从NAND Flash启动的原理很简单,就是利用S3C2440内部4K大小的SRAM,存储在NAND Flash中的代码不能被执行,而S3C2440在从NAND Flash启动把NAND Flash的前4k代码复制到SRAM中运行,U-boot支持从NAND Flash启动的方法就是利用这前4K代码完成SDRAM的初始化(SDRAM有64M),然后还要完成从U-boot代码从NAND Flash中复制到SDRAM中,然后再跳转到SDRAM中去运行完整的U-boot。
为了便于系统启动的方便,可以在start.S文件中添加代码以识别系统是从NAND Flash启动还是从NOR Flash启动,从S3C2440芯片手册中可以看到
到OM[1:0]都为0时,说明是从NAND Flash启动,01和10都是从NOR Flash启动,OM[1:0]就是寄存器BWSCON的第2位~第1位(DW0)
一、添加NOR Flash启动和NAND Flash启动的识别
#ifndef CONFIG_SKIP_LOWLEVEL_INIT bl cpu_init_crit #endif #define BWSCON 0x48000000 ldr r0, =BWSCON ldr r0, [r0] ands r0, r0, #0x6 tst r0, #0x0 bne norflash_boot /*OM[1:0] != 0, 跳转到NOR FLASH 启动处*/ /*判断uboot是从nand flash启动还是从 nor flash启动*/
norflash_boot: #ifndef CONFIG_SKIP_RELOCATE_UBOOT relocate:
二、添加NAND Flash的U-boot代码从NAND FLash到SDRAM搬移的代码
在前面修改的 bne norflash_boot ,227行后添加
/*****************************nand boot**************************/ nandflash_boot: #define LENGTH_UBOOT 0x40000 #define NAND_CTL_BASE 0x4e000000 #define oNFCONF 0x00 #define oNFCONT 0x04 #define oNFCMD 0x08 #define oNFSTAT 0x20 @reset NAND mov r1,#NAND_CTL_BASE ldr r2,=((7<<12)|(7<<8)|(7<<4)) str r2,[r1,#oNFCONF] ldr r2,[r1,#oNFCONF] ldr r2,=((1<<4)|(1<<1)|(1<<0)) @Active low CE control str r2,[r1,#oNFCONT] ldr r2,[r1,#oNFCONT] @ get read to call C functions ldr sp,DW_STACK_START @setup stack point mov fp,#0 @no previous frame, so fp = 0 @copy Uboot to ram ldr r0, =TEXT_BASE mov r1,#0x0 mov r2,#LENGTH_UBOOT bl nand_read_ll tst r0,#0x0 beq ok_nand_read bad_nand_read: loop2: b loop2 @infinite loop ok_nand_read: @verify mov r0,#0 ldr r1,=TEXT_BASE mov r2,#0x400 @ compare 4k code from sram to sdram go_next: ldr r3, [r0], #4 ldr r4, [r1], #4 teq r3, r4 bne notmatch subs r2,r2,#4 tst r2,#0x0 @do not forget the instruction if have not this command the uboot can't break the loop beq stack_setup bne go_next notmatch: loop3: b loop3 @infinite loop /*****************************nand boot**************************/
上面这部分代码首先初始化了NAND Flash寄存器,然后进行了一个函数调用(这个函数中完成了代码搬移)后面则是对复制出来的数据进行一个简单的校验。在327行附近添加为:
_start_armboot: .word start_armboot #define STACK_BASE 0x33f00000 #define STACK_SIZE 0x10000 .align 2 DW_STACK_START: .word STACK_BASE+STACK_SIZE-4
三、添加C语言从NAND Flash搬移代码部分
/* * vivi/s3c2410/nand_read.c: Simple NAND read functions for booting from NAND * * Copyright (C) 2002 MIZI Research, Inc. * * Author: Hwang, Chideok <hwang@mizi.com> * Date : $Date: 2002/08/14 10:26:47 $ * * $Revision: 1.6 $ * $Id: param.c,v 1.9 2002/07/11 06:17:20 nandy Exp * */ #include <config.h> #define __REGb(x) (*(volatile unsigned char *)(x)) #define __REGi(x) (*(volatile unsigned int *)(x)) #define NF_BASE 0x4e000000 /*S3C2440与S3C2440 