Generating Multivariate Normal Data by Using PROC IML :
1.Generate the bivariate normal data
/* Generate the bivariate normal data */ data one; mean1=0; *mean for y1; mean2=10; *mean for y2; sig1=2; *SD for y1; sig2=5; *SD for y2; rho=0.5; *Correlation between y1 and y2; do i = 1 to 1000; r1 = rannor(1245); r2 = rannor(2923); y1 = mean1 + sig1*r1; y2 = mean2 + rho*sig2*r1+sqrt(sig2**2-sig2**2*rho**2)*r2; output; end; keep y1 y2; *proc print; run;
2.Generate the multivariate normal data by using PROC IML
a.nonmacro version
beginning with the correlation matrix R and a vector of means and standard deviations
/* Generate the multivariate normal data in SAS/IML */ /* non-macro version */ data MVN_par; /* data for the parameter for the multivariate normal data */ input r1 r2 r3 means vars; cards; 1.0 -0.5 0.9 100 2 -0.5 1.0 -0.7 200 5 0.9 -0.7 1.0 300 10 ; proc iml; use MVN_par; read all var {r1 r2 r3} into R; read all var {means} into mu; read all var {vars} into sigma; p = ncol(R); diag_sig = diag( sigma ); DRD = diag_sig * R * diag_sig`; U = half(DRD); do i = 1 to 1000; z = rannor( j(p,1,1234)); y = mu + U` * z; yprime = y`; yall = yall // yprime; end; varnames = { y1 y2 y3 }; create my_MVN from yall (|colname = varnames|); append from yall; quit; proc print data=my_MVN;run;
b.macro version
for any dimension multivariate normal data with variance-covariance matrix and means
%macro mvn(varcov=, means=, n=, myMVN=); /* arguments for the macro: 1. covcov: data set for variance-covariance matrix 2. means: data set for mean vector 3. n: sample size 4. myMVN: output data set name */ proc iml; use &varcov; /* read in data for variance-covariance matrix */ read all into sigma; use &means; /* read in data for means */ read all into mu; p = nrow(sigma); /* calculate number of variables */ n = &n; l = t(half(sigma)); /* calculate cholesky root of cov matrix */ z = normal(j(p,&n,1234)); /* generate nvars*samplesize normals */ y = l*z; /* premultiply by cholesky root */ yall = t(repeat(mu,1,&n)+y); /* add in the means */ varnames = { y1 y2 y3 }; create &myMVN from yall (|colname = varnames|); append from yall; quit; %mend mvn; data means1; input x @@; cards; 100 200 300 ; run; data varcov1; input x1-x3; cards; 4 -5 18 -5 25 -35 18 -35 100 ; run; %mvn(varcov=varcov1, means=means1, n=1000, myMVN=my_MNV) proc print data=my_MNV;run;
proc univariate normal noprint data=test1;
var y1 y2 y3;
output out=new mean=avg1 avg2 avg3 std=std1 std2 std3 probn=prob1 prob2 prob3;
proc print data=new;
proc corr data=test1 noprint outp=mycorr;
var y1 y2 y3;
proc print data=mycorr;
goptions reset=all;
symbol1 value=dot cv=blue height=0.5 width=2;
proc gplot data=test1;
plot y1*y2 y2*y3 y1*y3;
proc gchart data=test1;
vbar y1 y2 y3;
Generate Multivariate normal data in R
1.Generate the bivariate normal data
rbivariate <- function(mean.x = 0, sd.x=2, mean.y=10, sd.y=5, r=.50, iter=1000) { z1 <- rnorm(1245) z2 <- rnorm(2923) x <- sqrt(1-r^2)*sd.x*z1 + r*sd.x*z2 + mean.x y <- sd.y*z2 + mean.y return(list(x,y)) } data <- rbivariate(iter=1000) data mean(data[[1]]) sd(data[[1]]) mean(data[[2]]) sd(data[[2]]) plot(data[[1]],data[[2]])
2.multivariate normal data with variance-covariance matrix and means
rmultnorm<-function(n,muvec,sigmat){ # Original code written by Kert Viele # Modified by Mark Lancaster. # n is the number of random vectors to be generated # mu is the mean vector, sigmat is the variance-covariance matrix # the function returns an n by p matrix with each row being a # random vector from a multivariate normal with mean vector muvec # and covariance matrix sigmat if(length(muvec)==1){ temp<-rnorm(n,muvec,sqrt(sigmat)) return(temp) } else{ sigeigen<-eigen(sigmat) amat<-sigeigen$vectors%*%diag(sqrt(sigeigen$values)) temp<-matrix(rnorm(n*length(muvec),0,1),ncol=n) temp<-(amat%*%temp)+muvec temp<-t(temp) return(temp) } }
we can get more information on how to generate multivariate normal data in R,from:
however,there are also some packages do the same job,such as "MSBVAR"