

记得去年公选haskell函数程序设计的时候老师让我们用haskell 语言实现过这个游戏,当时对于语言学得吃力,所以没有实现好,现在看到这个游戏的实现,觉得些许熟悉……

运用了string库函数,包括size(), length(), find(), constructor, operator== and so on.

// hangman 猜字游戏
// created by yun on 2016, 05, 04

using namespace std;
const int NUM = 26;
const string wordlist[NUM] = {
  "apiary", "beetle", "cereal", "danger", "ensign",
  "florid", "garage", "health", "insult", "jackal",
  "keeper", "loaner", "manage", "nonce", "onset",
  "plaid", "quilt", "remote", "stolid", "strain",
  "useful", "valid", "whence", "xenon", "yearn",

int main() {
  // 随机数
  char play;
  cout << "will you play a word game?<y/n>";
  cin >> play;
  play = tolower(play);
  while (play == 'y') {
    string target = wordlist[rand()%NUM];
    int length = target.length();
    string attempt(length, '-');
    string badchars;
    int guesses = 6;
    cout << "Guess my secret word. It has " << length << "letters, and you" <<
    " guess one letter at a time. You get " << guesses << "wrong guesses" << endl;
    cout << "your word: " << attempt << endl;
    while (guesses > 0&&attempt != target) {
      char letter;
      cout << "guess a letter:";
      cin >> letter;
      if (badchars.find(letter) != string::npos||attempt.find(letter) != string::npos) {
        cout << "You already guess that. Try again." << endl;
      int loc = target.find(letter);
      if (loc == string::npos) {
        cout << "Oh, bad guess!" << endl;
        badchars += letter;
      } else {
        cout << "Good guess!" << endl;
        attempt[loc] = letter;
        loc = target.find(letter, loc+1);
        while (loc != string::npos) {
          attempt[loc] = letter;
          loc = target.find(letter, loc + 1);
      cout << "Your word:" << attempt << endl;
      if (attempt != target) {
        if (badchars.length() > 0)
          cout << "Bad choices: " << badchars << endl;
        cout << guesses << " guesses left" << endl;
    if (guesses > 0) cout << "That is rigth" << endl;
    else cout << "Sorry, the word is " << target << endl;
      cout << "Will you play another?<y/n>";
      cin >> play;
      play = tolower(play);
  cout << "bye" << endl;
  return 0;


will you play a word game?<y/n>y
Guess my secret word. It has 6letters, and you guess one letter at a time. You get 6wrong guesses
your word: ------
guess a letter:e
Good guess!
Your word:----e-
6 guesses left
guess a letter:a
Good guess!
Your word:--a-e-
6 guesses left
guess a letter:t
Oh, bad guess!
Your word:--a-e-
Bad choices: t
5 guesses left
guess a letter:r
Good guess!
Your word:--a-er
Bad choices: t
5 guesses left
guess a letter:y
Oh, bad guess!
Your word:--a-er
Bad choices: ty
4 guesses left
guess a letter:i
Oh, bad guess!
Your word:--a-er
Bad choices: tyi
3 guesses left
guess a letter:p
Oh, bad guess!
Your word:--a-er
Bad choices: tyip
2 guesses left
guess a letter:m
Oh, bad guess!
Your word:--a-er
Bad choices: tyipm
1 guesses left
guess a letter:g
Oh, bad guess!
Your word:--a-er
Bad choices: tyipmg
0 guesses left
Sorry, the word is loaner


if (badchars.find(letter) != string::npos||attempt.find(letter) != string::npos)

srand(time(0)); // 先设置种子
rand(); // 产生随机数
