

<span style="font-size:14px;">--EmpAndDept2

select ename,sal,loc,emp.deptno from emp ,dept where dept.dname='sales' and emp.deptno=dept.deptno;
select ename,sal,loc,e.deptno from emp as e ,dept as d where d.dname='sales' and e.deptno=d.deptno;
--显示部门号为10 的部门名,员工名和工资
select d.dname,e.ename,e.sal from emp e,dept d 
where e.deptno=10 and e.deptno=d.deptno;
select d.dname,e.ename,e.sal from emp e,dept d 
where e.deptno=d.deptno order by d.dname;

--显示某个员工的上级领导的姓名 比如 ford
select ename from emp 
where empno=(select mgr from emp where ename='ford');
--分析,把emp表看成两张表,分别是worker boss
select worker.ename 雇员,boss.ename 老板 from emp worker,emp boss
where worker.mgr=boss.empno;
--单行子查询,如 显示与smith同一部门的所有员工
select * from emp where deptno=
(select deptno from emp where ename='smith');
-- 如 查询和部门10的工作相同的雇员的名字,岗位,工资,部门号
select distinct job from emp where deptno=10;
select * from emp where job in
(select distinct job from emp where deptno=10);
select * from emp where (job in
(select distinct job from emp where deptno=10)) and deptno!=10;

<span style="font-size:14px;">--EmpAndDept3

--from 子句中使用子查询
select avg(sal),deptno from emp group by deptno;
select emp.ename,sal,temp.myavg,emp.deptno from
 emp,(select avg(sal) myavg,deptno from emp group by deptno) temp
where emp.deptno=temp.deptno and emp.sal>temp.myavg;

select * from emp;
--top后边的数表示要挑出的记录数,是sql server语句,mysql不可用
--limit n,i 第一个数值表示从第n+1开始取,i表示总共取几个数,mysql语句

select top 4 * from emp order by hiredate;

select * from emp order by hiredate limit 4;

select top 5 * from emp where empno not in
   (select top 5 empno from emp order by hiredate)
   order by hiredate;

select * from emp order by hiredate limit 5,5;

select * from emp 
    where empno not in (select empno from emp order by hiredate) 
    order by hiredate;

select top 3 * from emp where empno not in
(select top 10 empno from emp order by hiredate)
order by hiredate;

select * from emp order by hiredate limit 10,3;

--测试效率(压力测试)时数据的产生,疯狂复制 如: 
create table test(
testId int primary key identity(1,1),
testName varchar(30),
testPass varchar(30))engine=InnoDB;

create table test(
testId int auto_increment primary key,
testName varchar(30),
testPass varchar(30))engine=InnoDB;

insert into test (testName,testPass) values('xupei','xupei');
insert into test (testName,testPass) select testName,testPass from test --复制列
select count(*) from test
select * from test
select testId from test 
drop table test

create table temp(
catId int,
catName varchar(40)

insert into cat values(1,'aa');
insert into cat values(2,'bb');

insert into cat select * from cat;    --复制数据

insert into temp select * from cat;   --把cat 的记录distinct后,放入临时表中
delete from cat;                       --cat表的记录清空
insert into cat select * from #temp;   --把#temp中的数据(无重复记录)插入cat中
drop table temp;                       --删除临时表#temp

select w.ename,b.ename from emp w,emp b where w.mgr=b.empno;

select w.ename,b.ename from emp w left join emp b on w.mgr=b.empno;

--约束用于确保数据库满足特定的商业规则,在sql server 中,约束包括
--not null,unique,primary key,foreign key和check五种
--not null:如果在列上定义了not null ,那么插入数据时,必须为列提供数据
create table test1(
test1Id int auto_increment primary key,
test1name varchar(30) unique,
test1pass varchar(30) not null,
test1age int
--primary key:用于唯一标示表行的数据,当定义主键约束后,该列不能重复,且不能为null
create table test2(
test1Id int ,
test1name varchar(30) ,
test1pass varchar(30) ,
test1age int
primary key(test1Id,test1name)
--foreign key:用于定义主表和从表之间的关系,外键约束要定义在从表上,

create table test3(
test1Id int ,
test1name varchar(30) ,
test1pass varchar(30) ,
sal int check(sal>=1000 and sal<=2000)

create table mes(
mesId int auto_increment primary key,
mescon varchar(2000) not null,
mesdate datetime default getdate()
insert into mes(mescon) values('你好')
insert into mes(mescon,mesdate) values('你好','2015-8-5')
select * from mes

--1 建表,在定义中要求声明:
--① 每个表的主外键;
--② 客户的姓名不能为空值;
--③ 单价必须大于0,购买数量必须在1到30之间;
--④ 电邮不能够重复;
--⑤ 客户性别必须是男或者女,默认是男
--⑥ 商品类别是 食物 日用品

create table goods(
goodId nvarchar(50) primary key,
goodName nvarchar(80) not null,
unitprice numeric(10,2) check (unitprice>0),
category nvarchar(3) check(category in('食物','日用品')),
provider nvarchar(50)

--在mysql中同时设置default和check时需要先设置default 之后再加check约束,否则会报错
create table customer(
customerId nvarchar(50) primary key,
customername nvarchar(50) not null,
address nvarchar(100),
email nvarchar(100) unique,
sex nchar(1) default '男' check(sex in ('男','女'))  ,
cardId nvarchar(18)

create table purchase(
customerId nvarchar(50) ,
goodId nvarchar(50) ,
nums int check(nums>0),
foreign key(customerId) references customer(customerId),
foreign key(goodId) references goods(goodId)
)engine=InnoDB;</span><span style="font-size: 14px;">




