DoG code: function pic=DoG(I) if size(I,3)==3 I=rgb2gray(I); end I=double(I); h1=fspecial('gaussian',15,1); h2=fspecial('gaussian',15,2); m=filter2(h2,I)-filter2(h1,I); R=m; mi=min(min(R)); ma=max(max(R)); newR=(R-mi)*255/(ma-mi); pic=uint8(newR);
Given a m-channels, n-dimensional image
The difference of Gaussians (DoG) of the image is the function
obtained by subtracting the image convolved with the Gaussian of variance from the imageconvolved with a Gaussian of narrower variance , with. In one dimension, is defined as:
and for the centered two-dimensional case :
which is formally equivalent to:
which represents an image convoluted to the difference of two Gaussians, which approximates aMexican Hat function.
function [pic,ipic]=selfQuotient(I) if size(I,3)==3 G=rgb2gray(I); else G=I; end G=double(G); G=(G-min(min(G)))/(max(max(G))-min(min(G)))*255;%对比度拉升 % thr=mean(G); % w=zeros(rows,cols); % for i=1:rows % for j=1:cols % if(I(i,j)>thr) % w(i,j)=0; % else % w(i,j)=1; % end % end % end h1=fspecial('gaussian',7,1); % h1=h1.*w; f1=filter2(h1,G); R=G./f1; mi=min(min(R)); ma=max(max(R)); newR=(R-mi)*255/(ma-mi); pic=uint8(newR); ipic=uint8(f1);处理效果图: