4 2 2 50 3 70 2 1 30 4 20 2 1 10 4 40 0 1 4 100
60.00HintIn the sample, the best transmission line is 1 -> 2 -> 4, loss power is 100 * 50% + 100 * (100%-50%)*20% = 60.00
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include <queue> using namespace std; const int maxn=55555; const int maxm=111111111; const double OO=1e30; struct HeapNode { double d; int u; bool operator<(const HeapNode& rhs) const { return d<rhs.d; } }; struct EDGENODE { int to; int w; int next; }edges[maxm]; int edge,head[maxn]; void addedge(int u,int v,int c) { edges[edge].w=c,edges[edge].to=v,edges[edge].next=head[u],head[u]=edge++; } void init() { memset(head,-1,sizeof(head)); edge=0; } int n; double dist[maxn]; bool visit[maxn]= {0}; /* void dijkstra(int src) { int u,v,w; double _max; memset(visit,0,sizeof(visit)); memset(dist,0,sizeof(dist)); dist[src]=1; for (int loop=1; loop<=n; loop++) { //cerr<<loop<<endl; u=0; _max=0.0; for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) { //printf("%0.2lf ",dist[i]); if (!visit[i]&&dist[i]>_max) { _max=dist[i]; u=i; } } //printf("\n"); if (u==0) return; visit[u]=true; for (int i=head[u];i!=-1;i=edges[i].next) { v=edges[i].to; w=edges[i].w; if (!visit[v]&&dist[u]*(1.0-(double)w/100.0)>dist[v]) { dist[v]=dist[u]*(1.0-(double)w/100.0); } } } } */ void dijkstra(int src) { int u,v,w; priority_queue<HeapNode>que; memset(visit,0,sizeof(visit)); memset(dist,0,sizeof(dist)); dist[src]=1; que.push((HeapNode){0,src}); while (!que.empty()) { HeapNode x=que.top(); que.pop(); u=x.u; if (visit[u]) continue; visit[u]=true; for (int i=head[u]; i!=-1; i=edges[i].next) { v=edges[i].to; w=edges[i].w; if (dist[u]*(1.0-(double)w/100.0)>dist[v]) { dist[v]=dist[u]*(1.0-(double)w/100.0); que.push((HeapNode){dist[v],v}); } } } } /* bool spfa(int node,int src,int head[],EDGENODE edges[],double dist[]) { int i,l,r,u,v,w; bool visit[maxn]; int q[maxn],outque[maxn]; memset(visit,0,sizeof(visit)); memset(outque,0,sizeof(outque)); for (int i=0; i<=node; i++) dist[i]=0; r=0; q[r++]=src; dist[src]=1; visit[src]=true; for (l=0; l!=r; ( (++l>=maxn)?(l=0):(1) )) { u=q[l]; visit[u]=false; outque[u]++; if (outque[u]>node) return false; for (i=head[u]; i!=-1; i=edges[i].next) { v=edges[i].to; w=edges[i].w; if (dist[u]*(1.0-(double)w/100.0)>dist[v]) { dist[v]=dist[u]*(1.0-(double)w/100.0); if (visit[v]) continue; q[r++]=v; visit[v]=true; if (r>=maxn) r=0; } } } return true; } */ int main() { int t; int src,dest; int M; //freopen("abc.in","r",stdin); //freopen("abc.out","w",stdout); while (~scanf("%d",&n)) { init(); for (int u=1; u<=n; u++) { scanf("%d",&t); while (t--) { int v,c; scanf("%d%d",&v,&c); addedge(u,v,c); } } scanf("%d%d%d",&src,&dest,&M); dijkstra(src); //spfa(n,src,head,edges,dist); if (dist[dest]>0.000001) printf("%0.2lf\n",M-dist[dest]*M); else printf("IMPOSSIBLE!\n"); } return 0; }