nandflash控制寄存器地址不同需要进行修改*/ #define NFCONF __REGi(NF_BASE + 0x0) #define NFCONT __REGi(NF_BASE + 0x4) #define NFCMD __REGb(NF_BASE + 0x8) #define NFADDR __REGb(NF_BASE + 0xc) #define NFDATA __REGb(NF_BASE + 0x10) #define NFSTAT __REGb(NF_BASE + 0x20) #define NAND_CHIP_ENABLE (NFCONT &= ~(1<<1)) #define NAND_CHIP_DISABLE (NFCONT |= (1<<1)) #define NAND_CLEAR_RB (NFSTAT |= (1<<2)) #define NAND_DETECT_RB {while(! (NFSTAT&(1<<2)));} #define NAND_ECC_CLEAR (NFCONT |= 0x10) /*see data sheet P193*/ #define BUSY 1 static inline void wait_idle(void) { int i; while(!(NFSTAT & BUSY)) for(i=0; i<10; i++); } /*根据fl2440的nand flash 作相应修改*/ #define NAND_SECTOR_SIZE 2048 #define NAND_BLOCK_MASK (NAND_SECTOR_SIZE - 1) /* low level nand read function */ int nand_read_ll(unsigned char *buf, unsigned long start_addr, int size) { int i, j; int pagenum; if ((start_addr & NAND_BLOCK_MASK) || (size & NAND_BLOCK_MASK)) { return -1; /* invalid alignment */ } /* chip Enable */ NAND_CHIP_ENABLE; for(i = start_addr; i < (start_addr + size);) { /* READ0 */ NAND_CLEAR_RB; for(j = 0; j < 10; j++); pagenum = i >> 11; /* Write Address 该步骤详见nand flash(k9f2g08u0a)手册p17 参考fl2440开发板nand_lowlevel.c文件中ReadPage函数 */ NFCMD = 0x0; NFADDR = 0; NFADDR = 0; NFADDR = pagenum & 0xff; NFADDR = (pagenum >> 8) & 0xff; NFADDR = (pagenum >> 16) & 0xff; /*如果不理解见数据手册nand flashP9*/ NFCMD = 0x30; wait_idle(); for(j=0; j < NAND_SECTOR_SIZE; j++) { *buf = (NFDATA & 0xff); buf++; } i += NAND_SECTOR_SIZE; } NAND_CHIP_DISABLE; /* chip Disable */ return 0; }
开发板的NAND Flash型号为k9f2g08u0a,它的容量是256MByte,NAND Flash的最小读取单位是以页为单位的,即2KByte(12位)每页,共128K页(17位),而地址线是8位的,因此当需要读取一页时,需分周期发送页地址,这款芯片规定前两个地址周期发送页内地址,后面的三周期发送页编号,它的流程如表1:
表1 NAND Flash地址
I/O 0 |
I/O 1 |
I/O 2 |
I/O 3 |
I/O 4 |
I/O 5 |
I/O 6 |
I/O 7 |
第一周期 |
A0 |
A1 |
A2 |
A3 |
A4 |
A5 |
A6 |
A7 |
第二周期 |
A8 |
A9 |
A10 |
A11 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
第三周期 |
A12 |
A13 |
A14 |
A15 |
A16 |
A17 |
A18 |
A19 |
第四周期 |
A20 |
A21 |
A22 |
A23 |
A24 |
A25 |
A26 |
A27 |
第五周期 |
A28 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
COBJS := fl2440.o nand_read.o flash.o
.text : { arch/arm/cpu/arm920t/start.o (.text) board/fl2440/lowlevel_init.o (.text) board/fl2440/nand_read.o (.text) *(.text) }
修改include/configs/fl2440.h中,添加相关的宏定义以支持NAND Flash的串口操作命令:
#define CONFIG_CMD_NAND /*****add by yanghao*****/#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NAND)
#define CONFIG_NAND_S3C2410 #define CONFIG_SYS_MAX_NAND_DEVICE 1 /* Max number of NAND devices */ #define NAND_MAX_CHIPS 1 #define CONFIG_SYS_NAND_BASE 0x4E000000
然后将开发板设置成为从NAND Flash启动,将编译出来的u-boot.bin烧写入NAND Flash,上电这样就完成了从NAND Flash的启动。