ctrl+e+d 自动排版
Ctrl+e+c 为所选代码增加注释
Ctrl+e+u 为所选注释取消注释
ctrl+delete 删除光标右侧的第一个代码元素(如关键字、变量、运算符等)
ctrl+- 或 shift+F7 切换到设计视图(F7 从设计视图切换回代码视图)
ctrl+m+m 折叠或打开光标所在代码所属块(如类、方法、region等)
ctrl+m+o 折叠所有如方法或region。可用ctrol+m+l 恢复。
ctrol+m+l 折叠或打开所有类至空间层。
alt+上下方向键 所选段码上下跳移。
方向键, 移动所选控件,步进为1pix 。
ctrl+方向键, 移动所选控件,步进为系统预设 。
in the code viewer
ctrl+e+d auto adjust the format of the code.
Ctrl+e+c add comment
Ctrl+e+u cancel comment
ctrl+delete delete the first word that locat at the right of the cursor.
ctrl+- or shift+F7 change to design viewer from code viewer.
F7 change to code viewer from design viewer
ctrl+m+m close or open current code section
ctrl+m+o tuck all method,include Region ect.
ctrol+m+l tuck or open all class,and open all method when open class .
in the desige viewer
direct key:move controler by 1pix
ctrl+direct:move controler to next postion that is preset pix.
shift+direct key:adjust the size of a controler by 1 pix.
ctrl+shift+direct key:adjust the size of a controler by preset pix.