




言归正传,下面来说说针对百度这个比赛如何如何用SVD来实现推荐系统,为了了解基本原理可以看看这篇文章:推荐系统相关算法(1):SVD (后面提到的三篇论文也值得一读)



l  任务一

n training_set.txt用户评分数据共三列,从左到右依次为userId、movieIdrating即用户id电影id该用户对该电影的评分。列之间以’\t’分隔,行之间以’\r\n’分隔

n predict.txt为预测集合,共两列。从左到右依次是userId,movieId。即用户id,电影id.列之间以’\t’分隔,行之间以’\r\n’分隔。参赛者需要预测出第三列,即该用户对该电影的评分,作为第三列,并提交给评测平台。需要注意的是,参赛者最终提的predict.txt是三列,列之间以’\t’分隔,行之间以’\r\n’分隔。行之间的顺序不能乱,行的总数不能少。


7245481	962729	4.0

7245481	356405	4.0

7245481	836383	4.0

7245481	284550	4.0

7245481	723581	4.0

7245481	827305	4.0

7245481	572786	4.0

7245481	473690	4.0


7245481	794171

7245481	381060

7245481	776002

7245481	980705

7245481	354292

7245481	738735

7245481	624561

7245481	985808

7245481	378349

7245481	778269

7245481	242057


userMap = {}
movieMap = {}

with open('training_set.txt') as fp:
    fp_user = open('usermap.txt', 'w')
    fp_movis = open('moviemap.txt', 'w') 
    fp_out = open('smallMatrix.txt', 'w')
    fp_prediction = open('test.txt', 'r')
    fp_out2 = open('smallPredictionMatrix.txt','w')

    for line in fp:
        line = line.strip()
        if line == '':
        tup = line.split()
        raw_user = tup[0]
        raw_movie = tup[1]
        rate = float(tup[2])
        if raw_user not in userMap:
            userMap[raw_user] = len(userMap.keys())
        user_id = userMap[raw_user]
        if raw_movie not in movieMap:
            movieMap[raw_movie] = len(movieMap.keys())
        movie_id = movieMap[raw_movie]
        fp_out.write('{0} {1} {2}\n'.format(user_id, movie_id, rate))

    for raw_user, user_id in userMap.items():
        fp_user.write('{0} {1}\n'.format(raw_user, user_id))

    for raw_movie, movie_id in movieMap.items():
        fp_movis.write('{0} {1}\n'.format(raw_movie, movie_id))

    for line2 in fp_prediction:
        line2 = line2.strip()
        if line2 == '':
        tup2 = line2.split()
        raw_user2 = tup2[0]
        raw_movie2 = tup2[1]
        user_id2 = userMap[raw_user2]
        movie_id2 = movieMap[raw_movie2]
        fp_out2.write('{0} {1}\n'.format(user_id2, movie_id2))



0 0 4.0
0 1 4.0
0 2 4.0
0 3 4.0
0 4 4.0
0 5 4.0
0 6 4.0
0 7 4.0
0 8 4.0
0 9 4.0
0 10 4.0
0 11 4.0
0 12 4.0
0 13 4.0
0 14 4.0
0 15 4.0
0 16 4.0
0 17 4.0
0 18 4.0
0 19 4.0
0 20 4.0
0 21 4.0
0 22 4.0
0 23 4.0
0 24 4.0
0 25 4.0
0 26 4.0
0 27 4.0
0 28 4.0
0 29 4.0
0 30 4.0
0 31 4.0
0 32 4.0
0 33 4.0
0 34 4.0
0 35 4.0
0 36 4.0
0 37 4.0...

0 617
0 567
0 575
0 1211
0 1735
0 1255
0 620
0 795
0 890
0 706
0 599
0 1248
0 1651
0 621
0 1996
0 1003
0 2347...




3.579231 10000 10000 10 0.01 0.05
averageScore userNum itemNum factorNum learnRate regularization 




import math
import random
import cPickle as pickle

#calculate the overall average
def Average(fileName):
	fi = open(fileName, 'r')
	result = 0.0
	cnt = 0
	for line in fi:
		cnt += 1
		arr = line.split()
		result += int(arr[2].strip())
	return result / cnt

def InerProduct(v1, v2):
	result = 0
	for i in range(len(v1)):
		result += v1[i] * v2[i]
	return result

def PredictScore(av, bu, bi, pu, qi):
	pScore = av + bu + bi + InerProduct(pu, qi)
	if pScore < 1:
		pScore = 1
	elif pScore > 5:
		pScore = 5
	return pScore

