1.fork 创造的子进程复制了父亲进程的资源,包括内存的内容task_struct内容(2个进程的pid不同)。这里是资源的复制不是指针的复制。下面的例子可以看出
[root@liumengli program]# cat testFork.c
int main() {
int count = 1;
int child;
if(!(child = fork())) { //开始创建子进程
printf("This is son, his count is: %d. and his pid is: %d\n", ++count, getpid());//子进程的内容
} else {
printf("This is father, his count is: %d, his pid is: %d\n", count, getpid());
[root@liumengli program]# gcc testFork.c -o testFork
[root@liumengli program]# ./testFork
This is son, his count is: 2. and his pid is: 3019
This is father, his count is: 1, his pid is: 3018
[root@liumengli program]#
[root@liumengli program]# cat testFork.c
int main() {
int count = 1;
int child;
if(!(child = fork())) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
printf("This is son, his count is: %d. and his pid is: %d\n", i, getpid());
} else {
printf("This is father, his count is: %d, his pid is: %d\n", count, getpid());
[root@liumengli program]# gcc testFork.c -o testFork
[root@liumengli program]# ./testFork
This is son, his count is: 46. and his pid is: 4092
This is son, his count is: 47. and his pid is: 4092
This is son, his count is: 48. and his pid is: 4092
This is son, his count is: 49. and his pid is: 4092
This is son, his count is: 50. and his pid is: 4092
This is father, his count is: 1, his pid is: 4091
[root@liumengli program]# This is son, his count is: 51. and his pid is: 4092
This is son, his count is: 52. and his pid is: 4092
[root@liumengli program]# cat testVfork.c
#include "stdio.h"
int main() {
int count = 1;
int child;
printf("Before create son, the father's count is:%d\n", count);
if(!(child = vfork())) {
printf("This is son, his pid is: %d and the count is: %d\n", getpid(), ++count);
} else {
printf("After son, This is father, his pid is: %d and the count is: %d, and the child is: %d\n", getpid(), count, child);
[root@liumengli program]# gcc testVfork.c -o testVfork
[root@liumengli program]# ./testVfork
Before create son, the father's count is:1
This is son, his pid is: 4185 and the count is: 2
After son, This is father, his pid is: 4184 and the count is: 2, and the child is: 4185
[root@liumengli program]#
从运行结果可以看到vfork创建出的子进程(线程)共享了父进程的count变量,这一次是指针复制,2者的指针指向了同一个内存,所以子进程修改了count变量,父进程的 count变量同样受到了影响。另外由vfork创造出来的子进程还会导致父进程挂起,除非子进程exit或者execve才会唤起父进程,看下面程序:
[root@liumengli program]# cat testVfork.c
#include "stdio.h"
int main() {
int count = 1;
int child;
printf("Before create son, the father's count is:%d\n", count);
if(!(child = vfork())) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
printf("This is son, The i is: %d\n", i);
if(i == 70)
printf("This is son, his pid is: %d and the count is: %d\n", getpid(), ++count);
} else {
printf("After son, This is father, his pid is: %d and the count is: %d, and the child is: %d\n", getpid(), count, child);
[root@liumengli program]# gcc testVfork.c -o testVfork
[root@liumengli program]# ./testVfork
This is son, The i is: 68
This is son, The i is: 69
This is son, The i is: 70
After son, This is father, his pid is: 4433 and the count is: 1, and the child is: 4434
[root@liumengli program]#
int clone(int (*fn)(void *), void *child_stack, int flags, void *arg);
这里fn是函数指针,我们知道进程的4要素,这个就是指向程序的指针,就是所谓的“剧本", child_stack明显是为子进程分配系统堆栈空间(在linux下系统堆栈空间是2页面,就是8K的内存,其中在这块内存中,低地址上放入了值,这个值就是进程控制块task_struct的值),flags就是标志用来描述你需要从父进程继承那些资源, arg就是传给子进程的参数)。下面是flags可以取的值
标志 含义
CLONE_PARENT 创建的子进程的父进程是调用者的父进程,新进程与创建它的进程成了“兄弟”而不是“父子”
CLONE_FS 子进程与父进程共享相同的文件系统,包括root、当前目录、umask
CLONE_FILES 子进程与父进程共享相同的文件描述符(file descriptor)表
CLONE_NEWNS 在新的namespace启动子进程,namespace描述了进程的文件hierarchy
CLONE_SIGHAND 子进程与父进程共享相同的信号处理(signal handler)表
CLONE_PTRACE 若父进程被trace,子进程也被trace
CLONE_VFORK 父进程被挂起,直至子进程释放虚拟内存资源
CLONE_VM 子进程与父进程运行于相同的内存空间
CLONE_PID 子进程在创建时PID与父进程一致
CLONE_THREAD Linux 2.4中增加以支持POSIX线程标准,子进程与父进程共享相同的线程群
[root@liumengli program]# cat test_clone.c
#include "stdio.h"
#include "sched.h"
#include "signal.h"
#define FIBER_STACK 8192
int a;
void * stack;
int do_something(){
printf("This is son, the pid is:%d, the a is: %d\n", getpid(), ++a);
free(stack); //这里我也不清楚,如果这里不释放,不知道子线程死亡后,该内存是否会释放,知情者可以告诉下,谢谢
int main() {
void * stack;
a = 1;
stack = malloc(FIBER_STACK);//为子进程申请系统堆栈
if(!stack) {
printf("The stack failed\n");
printf("creating son thread!!!\n");
clone(&do_something, (char *)stack + FIBER_STACK, CLONE_VM|CLONE_VFORK, 0);//创建子线程
printf("This is father, my pid is: %d, the a is: %d\n", getpid(), a);
[root@liumengli program]# gcc test_clone.c -o test_clone
[root@liumengli program]# ./test_clone
creating son thread!!!
This is son, the pid is:7326, the a is: 2
This is father, my pid is: 7325, the a is: 2
[root@liumengli program]#