RailsConf 2006 Keynote Address
by David Heinemeier Hansson
01. Discovering Resources on Rails
02. Problem with CRUD?(DHH learns to stop worrying and love the CRUD)
03. Get, Post and Clean URLs(Don't Do Busy Work)
04. Accounts, Controllers and CRUD(Evaluating the richness of the domain)
05. CRUD is Not a Goal but an Inspiration(Not one paradigm captures all the world all the time)
06. Controllers, Design Patterns & MIME(Have one controller for many MIMEs)
07. Doing By Hand Leads to Good Design(IDE is not necessary)
08. Get, Find, Post Redux(Active record and assigning IDs)
01. Discovering Resources on Rails
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Hey everybody! I'm going to be talking to you tonight about Discovering A World Of Resources On Rails. But before we get into that, we just actually kind of a ...(?) almost a turtorial-type talk. I am just going to spend just a few minutes being, well, a little bit ... arrogant. Since it's almost a tradition now, that I start out to talk(?), almost insulting people. Well, I'll just take a minute to bloat.
This cover(?) pretty much represents the kind of excitement we felt all over the place in especially last six months. It seems like we finally got some attention outside of just our own little group and that's of course pretty cool.
But at the same time I think it's pretty important to think about why we got that kind of attention. As I was listening to Dave Thomas' talk yesterday, I definitely shared a lot of the intensions and ideas, and I thought a lot of his suggestions were great. But at the same time I think it's very important for us to remember that the reason we're here today and the reason Rails is what it is today, is exactly because we said no to a lot of things, is exactly because we turned a lot of people away. And I don't think that just as people are picking up on that and actually converting over, is the time to swirl(?) the course of that too much.
So, I definitely agree on a lot of the practical suggestions, but I don't as much agree on the tone. I don't really think that Rails currently is a way, (it is )in the position where we should bend to the outside world. I think we're acutally working very well of bending the outside world to us.
It's especially lonshang(?) lashang(?) to a world or a word that I've been hearing a few times -- the real world. Well, as most of you probably already know, I'm pretty confident not living in the real world. (audience laughs) I like this imaginary world a whole lot better.
Rails is, in large part, an imaginary world -- an imaginary world dreamed of where we're not under the same kind of constraints that these sorry people have to live on in their real world.
The real world, unfortunately, is quite a miserable place to be. The real world is where you were way down by decades of old practices. And that's really not what Rails is about and it's not what it's going to be about. So I just wanted to make that point clear. I'll surely come back to that later.
Now, just for a little bit of gloating joy. I was just in Japan two days ago ... and it was amazing to see that... here we are five hundred and fifty people in the west, being excited about this thing; and over there there's a whole other huge community doing a lot of Ruby stuff and already also a ton of Rails stuff, and a lot of it I didn't even know about. So, there's a lot more going on than just us in this little room, and there's a lot more going on than just this one imaginary world that I've been dreaming of.
What I was especially surprised to hear is that one of the measures we've been using of our successes, book sales for example. So the last count I have of what the English version of Agile Web Development with Rails sold some forty thouthand. The translation to Japanese, I learned, just sold in a few months seven thouthand additional copies. And they have three more books on the way, not translations -- original develop content of Japan and I thought that was pretty cool.
Of course pretty cool is also all the things going on in English (books). All the books (are) coming out from various publishers, I somewhat lost count but it's definitely above ten new titles coming out this year, which is pretty exciting.
It's also exciting to see the growth happening in the individual teams that has been working with Rails for a long time. One of the examples I put forth over and over again is 43things.com 'cos I really like the stuff of(?) what it's doing and for a long time they've been somewhat a benchmark of what a big public-facing sides are doing in terms of scale. And the last time I talked to them, they were now doing three and a half millions dynamic, Rails generated page views per day, which is pretty cool.
But, really, this talk is not too much about gloating or about the explicit ...ing(?) of this alternative universe. This talk is actually really about CRUD. Yeah.
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CRUD -- Create, Read, Update, and Delete -- that is the baseline of most of the work we do -- most of the work we do builds on top of the simple concept of how you manipulate objects in some space or manipulate database tables or so and so forth.