDir); int midScale = _pEnvironment->GetGlobalParameters().numScaleLevels/2; int numOrientations = _pEnvironment->GetGlobalParameters().numOrientations; // Visualize geometry Grammar* pGrammar = _pEnvironment->GetGrammar(); for (int i=0;i<pGrammar->GetProductionCount();i++) { Production& prod = pGrammar->Productions(i); if (prod.childCount == 0) { continue; } int maxO = 0; int maxOWeight = -Global::Inf; for (int j=0;j<_pEnvironment->GetGlobalParameters().numOrientations;j++) { if (prod.orientationWeights[j] > maxOWeight) { maxOWeight = prod.orientationWeights[j]; maxO = j; } } Point2<float> dim = _pEnvironment->GetModelMetadata()->GetPartDimensions(i, midScale); float maxDim = std::max<float>(dim.x, dim.y); int imgDim =Global::Round(maxDim); int margin = imgDim/4; float gridMargin = margin; cv::Mat frame(imgDim+2*margin, imgDim+2*margin, CV_8UC3); frame.setTo(cv::Scalar(255,255,255)); ParseNode node; pGrammar->InitParseNode(&node, i); PartState s(Global::Round(gridMargin+maxDim/2), Global::Round(gridMargin+maxDim/2), maxO, midScale); node.state = s; node.prodID = i; for (int j=0;j<prod.childCount;j++) { Symbol& childSymbol = pGrammar->Symbols(prod.childSymbolIDs[j]); Production& childProd = pGrammar->Productions(childSymbol.productionIDs[0]); node.children[j].prodID = childProd.ID; node.children[j].state = PartState(0,0,0,midScale); node.children[j].childCount = 0; } for (int j=0;j<prod.relationCount;j++) { Relation& r = prod.relations[j]; int maxChildO = 0; int maxChildOWeight = -Global::Inf; for (int k=0;k<numOrientations;k++) { if (r.orientationWeights[k] > maxChildOWeight) { maxChildOWeight = r.orientationWeights[k]; maxChildO = k; } } ParseNode* pProxNode = r.GetNode1(&node); ParseNode* pDistNode = r.GetNode2(&node); pDistNode->state.orientation = (pProxNode->state.orientation+maxChildO) % numOrientations; Point2<short> jProx = _pEnvironment->GetModelMetadata()->GetProximalJointLoc(i, j, pProxNode->prodID, pProxNode->state); Point2<short> jDist = _pEnvironment->GetModelMetadata()->GetDistalJointLoc(i, j, pDistNode->prodID, pDistNode->state); pDistNode->state.x = jProx.x - jDist.x; pDistNode->state.y = jProx.y - jDist.y; } VisualizeParseOnFrame(&node, frame, true); pGrammar->ReleaseParseNode(&node); std::string fileName = _pEnvironment->AppendPath(geometryDir, _pEnvironment->FormatString("%s_%s.png", pGrammar->Symbols(prod.symbolID).name, prod.name)); cv::imwrite(fileName.c_str(), frame); } // Visualize AB templates for (int i=0;i<pGrammar->GetProductionCount();i++) { Production& prod = pGrammar->Productions(i); Symbol& symbol = pGrammar->Symbols(prod.symbolID); int maxO = 0; float maxOWeight = -Global::Inf; for (int j=0;j<symbol.orientationMapLen;j++) { if (prod.orientationWeights[j] > maxOWeight) { maxOWeight = prod.orientationWeights[j]; maxO = symbol.orientationMap[j]; } } Point2<float> dim = _pEnvironment->GetModelMetadata()->GetPartDimensions(i, midScale); float maxDim = std::max<float>(dim.x, dim.y); int imgDim = Global::Round(maxDim); int margin = imgDim/4; float gridMargin = margin; ParseNode node; pGrammar->InitParseNode(&node, i); PartState