新的Scala for NetBeans提供测试

重新写过的Scala for NetBeans现在可以在NetBeans 6.1RC或者最新的Nightly Build上测试,你可以从NetBeans Update Center获得,方法是:
"Tools"->"Plugins", 检查"Setting"看"Last Development Build"是否在Update Centers列表中, url是: http://deadlock.netbeans.org/hudson/job/javadoc-nbms/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/nbbuild/nbms/updates.xml.gz

如果你用的是Beta/RC/Release NetBeans 6.1, 你需要手工添加上述"Last Development Build" Update Center。


    * Syntax highlighting
    * Auto-indentation
    * Brace completion
    * Formatter
    * Outline navigator
    * Occurrences mark for local variables and function
    * Instance rename for local variables and function
    * Go-to-declaration for local variables and function
    * Scala project
    * Basic debugger


    * Auto-completion it not full supported yet and not smart
    * There is no parsing errors recovering yet
    * Semantic errors are not checked on editing, but will be noticed when you build project
    * Due to the un-consistent of Scala's grammar reference document, there may be some syntax broken issues


Erlang的插件现在也可以同时安装在同一个NetBeans 6.1RC和Nightly Build上,不需要另外下栽ErlyBird了,同时,Indexing的性能有了很大提高,在我的机器上大约5分钟就行了。

