In this topic, the term grid control refers to a data-aware control that supports a server mode.
在这个主题,grid control是一个支持服务模式的数据感知控件。
In a regular data binding mode, data must be transferred in its entirety from a data store into memory, before it is displayed within a grid control. The number of records can
在一般数据绑定模式,在数据在一个grid control里显示之前,数据会从数据源全部传送到内存。有大量的数据时会引发瓶颈问题:
cause a bottleneck: the more records there are the more time is required to load data. Moreover, a grid's performance also depends on the total number of loaded records,
particularly when data is sorted, grouped, filtered or the summary feature is used. In this case, a grid needs to process an entire recordset to implement a specific data-aware operation.
Server modes (regular server mode and Instant Feedback mode) have been specifically designed to work with large datasets. Bound data is not loaded into memory in its
entirety. Instead, the grid control loads data in small portions on demand. When a grid starts, it loads and displays the first portion of data from a data store. Then, as an end-
user scrolls the grid and the last record of the loaded subset is reached, the grid requests the data store to return a subsequent data portion.
For end-users, the grid control functions identically in regular and server modes. In server mode, they can scroll the grid and use anautomatic filtering feature to access a
particular data range, sort, group and filter data, and calculate summaries.
In a regular binding mode, a grid control has simultaneous access to all data, and performs data-aware operations itself (e.g. sorting, grouping, filtering records and calculating
summaries). In server modes, a grid control has simultaneous access only to a small amount of data at a time, and therefore cannot perform any data-aware operations itself.
Instead, all data-aware operations are performed on the server side and their results are shown in the grid.
This is a general overview of how data is sorted in a server mode. Assume that an end-user clicks a specific grid column header to sort records against this column. The grid
sends a query to a data store to sort data against a clicked column and to retrieve a specific data range. The returned records are then displayed on screen. Upon scrolling
records, a grid sends requests to a data store to retrieve subsequent data sorted against a clicked column.
There are two distinctive server modes that differ in the way a grid control interacts with a bound data source. These are: regular (synchronous) server mode and Instant
Feedback mode (asynchronous server mode).
In a regular (synchronous) server mode, after sending a request to a data source, a grid control waits until data is retrieved and doesn't respond to an end-user's actions. So
the GUI freezes and doesn't allow a user to interact with the grid control and other controls in the same form. After appropriate data is retrieved from a data source, the control is unlocked.
In Instant Feedback Mode, data is retrieved by a data source in the background thread. So, a grid control and application never freeze while a request for data is sent to a data
source. An end-user can interact with a grid control (sort and group data, scroll the grid, etc.), without any delay.
Server Mode
If you need to display a large amount of records in a GridControl or any grid lookup editor (GridLookUpEdit andSearchLookUpEdit), you can use server data-binding modes. These are specifically designed to work with large datasets consisting of more than 50,000 records (the specific amount of data depends on your circumstances).
The main feature of server data binding modes is that data-related operations are performed on the server side, while in regular data binding modes, these operations are performed on the client side (by grid controls or grid lookup editors).
In server modes, even if a bound control is connected to a data store containing one million records, the initial data will be displayed immediately, and subsequent data will be loaded rapidly on scrolling. The secrets of this are 1) loading records in small portions, and 2) performing data-aware operations on the server side. This ensures quick response and improved performance for large data sources.
As in regular data-binding modes, in server modes, bound controls allow data to be edited, sorted, grouped and filtered. All the features supported in server modes are described inGrid Features Supported in Server Mode. To learn about the limitations of server modes, seeServer Mode Limitations.
In server modes, a data-aware control sends requests to a bound data source to retrieve appropriate portions of data when required. There are two distinct server modes that differ in the way controls interact with bound data sources.
In a regular server mode, the control, after sending a request, always waits until the bound data source returns data. Therefore, the GUI may freeze momentarily, and may not respond to an end-user's actions until data is retrieved.
After sending a request to a data source, a control doesn't wait, doesn't freeze the GUI, and continues responding to user actions. Thus, users are able to work with the control (e.g. sort, filter and group data, resize columns, etc.) and other controls on the form, while data is being retrieved in a background thread.
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Instant Feedback Mode is supported by the GridControl and SearchLookUpEdit controls. The GridLookUpEdit does not support this binding mode. |
To enable a specific server mode for your data-aware control, you need to use an appropriate data source. You can use data sources provided by the eXpress Persistent Objects (XPO) library, or use dedicated data sources tailored to work with 'LINQ to SQL Classes'. Thus, choose one of the following data sources for your control.
Data Access Technology | Server Mode Data Source | Instant Feedback UI Data Source |
Entity Framework 4 | EntityServerModeSource | EntityInstantFeedbackSource |
eXpress Persistent Objects | XPServerCollectionSource | XPInstantFeedbackSource |
LINQ to SQL | LinqServerModeSource | LinqInstantFeedbackSource |
Parallel LINQ to Objects | PLinqServerModeSource | PLinqInstantFeedbackSource |
WCF Data Services | WcfServerModeSource | WcfInstantFeedbackSource |