Kaggle情感分析(Bag of Words Meets Bags of Popcorn)

Kaggle上有两个情感分析的任务,这是其中的一个Bag of Words Meets Bags of Popcorn。任务虽然已经结束了,但是还有点研究的意义。
这个Blog写了用简单的TDF 作为Feature,然后用简单的M-Bayesian方法来进行分类。http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/jmsteinw/Notebooks/blob/master/NLP_Movies.ipynb

1 测试加载数据


2 写一个基于LSTM的模型

将文章转换为一个word sequence,然后将每个word映射为一个向量,在上面直接用LSTM来做Classification。


(‘Train ‘, 0.31977043441405351, ‘Valid ‘, 0.40485674490569001)


best Train 0.500157513046 best Test 0.504475696675

3 看一篇文章使用CNN的

实现这个模型。也使用Word2vec来Initial Embedding。

5_mr_cnn.py 明显Overfit
(‘Train ‘, 0.0, ‘Valid ‘, 0.10599999999999998)
best Train 0.0 best Test 0.104
The code run for 100 epochs, with 79.829817 sec/epochs
Training took 7983.0s
precision recall f1-score support

      0       0.90      0.88      0.89      2483
      1       0.89      0.91      0.90      2517

avg / total 0.90 0.90 0.90 5000

6_mr_cnn.py 加入dropout

4 使用Word2Vec来Pretrain

3_mr_lstm.py 用最后的一个输出
(‘Train ‘, 0.35430654320040156, ‘Valid ‘, 0.39911492640815416)
Seen 20000 samples
best Train 0.32228788388 best Test 0.340027012211
The code run for 200 epochs, with 160.020890 sec/epochs
Training took 32004.2s
precision recall f1-score support

      0       0.54      0.98      0.69      2483
      1       0.88      0.17      0.29      2517

avg / total 0.71 0.57 0.49 5000

4_mr_lstm.py 用LSTM输出sequence的mean:

(‘Train ‘, 0.36674888341365341, ‘Valid ‘, 0.41000973615537728)
Seen 19997 samples
best Train 0.298261539235 best Test 0.343271244447
The code run for 200 epochs, with 152.172339 sec/epochs
Training took 30434.5s
precision recall f1-score support

      0       0.54      0.97      0.69      2483
      1       0.85      0.18      0.30      2517

avg / total 0.70 0.57 0.50 5000

你可能感兴趣的:(Kaggle情感分析(Bag of Words Meets Bags of Popcorn))