s(Global::Round(gridMargin+maxDim/2), Global::Round(gridMargin+maxDim/2), maxO, midScale); node.state = s; node.prodID = i; int featureBlocks = _pEnvironment->GetFeatureDictionary()->GetFeatureBlockCount(); ImageGrid grid(featureBlocks, 1); for (int j=0;j<featureBlocks;j++) { cv::Mat frame(imgDim+2*margin, imgDim+2*margin, CV_8UC3); frame.setTo(cv::Scalar(255,255,255)); DrawParseModel(&node, frame, true, j); //DrawParseFeatureEdges(&node, frame); grid.InsertImage(frame,j,0); } pGrammar->ReleaseParseNode(&node); std::string fileName = _pEnvironment->AppendPath(templateDir, _pEnvironment->FormatString("%s_%s.png", pGrammar->Symbols(prod.symbolID).name, prod.name)); cv::imwrite(fileName.c_str(), grid.Render()); } } cv::Mat Visualization::VisualizeMatrix2D(Matrix2D<float>& mat) { cv::Mat vis(mat.Dim2(), mat.Dim1(), CV_8UC3); float maxScore = mat(mat.GetMaxLoc()); float minScore = mat(mat.GetMinLoc()); if (minScore == maxScore) { if (minScore > 0) { minScore = 0; } else if (maxScore < 0) { maxScore = 0; } else { vis.setTo(cv::Scalar(0,0,0)); return vis; } } for (int x=0;x<mat.Dim1();x++) { for (int y=0;y<mat.Dim2();y++) { char score = (char)(255*(mat(x,y)-minScore)/(maxScore-minScore)); vis.at<cv::Vec3b>(y,x) = cv::Vec3b(score, score, score); } } return vis; } cv::Mat Visualization::VisualizeMatrix2D(Matrix2D<double>& mat) { cv::Mat vis(mat.Dim2(), mat.Dim1(), CV_8UC3); double maxScore = mat(mat.GetMaxLoc()); double minScore = mat(mat.GetMinLoc()); if (minScore == maxScore) { if (minScore > 0) { minScore = 0; } else if (maxScore < 0) { maxScore = 0; } else { vis.setTo(cv::Scalar(0,0,0)); return vis; } } for (int x=0;x<mat.Dim1();x++) { for (int y=0;y<mat.Dim2();y++) { char score = (char)(255*(mat(x,y)-minScore)/(maxScore-minScore)); vis.at<cv::Vec3b>(y,x) = cv::Vec3b(score, score, score); } } return vis; } cv::Mat Visualization::VisualizeMatrix2D(Matrix2D<unsigned char>& mat) { cv::Mat vis(mat.Dim2(), mat.Dim1(), CV_8UC3); unsigned char maxScore = mat(mat.GetMaxLoc()); unsigned char minScore = mat(mat.GetMinLoc()); if (minScore == maxScore) { if (minScore > 0) { minScore = 0; } else if (maxScore < 0) { maxScore = 0; } else { vis.setTo(cv::Scalar(0,0,0)); return vis; } } for (int x=0;x<mat.Dim1();x++) { for (int y=0;y<mat.Dim2();y++) { unsigned char score = (unsigned char)(255*(mat(x,y)-minScore)/(maxScore-minScore)); vis.at<cv::Vec3b>(y,x) = cv::Vec3b(score, score, score); } } return vis; } cv::Mat Visualization::VisualizeMatrix2D(Matrix2D<Pix24BppBGR>& mat) { cv::Mat vis(mat.Dim2(), mat.Dim1(), CV_8UC3); for (int x=0;x<mat.Dim1();x++) { for (int y=0;y<mat.Dim2();y++) { Pix24BppBGR& pix = mat(x,y); vis.at<cv::Vec3b>(y,x) = cv::Vec3b(pix.B, pix.G, pix.R); } } return vis; } cv::Mat Visualization::VisualizeStateMap(StateMap<float>& map) { ImageGrid grid(map.NumOrientations(), map.NumScales()); for (int o=0;o<map.NumOrientations();o++) { for (int s=0;s<map.NumScales();s++) { cv::Mat vis = VisualizeStateMap(map, o, s, -Global::Inf, Global::Inf); grid.InsertImage(vis, o, s); } } return grid.Render(); } cv::Mat Visualization::VisualizeStateMap(StateMap<float>& map, int o, int s) { cv::Mat vis(map.Height(), map.Width(), CV_8UC3); float maxScore = map(map.GetMaxLoc()); float minScore = map(map.GetMinLoc()); if (minScore == maxScore) { if (minScore > 0) { minScore = 0; } else if (maxScore < 0) { maxScore = 0; } else { vis.setTo(cv::Scalar(0,0,0)); return vis; } } for (int x=0;x<map.Width();x++) { for (int y=0;y<map.Height();y++) { char score = (char)(255*(map(x,y,o,s)-minScore)/(maxScore-minScore)); vis.at<cv::Vec3b>(y,x) = cv::Vec3b(score, score, score); } } return vis; } cv::Mat Visualization::VisualizeStateMap(StateMap<float>& map, int o, int s, float minBounds, float maxBounds) { cv::Mat vis(map.Height(), map.Width(), CV_8UC3); float minScore = maxBounds; float maxScore = minBounds; for (int x=0;x<map.Width();x++) { for (int y=0;y<map.Height();y++) { float score = map(x,y,o,s); if (Global::CheckInclusiveBounds<float>(score, minBounds, maxBounds)) { minScore = std::min<float>(minScore, score); maxScore = std::max<float>(maxScore, score); } } } if (minScore == maxScore) { if (minScore > 0) { minScore = 0; } else if (maxScore < 0) { maxScore = 0; } else { vis.setTo(cv::Scalar(0,0,0)); return vis; } } for (int x=0;x<map.Width();x++) { for (int y=0;y<map.Height();y++) { int score = (int)Global::Box<float>((255*(map(x,y,o,s)-minScore)/(maxScore-minScore)), 0, 255); vis.at<cv::Vec3b>(y,x) = cv::Vec3b(score, score, score); } } return vis; } // void Visualization::LightenImage(cv::Mat& frame) { frame = ((255*.6) + frame * 0.4); } void Visualization::FlipImageH(cv::Mat& frame) { // Hard coded for BGR24bpp images cv::Vec3b temp; for (int y=0;y<frame.rows;y++) { for (int x=0;x<frame.cols/2;x++) { temp = frame.at<cv::Vec3b>(y,x); frame.at<cv::Vec3b>(y,x) = frame.at<cv::Vec3b>(y,frame.cols-x-1); frame.at<cv::Vec3b>(y,frame.cols-x-1) = temp; } } } TreeRasterNode* Visualization::BuildRasterTree(ParseNode* pParse, float spacingX, float spacingY) { TreeRasterNode* pRasterNode = new TreeRasterNode(pParse, pParse->childCount); pRasterNode->offset = Point2<float>(0,0); int childrenWidth = 0; for (int i=0;i<pParse->childCount;i++) { TreeRasterNode* pChildRasterNode = BuildRasterTree(&pParse->children[i], spacingX, spacingY); pRasterNode->children[i] = pChildRasterNode; childrenWidth += pChildRasterNode->width; } pRasterNode->width = std::max<int>(0, pRasterNode->childCount-1) + childrenWidth; float totalWidth = pRasterNode->width*spacingX; float startX = -1.0f * (totalWidth/2); for (int i=0;i<pRasterNode->childCount;i++) { float childWidth = (pRasterNode->children[i]->width*spacingX); pRasterNode->children[i]->offset.x = startX+childWidth/2; pRasterNode->children[i]->offset.y = spacingY; startX += (pRasterNode->children[i]->width+1)*spacingX; } pRasterNode->rasterWidth = totalWidth; return pRasterNode; } void Visualization::DrawParseTree(TreeRasterNode* pRasterNode, cv::Mat& frame, Point2<int> location) { // NOTE: drawing code here is just for test for (int i=0;i<pRasterNode->childCount;i++) { Point2<int> childLocation = location; childLocation.x += Global::Round(pRasterNode->children[i]->offset.x); childLocation.y += Global::Round(pRasterNode->children[i]->offset.y); cv::line(frame, cv::Point(location.x, location.y), cv::Point(childLocation.x, childLocation.y), cv::Scalar(0,255,0)); DrawParseTree(pRasterNode->children[i], frame, childLocation); } cv::circle(frame, cv::Point(location.x, location.y), 5, cv::Scalar(0,255,0)); } cv::Mat Visualization::VisualizeHistogram(Histogram& h) { int width = 500; int height = 100; cv::Mat frame(height, width, CV_8UC3); frame.setTo(cv::Scalar(255,255,255)); for (int i=0;i<h.GetBinCount()-1;i++) { int x1 = (width*i)/h.GetBinCount(); int x2 = (width*(i+1))/h.GetBinCount(); int y1 = height-1-Global::Round(height*h(i)); int y2 = height-1-Global::Round(height*h(i+1)); cv::line(frame, cv::Point(x1,y1), cv::Point(x2,y2), cv::Scalar(0,255,0)); } return frame; } cv::Mat Visualization::VisualizeHistograms(Histogram& h1, Histogram& h2) { int width = 500; int height = 100; cv::Mat frame(height, width, CV_8UC3); frame.setTo(cv::Scalar(255,255,255)); for (int i=0;i<h1.GetBinCount()-1;i++) { int x1 = (width*i)/h1.GetBinCount(); int x2 = (width*(i+1))/h1.GetBinCount(); int y1 = height-1-Global::Round(height*h1(i)); int y2 = height-1-Global::Round(height*h1(i+1)); cv::line(frame, cv::Point(x1,y1), cv::Point(x2,y2), cv::Scalar(0,255,0)); } for (int i=0;i<h2.GetBinCount()-1;i++) { int x1 = (width*i)/h2.GetBinCount(); int x2 = (width*(i+1))/h2.GetBinCount(); int y1 = height-1-Global::Round(height*h2(i)); int y2 = height-1-Global::Round(height*h2(i+1)); cv::line(frame, cv::Point(x1,y1), cv::Point(x2,y2), cv::Scalar(0,0,255)); } return frame; } Pix24BppBGR Visualization::JetColormap(float val) { // 'jet' colormap float r = 1.8-5.5*fabs(val-.79); float g = 1.8-5.5*fabs(val-.5); float b = 1.8-5.5*fabs(val-.21); Pix24BppBGR pix; pix.R = Global::Box<float>(255*r, 0, 255); pix.G = Global::Box<float>(255*g, 0, 255); pix.B = Global::Box<float>(255*b, 0, 255); return pix; } //use dfs to get the parse node in parse tree void Visualization::FlattenParse(ParseNode* pNode, std::vector<ParseNode*>& nodes) { nodes.push_back(pNode); for (int i=0;i<pNode->childCount;i++) { FlattenParse(&pNode->children[i], nodes); } } void Visualization::CropPart(ParseNode* pNode, cv::Mat& frame, Size2<int> templateDim, Matrix2D<Pix24BppBGR>& output) { output.Init(templateDim); Point2<int> dimH((templateDim.width-1)/2, (templateDim.height-1)/2); PartState& s = pNode->state; Production& prod = _pEnvironment->GetGrammar()->Productions(pNode->prodID); Symbol& symbol = _pEnvironment->GetGrammar()->Symbols(prod.symbolID); float levelScale = _pEnvironment->GetScaleFactor(s.scale+symbol.scaleOffset); cv::Mat frame2; int levelWidth = Global::Round(frame.cols*levelScale); int levelHeight = Global::Round(frame.rows*levelScale); cv::resize(frame, frame2, cv::Size(levelWidth, levelHeight)); for (int dx=-dimH.x;dx<=dimH.x;dx++) { for (int dy=-dimH.y;dy<=dimH.y;dy++) { float xif = levelScale*s.x+_pEnvironment->GetDX(s.orientation, dx, dy); float yif = levelScale*s.y+_pEnvironment->GetDY(s.orientation, dx, dy); int xi = (int)floor(xif); int yi = (int)floor(yif); if (!Global::CheckBounds<int>(xi, 0, levelWidth-2) || !Global::CheckBounds<int>(yi, 