#def SVD(configureFile, testDataFile, trainDataFile, modelSaveFile):
def SVD(configureFile, trainDataFile, modelSaveFile):
	#get the configure
	fi = open(configureFile, 'r')
	line = fi.readline()
	arr = line.split()
	averageScore = float(arr[0].strip())
	userNum = int(arr[1].strip())
	itemNum = int(arr[2].strip())
	factorNum = int(arr[3].strip())
	learnRate = float(arr[4].strip())
	regularization = float(arr[5].strip())
	bi = [0.0 for i in range(itemNum)]
	bu = [0.0 for i in range(userNum)]
	temp = math.sqrt(factorNum)
	qi = [[(0.1 * random.random() / temp) for j in range(factorNum)] for i in range(itemNum)]	
	pu = [[(0.1 * random.random() / temp)  for j in range(factorNum)] for i in range(userNum)]
	print("initialization end\nstart training\n")
	#train model
	preRmse = 1000000.0
	for step in range(5):
		fi = open(trainDataFile, 'r')	
		for line in fi:
			arr = line.split()
			uid = int(arr[0].strip()) - 1
			iid = int(arr[1].strip()) - 1
			score = int(arr[2].strip())			
			prediction = PredictScore(averageScore, bu[uid], bi[iid], pu[uid], qi[iid])
			eui = score - prediction
			#update parameters
			bu[uid] += learnRate * (eui - regularization * bu[uid])
			bi[iid] += learnRate * (eui - regularization * bi[iid])	
			for k in range(factorNum):
				temp = pu[uid][k]	#attention here, must save the value of pu before updating
				pu[uid][k] += learnRate * (eui * qi[iid][k] - regularization * pu[uid][k])
				qi[iid][k] += learnRate * (eui * temp - regularization * qi[iid][k])
		#learnRate *= 0.9
		#curRmse = Validate(testDataFile, averageScore, bu, bi, pu, qi)
		#print("test_RMSE in step %d: %f" %(step, curRmse))
		#if curRmse >= preRmse:
		#	break
		#	preRmse = curRmse
	#write the model to files
	fo = file(modelSaveFile, 'wb')
	pickle.dump(bu, fo, True)
	pickle.dump(bi, fo, True)
	pickle.dump(qi, fo, True)
	pickle.dump(pu, fo, True)
	print("model generation over")
#validate the model
def Validate(testDataFile, av, bu, bi, pu, qi):
	cnt = 0
	rmse = 0.0
	fi = open(testDataFile, 'r')		
	for line in fi:
		cnt += 1
		arr = line.split()
		uid = int(arr[0].strip()) - 1
		iid = int(arr[1].strip()) - 1
		pScore = PredictScore(av, bu[uid], bi[iid], pu[uid], qi[iid])
		tScore = int(arr[2].strip())
		rmse += (tScore - pScore) * (tScore - pScore)
	return math.sqrt(rmse / cnt)


#use the model to make predict
def Predict(configureFile, modelSaveFile, testDataFile, resultSaveFile):
	#get parameter
	fi = open(configureFile, 'r')
	line = fi.readline()
	arr = line.split()
	averageScore = float(arr[0].strip())
	#get model
	fi = file(modelSaveFile, 'rb')
	bu = pickle.load(fi)
	bi = pickle.load(fi)
	qi = pickle.load(fi)
	pu = pickle.load(fi)
	fi = open(testDataFile, 'r')
	fo = open(resultSaveFile, 'w')
	for line in fi:
		arr = line.split()
		uid = int(arr[0].strip()) - 1
		iid = int(arr[1].strip()) - 1
		pScore = PredictScore(averageScore, bu[uid], bi[iid], pu[uid], qi[iid])
		fo.write("%f\n" %pScore)
	print("predict over")

if __name__ == '__main__':
	configureFile = 'svd.conf'
	trainDataFile = 'ml_data\\smallMatrix.txt'
	testDataFile = 'ml_data\\smallPredictionMatrix.txt'
	modelSaveFile = 'svd_model.pkl'
	resultSaveFile = 'prediction.txt'
	#print("%f" %Average("ua.base"))
	SVD(configureFile, trainDataFile, modelSaveFile)
	Predict(configureFile, modelSaveFile, testDataFile, resultSaveFile)



fp1 = open('predict.txt')
fp2 = open('prediction.txt')
fp_out = open('file3.txt', 'w')
for line1, line2 in zip(fp1, fp2):
    line1 = line1.strip()
    line2 = line2.strip()
    fp_out.write('{0}\t{1}\n'.format(line1, line2))


7245481	794171	3.879440
7245481	381060	4.028262
7245481	776002	4.152251
7245481	980705	3.986217
7245481	354292	3.758884
7245481	738735	3.925804
7245481	624561	3.880905
7245481	985808	3.776078
7245481	378349	3.902128
7245481	778269	3.892242
7245481	242057	3.871258
7245481	648898	3.861340
7245481	171218	3.696469
7245481	897136	3.834176
7245481	572785	3.917795
7245481	518661	3.835075
7245481	544840	3.873519
7245481	131620	3.725185
7245481	600353	3.899684
7245481	865019	3.878535




