# coding=utf-8 # drcom 客户端,基于python,来自DrCOM Client for jilin university # version 2.0 # 说明 # 修改处在下方 # username = "20130000" #用户名,和客户端一样 # password = "" #密码,和客户端一样 # host_name = "Meng-PC" #计算机名,不要超过71个字符 # host_os = "linux" #操作系统,不要超过128个字符 # mac = #网络中心上注册时IP对应的MAC,没有的话不用改 import socket, struct, time from hashlib import md5 import sys import urllib2 class ChallengeException (Exception): def __init__(self): pass class LoginException (Exception): def __init__(self): pass s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.bind(("", 61440)) #修改这里,按照说明填写对应信息 s.settimeout(3) SALT = '' UNLIMITED_RETRY = False EXCEPTION = False DEBUG = False server = "" # "auth.cqu.edu.cn" username = "" password = "" host_name = "zhaohuan-N550JV" host_os = "Linux" mac = 0xffffffffffff def challenge(svr,ran): while True: t = struct.pack("<H", int(ran)%(0xFFFF)) s.sendto("\x01\x02"+t+"\x09"+"\x00"*15, (svr, 61440)) try: data, address = s.recvfrom(1024) except: if DEBUG: print '[challenge] timeout, retrying...' continue if address == (svr, 61440): break; else: continue if DEBUG: print '[DEBUG] challenge:\n' + data.encode('hex') if data[0] != '\x02': raise ChallengeException print '[challenge] challenge packet sent.' return data[4:8] def md5sum(s): m = md5() m.update(s) return m.digest() def dump(n): s = '%x' % n if len(s) & 1: s = '0' + s return s.decode('hex') def ror(md5, pwd): ret = '' for i in range(len(pwd)): x = ord(md5[i]) ^ ord(pwd[i]) ret += chr(((x<<3)&0xFF) + (x>>5)) return ret def keep_alive_package_builder(number,random,tail,type=1,first=False): data = '\x07'+ chr(number) + '\x28\x00\x0b' + chr(type) if first : data += '\x0f\x27' else: data += '\xdc\02' data += random + '\x00' * 6 data += tail data += '\x00' * 4 #data += struct.pack("!H",0xdc02) if type == 3: foo = '\x31\x8c\x21\x3e' #CONSTANT #CRC crc = packet_CRC(data+foo) data += struct.pack("!I",crc) + foo + '\x00' * 8 else: #packet type = 1 data += '\x00' * 16 return data def packet_CRC(s): ret = 0 for i in re.findall('..', s): ret ^= struct.unpack('>h', i)[0] ret &= 0xFFFF ret = ret * 0x2c7 return ret def keep_alive2(): #first keep_alive: #number = number (mod 7) #status = 1: first packet user sended # 2: first packet user recieved # 3: 2nd packet user sended # 4: 2nd packet user recieved # Codes for test tail = '' packet = '' svr = server import random ran = random.randint(0,0xFFFF) ran += random.randint(1,10) packet = keep_alive_package_builder(0,dump(ran),'\x00'*4,1,True) s.sendto(packet, (svr, 61440)) data, address = s.recvfrom(1024) ran += random.randint(1,10) packet = keep_alive_package_builder(1,dump(ran),'\x00'*4,1,False) s.sendto(packet, (svr, 61440)) data, address = s.recvfrom(1024) tail = data[16:20] ran += random.randint(1,10) packet = keep_alive_package_builder(2,dump(ran),tail,3,False) s.sendto(packet, (svr, 61440)) data, address = s.recvfrom(1024) tail = data[16:20] print "[keep-alive2] keep-alive2 loop was in daemon." i = 1 while True: try: time.sleep(5) ran += random.randint(1,10) packet = keep_alive_package_builder(2,dump(ran),tail,1,False) #print 'DEBUG: keep_alive2,packet 4\n',packet.encode('hex') s.sendto(packet, (svr, 61440)) data, address = s.recvfrom(1024) tail = data[16:20] #print 'DEBUG: keep_alive2,packet 4 return\n',data.encode('hex') ran += random.randint(1,10) packet = keep_alive_package_builder(2,dump(ran),tail,3,False) #print 'DEBUG: keep_alive2,packet 5\n',packet.encode('hex') s.sendto(packet, (svr, 61440)) data, address = s.recvfrom(1024) tail = data[16:20] #print 'DEBUG: keep_alive2,packet 5 return\n',data.encode('hex') i = i+1 check_online = urllib2.urlopen('') foo = check_online.read() if 'Password' in foo: print '[keep_alive2] offline.relogin...' break; #MODIFIED END ''' if i % 10 == 0: check_online = urllib2.urlopen('') foo = check_online.read() if 'Password' in foo: print '[keep_alive2] offline.relogin...' break; ''' except: pass import re def checksum(s): ret = 1234 for i in re.findall('....', s): ret ^= int(i[::-1].encode('hex'), 16) ret = (1968 * ret) & 0xffffffff return struct.pack('<I', ret) def mkpkt(salt, usr, pwd, mac): data = '\x03\01\x00'+chr(len(usr)+20) data += md5sum('\x03\x01'+salt+pwd) data += usr.ljust(36, '\x00') data += '\x00\x00' data += dump(int(data[4:10].encode('hex'),16)^mac).rjust(6,'\x00') data += md5sum("\x01" + pwd + salt + '\x00'*4) data += '\x01\x31\x8c\x31\x4e' + '\00'*12 data += md5sum(data + '\x14\x00\x07\x0b')[:8] + '\x01'+'\x00'*4 data += host_name.ljust(71, '\x00') data += '\x01' + host_os.ljust(128, '\x00') data += '\x6d\x00\x00'+chr(len(pwd)) data += ror(md5sum('\x03\x01'+salt+pwd), pwd) data += '\x02\x0c' data += checksum(data+'\x01\x26\x07\x11\x00\x00'+dump(mac)) data += "\x00\x00" + dump(mac) return data def login(usr, pwd, svr): import random global SALT i = 0 while True: try: try: salt = challenge(svr,time.time()+random.randint(0xF,0xFF)) except ChallengeException: if DEBUG: print 'challenge packet exception' continue SALT = salt packet = mkpkt(salt, usr, pwd, mac) s.sendto(packet, (svr, 61440)) data, address = s.recvfrom(1024) except: print "[login] recvfrom timeout,retrying..." continue print '[login] packet sent.' if address == (svr, 61440): if data[0] == '\x05' and i >= 5 and UNLIMITED_RETRY == False: print '[login] wrong password, retried ' + str(i) +' times.' sys.exit(1) elif data[0] == '\x05': print "[login] wrong password." i = i + 1 time.sleep(i*1.618) elif data[0] != '\x02': print "[login] server return exception.retry" if DEBUG: print '[login] last packet server returned:\n' + data.encode('hex') time.sleep(1) raise LoginException continue; break; else: if i >= 5 and UNLIMITED_RETRY == False : print '[login] packet received error, maybe you are under attacking' sys.exit(1) else: i = i + 1 print '[login] package error, retrying...' print '[login] login sent' return data[-22:-6] import httplib def info(ip): c = httplib.HTTPConnection(ip, 80, timeout=10) c.request("GET", "") r = c.getresponse() if r.status != 200: return None s = r.read() data = dict() data["flux"] = int(s[s.index("flow='")+6:s.index("';fsele=")]) data["time"] = int(s[s.index("time='")+6:s.index("';flow")]) return data def keep_alive1(salt,tail,pwd,svr): foo = struct.pack('!H',int(time.time())%0xFFFF) data = '\xff' + md5sum('\x03\x01'+salt+pwd) + '\x00\x00\x00' data += tail data += foo + '\x00\x00\x00\x00' print '[keep_alive1] keep_alive1,sent' s.sendto(data, (svr, 61440)) try: data, address = s.recvfrom(1024) print '[keep_alive1] keep_alive1,server received' except: print '[keep_alive1] Timeout!' pass def main(): print "auth svr:"+server+"\nusername:"+username+"\npassword:"+"********"+"\nmac:"+str(hex(mac)) print "os:MSDOS 8.0"+"\nhostname: localhost" print "DrCOM Auth Router Ver 1.2" print "Version feature:\n[1] Auto Anti droping connection\n[2] Stronger exception handling." while True: try: package_tail = login(username, password, server) except LoginException: continue keep_alive2() if __name__ == "__main__": main()