PyCon 2011 - Hidden Treasures of the Python Standard Library

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  1. PyCon 2011 - Hidden Treasures of the Python Standard Library - Source code
  2. PyCon 2011 - Hidden Treasures of the Python Standard Library - 将sqlite3的查询输出转化为python列表格式
  3. PyCon 2011 - Hidden Treasures of the Python Standard Library - 自定义sqlite3数据表字段数据类型
  4. PyCon 2011 - Hidden Treasures of the Python Standard Library - 模拟hmac摘要算法的实现
  5. PyCon 2011 - Hidden Treasures of the Python Standard Library - json序列化操作
  6. PyCon 2011 - Hidden Treasures of the Python Standard Library - 全局异常捕获
  7. PyCon 2011 - Hidden Treasures of the Python Standard Library - logging日志处理
  8. PyCon 2011 - Hidden Treasures of the Python Standard Library - 获得夏时令标识符
  9. PyCon 2011 - Hidden Treasures of the Python Standard Library - 自定义交互模式表达式计数器
  10. PyCon 2011 - Hidden Treasures of the Python Standard Library - 词法分析器分析命令行参数
  11. PyCon 2011 - Hidden Treasures of the Python Standard Library - 解析电子邮件地址
  12. PyCon 2011 - Hidden Treasures of the Python Standard Library - 为Python命令行添加了按键自动补全内容和命令历史功能
  13. PyCon 2011 - Hidden Treasures of the Python Standard Library - 邮件地址正则表达式匹配
