VPython - example - A simple redblue stereovision effort

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From http://linuxgazette.net/144/john.html

#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from visual.text import * import time #importing pygame to play the background music :) #import pygame #Uncomment it if you have the redblue goggles scene.stereo='redblue' scene.title = "Renaissance" #scene.fullscreen = 1 scene.fov = 0.001 scene.range = 0 rate(100) # Uncomment this if you need to play the background music #pygame.mixer.init() #intromusic=pygame.mixer.Sound("/usr/share/sounds/KDE_Startup.wav") #pygame.mixer.Sound.play(intromusic) def intro(): Title= text(pos=(0,3,0), string='MCA PROUDLY PRESENTS', color=color.red, depth=0.3, justify='center') for i in range(20): rate(10) scene.range = i Title.makeinvisible() scene.range = 0 Header= text(pos=(0,3,0), string='RENAISSANCE 2005', color=color.yellow, depth=0.3, justify='center') for i in range(20): rate(10) scene.fov = 3 scene.range = i # Now play with colors Header.reshape(color= color.cyan) time.sleep(1) Header.reshape(color= color.blue) time.sleep(1) Header.reshape(color= color.green) time.sleep(1) Header.reshape(color=color.orange) time.sleep(1) Header.reshape(color= color.red) # Now let's delete the Header Header.makeinvisible() scene.range = 10 scene.fov = 0.2 Body= text(pos=(0,3,0), string='A CELEBRATION OF LINUX ', color=color.red, depth=0.3, justify='center') Body.reshape(color=color.orange) #Here I am not adding the rest of the code as it just shows the schedule of that days programs # Invoking intro() if __name__ == '__main__': intro()


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