template<class T>
class FlannKdTree
* @brief build_params is a structure containing the parameters passed to the function
FLANNParameters build_params;
* @brief index is a structure containing the kdtree
* @brief Constructor, this function builds an index from the input point cloud
* @param pointcloud : vector of points (the access to point coordinates is done using pointcloud[i].x,pointcloud[i].y,pointcloud[i].z)
FlannKdTree(std::vector<T> pointcloud)
int dim = 3; // default number of dimensions (3 = xyz)
// check the number of points in the point cloud
if( pointcloud.size() == 0 ){
printf("[FlannKdTree] Could not create kd-tree for %d points!",pointcloud.size());
// Allocate enough data
float * points = (float*) malloc(pointcloud.size() * 3 * sizeof(float)); // default number of dimensions (3 = xyz)
for( unsigned int cp = 0; cp < pointcloud.size(); cp++ ){
points[cp * 3 + 0] = pointcloud[cp].x;
points[cp * 3 + 1] = pointcloud[cp].y;
points[cp * 3 + 2] = pointcloud[cp].z;
// Create the kd-tree representation
float speedup;
build_params.algorithm = KDTREE; // choose the type of the tree
build_params.log_level = FLANN_LOG_NONE; // controls the verbosity of the messages generated by the FLANN library functions
build_params.trees = 1;
build_params.target_precision = -1;
build_params.checks = 128;
printf("Building index\n");
index = flann_build_index(points, pointcloud.size(), dim, &speedup,
printf("Index built\n");
* @brief Default destructor
// ANN Cleanup
flann_free_index(index, &build_params);
* @brief This function searches for the nearest neighbors of the query point using an index already built
* @param queryPoint : reference input point (the access to the coordinates is done by queryPoint.x,queryPoint.y,queryPoint.z)
* @param knn : number of point nearest neighbors
* @param indices : vector of indices to the nearest neighbors (indices of the vector used to build the index)
* @param distances : vector of distances to the nearest neighbors (distances between the query point and the corresponding points in indices)
void knnSearch(T queryPoint, int knn, std::vector<int> &indices,
std::vector<float> &distances)
float * inputPoint = (float*) malloc(3 * sizeof(float)); // default number of dimensions (3 = xyz)
inputPoint[0] = queryPoint.x;
inputPoint[1] = queryPoint.y;
inputPoint[2] = queryPoint.z;
flann_find_nearest_neighbors_index(index, inputPoint, 1, &indices[0],&distances[0], knn, &build_params);
1)创建查询树 :
std::vector<cv::Point3f> cvTargetCloud;
// fill the cvTargetCloud with the cartesian coordinates (x, y z)
cv::flann::KDTreeIndexParams indexParams;
cv::flann::Index kdtree(cv::Mat(cvTargetCloud).reshape(1), indexParams);
2) 查找 :
//cv::Point3f pt declared
std::vector<float> query;
int k = 4; //number of nearest neighbors
std::vector<int> indices(k);
std::vector<float> dists(k);
kdtree.knnSearch(query, indices, dists, k,cv::flann::SearchParams(64));