0, levelHeight-2)) { continue; } float deltaX = xif - xi; float deltaY = yif - yi; float w1 = (1-deltaX)*(1-deltaY); float w2 = (deltaX)*(1-deltaY); float w3 = (1-deltaX)*(deltaY); float w4 = (deltaX)*(deltaY); cv::Vec3b p1 = frame2.at<cv::Vec3b>(yi,xi); cv::Vec3b p2 = frame2.at<cv::Vec3b>(yi,xi+1); cv::Vec3b p3 = frame2.at<cv::Vec3b>(yi+1,xi); cv::Vec3b p4 = frame2.at<cv::Vec3b>(yi+1,xi+1); Pix24BppBGR pix; pix.B = (unsigned char)(w1*p1[0]+w2*p2[0]+w3*p3[0]+w4*p4[0]); pix.G = (unsigned char)(w1*p1[1]+w2*p2[1]+w3*p3[1]+w4*p4[1]); pix.R = (unsigned char)(w1*p1[2]+w2*p2[2]+w3*p3[2]+w4*p4[2]); output(dimH.x+dx,dimH.y+dy) = pix; } } } void Visualization::VisualizeMeanImages(DataSet& dataSet, bool saveCrops) { std::string visOutputDir = _pEnvironment->AppendPath(_pEnvironment->GetGlobalStrings().cachePath, "Visualization"); std::string visPooledDir = _pEnvironment->AppendPath(visOutputDir, "MeanImages"); _pEnvironment->VerifyDirectoryExists(visOutputDir); _pEnvironment->VerifyDirectoryExists(visPooledDir); int productionCount = _pEnvironment->GetGrammar()->GetProductionCount(); std::vector<std::string> cropDirs(productionCount); if (saveCrops) { std::string cropsDir = _pEnvironment->AppendPath(visPooledDir, "Crops"); _pEnvironment->VerifyDirectoryExists(cropsDir); for (int i=0;i<productionCount;i++) { Production& prod = _pEnvironment->GetGrammar()->Productions(i); Symbol& symbol = _pEnvironment->GetGrammar()->Symbols(prod.symbolID); std::string prodName = _pEnvironment->FormatString("%s_%s", symbol.name, prod.name); std::string prodCropDir = _pEnvironment->AppendPath(cropsDir, prodName); cropDirs[i] = prodCropDir; _pEnvironment->VerifyDirectoryExists(prodCropDir); } } Point2<int>* dims = new Point2<int>[productionCount]; Point2<int>* dimsH = new Point2<int>[productionCount]; Matrix2D<int>* meanR = new Matrix2D<int>[productionCount]; Matrix2D<int>* meanG = new Matrix2D<int>[productionCount]; Matrix2D<int>* meanB = new Matrix2D<int>[productionCount]; int* counts = new int[productionCount]; int* cropCounts = new int[productionCount]; memset(counts, 0x00, sizeof(int)*productionCount); memset(cropCounts, 0x00, sizeof(int)*productionCount); for (int i=0;i<productionCount;i++) { Production& prod = _pEnvironment->GetGrammar()->Productions(i); Symbol& symbol = _pEnvironment->GetGrammar()->Symbols(prod.symbolID); ModelMetadata::SymbolStats& stats = _pEnvironment->GetModelMetadata()->GetStats(prod.symbolID); float templateScaleFactor = _pEnvironment->GetScaleFactor(symbol.scaleOffset); float templateLenF = templateScaleFactor * stats.meanLength * _pEnvironment->GetModelMetadata()->GetGlobals().referenceLength; float templateWidthF = templateLenF / stats.meanAspect; // Scale the dimensions to add a small margin int margin = 10; int length = Global::Round(templateLenF+margin); int width = Global::Round(templateWidthF+margin); if ((length % 2) == 0) { length++; } if ((width % 2) == 0) { width++; } // mean - image patch for the part dims[i] = Point2<int>(length, width); dimsH[i] = Point2<int>(length/2, width/2); meanR[i].Init(dims[i].x, dims[i].y); meanG[i].Init(dims[i].x, dims[i].y); meanB[i].Init(dims[i].x, dims[i].y); } for (int iSample=0;iSample<dataSet.count;iSample++) { std::vector<ParseNode*> nodes; FlattenParse(&dataSet.parses[iSample], nodes); cv::Mat frame = cv::imread(dataSet.paths[iSample]); for (int i=0;i<nodes.size();i++) { ParseNode* pNode = nodes[i]; PartState& s = pNode->state; //if (pNode->metadata.annoOcclusionState != PartMetadata::NoOcclusion) { // continue; //} Production& prod = _pEnvironment->GetGrammar()->Productions(pNode->prodID); Symbol& symbol = _pEnvironment->GetGrammar()->Symbols(prod.symbolID); Point2<int> dim = dims[pNode->prodID]; Point2<int> dimH = dimsH[pNode->prodID]; float levelScale = _pEnvironment->GetScaleFactor(s.scale+symbol.scaleOffset); cv::Mat frame2; int levelWidth = Global::Round(frame.cols*levelScale); int levelHeight = Global::Round(frame.rows*levelScale); cv::resize(frame, frame2, cv::Size(levelWidth, levelHeight)); cv::Mat crop(dim.y, dim.x, CV_8UC3); crop.setTo(cv::Vec3b(255,255,255)); for (int dx=-dimH.x;dx<=dimH.x;dx++) { for (int dy=-dimH.y;dy<=dimH.y;dy++) { // ?????????? float xif = levelScale*s.x+_pEnvironment->GetDX(s.orientation, dx, dy); float yif = levelScale*s.y+_pEnvironment->GetDY(s.orientation, dx, dy); int xi = (int)floor(xif); int yi = (int)floor(yif); if (!Global::CheckBounds<int>(xi, 0, levelWidth-2) || !Global::CheckBounds<int>(yi, 0, levelHeight-2)) { continue; } float deltaX = xif - xi; float deltaY = yif - yi; float w1 = (1-deltaX)*(1-deltaY); float w2 = (deltaX)*(1-deltaY); float w3 = (1-deltaX)*(deltaY); float w4 = (deltaX)*(deltaY); cv::Vec3b p1 = frame2.at<cv::Vec3b>(yi,xi); cv::Vec3b p2 = frame2.at<cv::Vec3b>(yi,xi+1); cv::Vec3b p3 = frame2.at<cv::Vec3b>(yi+1,xi); cv::Vec3b p4 = frame2.at<cv::Vec3b>(yi+1,xi+1); int pix1 = (int)(w1*p1[0]+w2*p2[0]+w3*p3[0]+w4*p4[0]); int pix2 = (int)(w1*p1[1]+w2*p2[1]+w3*p3[1]+w4*p4[1]); int pix3 = (int)(w1*p1[2]+w2*p2[2]+w3*p3[2]+w4*p4[2]); cv::Vec3b p0(pix1,pix2,pix3); crop.at<cv::Vec3b>(dimH.y+dy, dimH.x+dx) = p0; meanB[pNode->prodID](dimH.x+dx,dimH.y+dy) += pix1; meanG[pNode->prodID](dimH.x+dx,dimH.y+dy) += pix2; meanR[pNode->prodID](dimH.x+dx,dimH.y+dy) += pix3; } } counts[pNode->prodID]++; if (saveCrops) { std::string cropFileName = _pEnvironment->FormatString("%i.png", cropCounts[pNode->prodID]); cv::imwrite(_pEnvironment->AppendPath(cropDirs[pNode->prodID], cropFileName), crop); cropCounts[pNode->prodID]++; } } } for (int i=0;i<productionCount;i++) { Production& prod = _pEnvironment->GetGrammar()->Productions(i); Symbol& symbol = _pEnvironment->GetGrammar()->Symbols(prod.symbolID); int count = counts[i]; if (count == 0) { continue; } cv::Mat meanImg(dims[i].y,dims[i].x,CV_8UC3); for (int x=0;x<dims[i].x;x++) { for (int y=0;y<dims[i].y;y++) { meanImg.at<cv::Vec3b>(y,x) = cv::Vec3b(meanB[i](x,y)/count, meanG[i](x,y)/count, meanR[i](x,y)/count); } } std::string fileName = _pEnvironment->AppendPath(visPooledDir, _pEnvironment->FormatString("%s_%s_mean.png", symbol.name, prod.name)); cv::imwrite(fileName, meanImg); } delete[] dims; delete[] dimsH; delete[] meanR; delete[] meanG; delete[] meanB; delete[] counts; delete[] cropCounts; }