Over receive ASN shipped quantity 导致的 bug

1.     Createa PO with quantity 120.

Over receive ASN shipped quantity 导致的 bug_第1张图片

2.     Create 2 ASN, ASN48 forquantity 48, ASN33 for quantity 33.

        Note here, ASN33is split into 2 lines, one is 24, another is 9.

Over receive ASN shipped quantity 导致的 bug_第2张图片

Over receive ASN shipped quantity 导致的 bug_第3张图片

Over receive ASN shipped quantity 导致的 bug_第4张图片

3.     Go to receive 48 for ASN48.

Over receive ASN shipped quantity 导致的 bug_第5张图片

4.   Receive ASN33.customer see 3 records here. 30 is against po, and the other two for ASN33.

Over receive ASN shipped quantity 导致的 bug_第6张图片

5.     Customer may think they couldreceive these 24+9=33 in one transaction, and Oracle allows over receive theshipped quantity.

        So Ct received 33 against the record 24.

Over receive ASN shipped quantity 导致的 bug_第7张图片

6.     After that, Ct found the record9 is still there. So he has to receive it.

Over receive ASN shipped quantity 导致的 bug_第8张图片

7.     In this way, Ct has received 33+ 9 for ASN33. So Ct corrected all of them.

Over receive ASN shipped quantity 导致的 bug_第9张图片

8.     After correction for Deliver,in MTL_SUPPLY, there are 3 records, 9 and 33 for receiving, 30 for PO.

9.     Continue correct for Receive.

Over receive ASN shipped quantity 导致的 bug_第10张图片

10.     After this step, MTL_SUPPLY has3 records, 9 and 33 for shipment, 30 for PO

11.     Then Ct go to receive the 24+9at one transaction

Over receive ASN shipped quantity 导致的 bug_第11张图片

12.     By this step, MTL_SUPPLY has 2records, 9 for shipment, 30 for PO.

          The 9 leftbecause the original quantity is 33, and 24 received.


13.     Ok, until this step, we have exactlythe same data as customer. please refer to RCV11i_po_5908-_.html.


14.     In form, when query for thisPO, we can only find 30, other 9 is missing.

Over receive ASN shipped quantity 导致的 bug_第12张图片

15.     Why 9 is missing?




        So there are 3incorrect records here:

        PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL.QUANTITY_SHIPPED = 9 which should be 0.

        MTL_SUPPLY.QUANTITY= 30, which should be 39.

        MTL_SUPLLY.SUPPLY_SOURCE_CODE= SHIPMENT, this record should not exist.
