PhoneGap Quick start for BlackBerry

原文链接:Get started Guide for BlackBerry

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  • 1. Requirements

    • Windows XP (32-bit) or Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) or Mac OSX 10.6.4+

    For 4.x devices check out this guide.

  • 2. Install SDK + PhoneGap

    (Windows Only) Download and install Sun JDK (32-Bit Version). Add it to your PATH variable.

    (Windows Only) Download and extract Apache Ant. Add it to your PATH variable.

    Download BlackBerry WebWorks Smartphone SDK for BlackBerry development and/or BlackBerry WebWorks Tablet OS SDK for Playbook development. Keep note of the directories you install these SDKs.

    Download the latest copy of PhoneGap, downloadthe latest copy of PhoneGap BlackBerry template(例如文件

  • 3. Setup New Project

    • Open up a command prompt/terminal and navigate to where you extracted PhoneGapBlackBerry template. CD into the PhoneGap BlackBerry  directory.
    • Create a PhoneGap BlackBerry and PlayBook project. Type ant create -Dproject.path=followed by the location you wish to create your project into the command prompt/terminal.  (例如 e.g. > ant create -Dproject.path=C:\Dev\bbw\sample)
    • Change to the newly created directory located at C:\Dev\bbw\sample.
    • Open up the file with your favourite editor and change the linesBlackBerry.bbwp.dir= andPlayBook.bbwp.dir= to equal the respective install locations of the SDKs you downloaded earlier.
  • 4. Hello World

    Build the PhoneGap sample project by typing ant target build (例如 ant blackberry build )in your command prompt/terminal while you are in your project's directory. Replace the target with either blackberry or playbook. Note this is the sample PhoneGap project and not a basic hello world application. You can go edit the index.html file located in the www directory of your project to make it say Hello World if you wish.

  • 5A. Deploy to Simulator (Windows Only)

    • While in your project directory, in command prompt/terminal type ant target load-simulator(例如e.g. >ant blackberry load-simulator). Replace the target with either blackberry or playbook.
    • Press the BlackBerry button on the simulator, go to downloads and you should see your app loaded there.
  • 5B. Deploy to Device (Windows and Mac)

    • You have to have your signing keys from RIM by filling out this form.
    • While in your project directory, in command prompt/terminal type ant target load-device(例如e.g. >ant blackberry load-device). Replace the target with either blackberry or playbook.
    • Press the BlackBerry button on the simulator, go to downloads and you should see your app loaded there.


注释:BlackBerry WebWorks For Smartphones最新版本为BlackBerry WebWorks SDK 2.2里面的BlackBerry模拟器已经升级为OS 7.0的9930。


blackberry.bbwp.dir=D:\\Research In Motion\\BlackBerry WebWorks SDK 2.2
blackberry.sim.dir=D:\\Research In Motion\\BlackBerry WebWorks SDK 2.2\\simpack\\
