Unity3D expand hierachry by code


  public static void SetExpandedRecursive(GameObject go, bool expand)
        var type = typeof(EditorWindow).Assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.SceneHierarchyWindow");
        var methodInfo = type.GetMethod("SetExpandedRecursive");

        var window = EditorWindow.focusedWindow;

        methodInfo.Invoke(window, new object[] { go.GetInstanceID(), expand });
        //Selection.activeObject = go;

    public static void Collapse(GameObject go, bool collapse)
        // bail out immediately if the go doesn't have children
        if (go.transform.childCount == 0) return;

        // get a reference to the hierarchy window
        var hierarchy = GetFocusedWindow("Hierarchy");

        // select our go

        // create a new key event (RightArrow for collapsing, LeftArrow for folding)
        var key = new Event { keyCode = collapse ? KeyCode.RightArrow : KeyCode.LeftArrow, type = EventType.keyDown };

        // finally, send the window the event

    public static void SelectObject(Object obj)
        Selection.activeObject = obj;

    public static EditorWindow GetFocusedWindow(string window)
        return EditorWindow.focusedWindow;

    public static void FocusOnWindow(string window)
        EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem("Window/" + window);

from: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/656869/foldunfold-gameobject-from-code.html

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