To change the resolution (monitor display) from the command line ( using a terminal window ) do this: ( when x is running -- don't exit Xwindows just use a terminal window. This is done from the command line. )
[ xrandr ]
this command will bring up information like this:
SZ: Pixels Physical Refresh
0 1024 x 768 ( 271mm x 201mm ) 75 70 60
1 800 x 600 ( 271mm x 201mm ) 85 75 72 60 56
2 640 x 480 ( 271mm x 201mm ) 85 75 72 60
*3 832 x 624 ( 271mm x 201mm ) *74
4 720 x 400 ( 271mm x 201mm ) 85
5 640 x 400 ( 271mm x 201mm ) 85
6 640 x 350 ( 271mm x 201mm ) 85
Current rotation - normal
Current reflection - none
Rotations possible - normal
Reflections possible - none
This will show the resolutions possible on your monitor. The star indicates what is currently being used. To change resolution use a command like this:
[ xrandr -s 1024x760 ]
This will immediately change the resolution; in this case to 1024x760. ( it takes about .5 seconds on my system which uses a "Super View 1280" monitor which is actually an Hitachi cm500 as far as specifications go -- I am using RedHat with kernel 2.4.20-6 and Xfree86 version 4.3.0)
To check for xrandr on your system type
[ xdpyinfo ]
(If you see RANDR listed under number of extensions then it should work.) Also typing
[ xrandr -s ]
will give this information:
usage: xrandr [options]
where options are:
-display <display> or -d <display>
-o <normal,inverted,left,right,0,1,2,3>
or --orientation <normal,inverted,left,right,0,1,2,3>
-q or --query
-s <size>/<width>x<height> or --size <size>/<width>x<height>
-r <rate> or --rate <rate>
-v or --version
-x (reflect in x)
-y (reflect in y)
--screen <screen>