图1 update-script内容截图
图2 函数注册
static int try_update_binary(const char *path, ZipArchive *zip, int* wipe_cache) { const ZipEntry* binary_entry = mzFindZipEntry(zip, ASSUMED_UPDATE_BINARY_NAME); if (binary_entry == NULL) { mzCloseZipArchive(zip); return INSTALL_CORRUPT; } char* binary = "/tmp/update_binary"; unlink(binary); int fd = creat(binary, 0755); if (fd < 0) { mzCloseZipArchive(zip); LOGE("Can't make %s\n", binary); return INSTALL_ERROR; } bool ok = mzExtractZipEntryToFile(zip, binary_entry, fd); close(fd); mzCloseZipArchive(zip); if (!ok) { LOGE("Can't copy %s\n", ASSUMED_UPDATE_BINARY_NAME); return INSTALL_ERROR; } int pipefd[2]; pipe(pipefd); // When executing the update binary contained in the package, the // arguments passed are: // // - the version number for this interface // // - an fd to which the program can write in order to update the // progress bar. The program can write single-line commands: // // progress <frac> <secs> // fill up the next <frac> part of of the progress bar // over <secs> seconds. If <secs> is zero, use // set_progress commands to manually control the // progress of this segment of the bar // // set_progress <frac> // <frac> should be between 0.0 and 1.0; sets the // progress bar within the segment defined by the most // recent progress command. // // firmware <"hboot"|"radio"> <filename> // arrange to install the contents of <filename> in the // given partition on reboot. // // (API v2: <filename> may start with "PACKAGE:" to // indicate taking a file from the OTA package.) // // (API v3: this command no longer exists.) // // ui_print <string> // display <string> on the screen. // // - the name of the package zip file. // char** args = malloc(sizeof(char*) * 5); args[0] = binary; args[1] = EXPAND(RECOVERY_API_VERSION); // defined in Android.mk args[2] = malloc(10); sprintf(args[2], "%d", pipefd[1]); args[3] = (char*)path; args[4] = NULL; pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { close(pipefd[0]); execv(binary, args); fprintf(stdout, "E:Can't run %s (%s)\n", binary, strerror(errno)); _exit(-1); } close(pipefd[1]); *wipe_cache = 0; char buffer[1024]; FILE* from_child = fdopen(pipefd[0], "r"); while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), from_child) != NULL) { char* command = strtok(buffer, " \n"); if (command == NULL) { continue; } else if (strcmp(command, "progress") == 0) { char* fraction_s = strtok(NULL, " \n"); char* seconds_s = strtok(NULL, " \n"); float fraction = strtof(fraction_s, NULL); int seconds = strtol(seconds_s, NULL, 10); ui_show_progress(fraction * (1-VERIFICATION_PROGRESS_FRACTION), seconds); } else if (strcmp(command, "set_progress") == 0) { char* fraction_s = strtok(NULL, " \n"); float fraction = strtof(fraction_s, NULL); ui_set_progress(fraction); } else if (strcmp(command, "ui_print") == 0) { char* str = strtok(NULL, "\n"); if (str) { ui_print("%s", str); } else { ui_print("\n"); } } else if (strcmp(command, "wipe_cache") == 0) { *wipe_cache = 1; } else { LOGE("unknown command [%s]\n", command); } } fclose(from_child); int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) { LOGE("Error in %s\n(Status %d)\n", path, WEXITSTATUS(status)); return INSTALL_ERROR; } return INSTALL_SUCCESS; }
代码段1 try_update_binary函数
./bootable/recovery/install.c中的try_update_binary函数,是真正实现读取升级包中的脚本文件并执行相应的函数的地方。在此函数中,通过调用fork函数创建出一个子进程(代码第72行),在子进程中开始读取并执行升级脚本文件(代码73-78)。在此需要注意的是函数fork的用法,fork被调用一次,将做两次返回,在父进程中返回的是子进程的进程ID,为正数;而在子进程中,则返回0。因此代码73-78事实是子进程中所进行的操作,即execv(binary, args)。子进程创建成功后,开始执行升级代码,并通过管道与父进程交互(代码27-28,创建管道,并将pipefd[1]作为参数传递给子进程,子进程则将相关信息写入到此管道描述符中);而父进程则通过读取子进程传递过来的信息更新UI(代码84-114)。