如何设计一个LRU Cache?

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cache pair hashmap 数据结构 powerbuilder object

 如何设计一个LRU Cache?




[1] Design a layer in front of a system which cache the last n requests and the responses to them from the system.

what data structure would you use to implement the cache in the later to support following operations.

[a] When a request comes look it up in the cache and if it hits then return the response from here and do not pass the request to the system
[b] If the request is not found in the cache then pass it on to the system
[c] Since cache can only store the last n requests, Insert the n+1th request in the cache and delete one of the older requests from the cache


[d]Design one cache such that all operations can be done in O(1) – lookup, delete and insert.


Cache(高速缓存), 一个在计算机中几乎随时接触的概念。CPU中Cache能极大提高存取数据和指令的时间,让整个存储器(Cache+内存)既有Cache的高速度,又能有内存的大容量;操作系统中的内存page中使用的Cache能使得频繁读取的内存磁盘文件较少的被置换出内存,从而提高访问速度;数据库中数据查询也用到Cache来提高效率;即便是Powerbuilder的DataWindow数据处理也用到了Cache的类似设计。Cache的算法设计常见的有FIFO(first in first out)和LRU(least recently used)。根据题目的要求,显然是要设计一个LRU的Cache。




  注: 对于双向链表的使用,基于两个考虑。首先是Cache中块的命中可能是随机的,和Load进来的顺序无关。其次,双向链表插入、删除很快,可以灵活的调整相互间的次序,时间复杂度为O(1)。





  • 根据键值查询hashmap,若命中,则返回节点,否则返回null。
  • 从双向链表中删除命中的节点,将其重新插入到表头。
  • 所有操作的复杂度均为O(1)。


  • 将新的节点关联到Hashmap
  • 如果Cache满了,删除双向链表的尾节点,同时删除Hashmap对应的记录
  • 将新的节点插入到双向链表中头部


  • 和查询相似


  • 从双向链表和Hashmap中同时删除对应的记录。

LRU Cache的Java 实现:

 public interface Cache<K extends Comparable, V> {

   V get(K obj);  //查询

   void put(K key, V obj); //插入和更新

   void put(K key, V obj, long validTime);

   void remove(K key); //删除

   Pair[] getAll();

   int size();


  public class Pair<K extends Comparable, V> implements Comparable<Pair> {

   public Pair(K key1, V value1) {

      this.key = key1;

      this.value = value1;


   public K key;

   public V value;

   public boolean equals(Object obj) {

      if(obj instanceof Pair) {

         Pair p = (Pair)obj;

         return key.equals(p.key)&&value.equals(p.value);


      return false;



   public int compareTo(Pair p) {

      int v = key.compareTo(p.key);

      if(v==0) {

         if(p.value instanceof Comparable) {

            return ((Comparable)value).compareTo(p.value);



      return v;



   public int hashCode() {

      return key.hashCode()^value.hashCode();



   public String toString() {

      return key+": "+value;



 public class LRUCache<K extends Comparable, V> implements Cache<K, V>,

      Serializable {

   private static final long serialVersionUID = 3674312987828041877L;

   Map<K, Item> m_map = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<K, Item>());

   Item m_start = new Item();      //表头

   Item m_end = new Item();        //表尾

   int m_maxSize;

   Object m_listLock = new Object();        //用于并发的锁

   static class Item {

      public Item(Comparable k, Object v, long e) {

         key = k;

         value = v;

         expires = e;


      public Item() {}

      public Comparable key;        //键值

      public Object value;          //对象

       public long expires;          //有效期

      public Item previous;

      public Item next;


   void removeItem(Item item) {

      synchronized(m_listLock) {

         item.previous.next = item.next;

         item.next.previous = item.previous;



   void insertHead(Item item) {

      synchronized(m_listLock) {

         item.previous = m_start;

         item.next = m_start.next;

         m_start.next.previous = item;

         m_start.next = item;



   void moveToHead(Item item) {

      synchronized(m_listLock) {

         item.previous.next = item.next;

         item.next.previous = item.previous;

         item.previous = m_start;

         item.next = m_start.next;

         m_start.next.previous = item;

         m_start.next = item;



   public LRUCache(int maxObjects) {

      m_maxSize = maxObjects;

      m_start.next = m_end;

      m_end.previous = m_start;



   public Pair[] getAll() {

      Pair p[] = new Pair[m_maxSize];

      int count = 0;

      synchronized(m_listLock) {

         Item cur = m_start.next;

         while(cur!=m_end) {

            p[count] = new Pair(cur.key, cur.value);


            cur = cur.next;



      Pair np[] = new Pair[count];

      System.arraycopy(p, 0, np, 0, count);

      return np;



   public V get(K key) {

      Item cur = m_map.get(key);

      if(cur==null) {

         return null;



      if(System.currentTimeMillis()>cur.expires) {



         return null;


      if(cur!=m_start.next) {



      return (V)cur.value;


   public void put(K key, V obj) {

      put(key, obj, -1);


   public void put(K key, V value, long validTime) {

      Item cur = m_map.get(key);

      if(cur!=null) {

         cur.value = value;

         if(validTime>0) {

            cur.expires = System.currentTimeMillis()+validTime;


         else {

            cur.expires = Long.MAX_VALUE;


         moveToHead(cur);  //成为最新的对象,移动到头部



      if(m_map.size()>=m_maxSize) {

         cur = m_end.previous;




      long expires=0;

      if(validTime>0) {

         expires = System.currentTimeMillis()+validTime;


      else {

         expires = Long.MAX_VALUE;


      Item item = new Item(key, value, expires);


      m_map.put(key, item);


   public void remove(K key) {

      Item cur = m_map.get(key);

      if(cur==null) {






   public int size() {

      return m_map.size();


