
 /* // jQuery multiSelect // // Version 1.0.3 beta // // Cory S.N. LaViska // A Beautiful Site (http://abeautifulsite.net/) // 09 September 2009 // // Visit http://abeautifulsite.net/notebook/62 for more information // // Usage: $('#control_id').multiSelect( options, callback ) // // Options: selectAll - whether or not to display the Select All option; true/false, default = true // selectAllText - text to display for selecting/unselecting all options simultaneously // noneSelected - text to display when there are no selected items in the list // oneOrMoreSelected - text to display when there are one or more selected items in the list // (note: you can use % as a placeholder for the number of items selected). // Use * to show a comma separated list of all selected; default = '% selected' // // Dependencies: jQuery 1.2.6 or higher (http://jquery.com/) // // Change Log: // // 1.0.1 - Updated to work with jQuery 1.2.6+ (no longer requires the dimensions plugin) // - Changed $(this).offset() to $(this).position(), per James' and Jono's suggestions // // 1.0.2 - Fixed issue where dropdown doesn't scroll up/down with keyboard shortcuts // - Changed '$' in setTimeout to use 'jQuery' to support jQuery.noConflict // - Renamed from jqueryMultiSelect.* to jquery.multiSelect.* per the standard recommended at // http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Authoring (does not affect API methods) // // 1.0.3 - Now uses the bgiframe plugin (if it exists) to fix the IE6 layering bug. // - Forces IE6 to use a min-height of 200px (this needs to be added to the options) // // Licensing & Terms of Use // // This plugin is dual-licensed under the GNU General Public License and the MIT License and // is copyright 2008 A Beautiful Site, LLC. // */ if (jQuery) (function($) { $.extend($.fn, { multiSelect: function(o, callback) { // Default options if (!o) var o = {}; if (o.selectAll == undefined) o.selectAll = true; if (o.selectAllText == undefined) o.selectAllText = "Select All"; if (o.noneSelected == undefined) o.noneSelected = 'Select options'; if (o.oneOrMoreSelected == undefined) o.oneOrMoreSelected = '% selected'; // Initialize each multiSelect $(this).each(function() { var select = $(this); var chkid; var routeNum = 1; var html = '<input id="mtitle" type="text" readonly="readonly" class="multiSelect" value="" style="cursor: default;" mce_style="cursor: default;" />'; html += '<div id="mdiv" class="multiSelectOptions" style="position: absolute; z-index: 99999; display: none;" mce_style="position: absolute; z-index: 99999; display: none;">'; if (o.selectAll) html += '<label class="selectAll"><input id="mselall" type="checkbox" class="selectAll" />' + o.selectAllText + '</label>'; $(select).find('OPTION').each(function() { if ($(this).val() != '') { chkid = "'mst" + routeNum + "'"; html += '<label><input type="checkbox" id=' + chkid + ' name="' + $(select).attr('name') + '" value="' + $(this).val() + '"'; if ($(this).attr('selected')) html += ' checked="checked"'; html += ' />' + $(this).html() + '</label>'; routeNum = routeNum + 1; } }); html += '</div>'; $(select).after(html); // Events $(select).next('.multiSelect').mouseover(function() { $(this).addClass('hover'); }).mouseout(function() { $(this).removeClass('hover'); }).click(function() { // Show/hide on click if ($(this).hasClass('active')) { $(this).multiSelectOptionsHide(); } else { $(this).multiSelectOptionsShow(); } return false; }).focus(function() { // So it can be styled with CSS $(this).addClass('focus'); }).blur(function() { // So it can be styled with CSS $(this).removeClass('focus'); }); // Determine if Select All should be checked initially if (o.selectAll) { var sa = true; $(select).next('.multiSelect').next('.multiSelectOptions').find('INPUT:checkbox').not('.selectAll').each(function() { if (!$(this).attr('checked')) sa = false; }); if (sa) $(select).next('.multiSelect').next('.multiSelectOptions').find('INPUT.selectAll').attr('checked', true).parent().addClass('checked'); } // Handle Select All $(select).next('.multiSelect').next('.multiSelectOptions').find('INPUT.selectAll').click(function() { if ($(this).attr('checked') == true) $(this).parent().parent().find('INPUT:checkbox').attr('checked', true).parent().addClass('checked'); else $(this).parent().parent().find('INPUT:checkbox').attr('checked', false).parent().removeClass('checked'); }); // Handle checkboxes $(select).next('.multiSelect').next('.multiSelectOptions').find('INPUT:checkbox').click(function() { $(this).parent().parent().multiSelectUpdateSelected(o); $(this).parent().parent().find('LABEL').removeClass('checked').find('INPUT:checked').parent().addClass('checked'); $(this).parent().parent().prev('.multiSelect').focus(); if (!$(this).attr('checked')) $(this).parent().parent().find('INPUT:checkbox.selectAll').attr('checked', false).parent().removeClass('checked'); if (callback) callback($(this)); }); // Initial display $(select).next('.multiSelect').next('.multiSelectOptions').each(function() { $(this).multiSelectUpdateSelected(o); $(this).find('INPUT:checked').parent().addClass('checked'); }); // Handle hovers $(select).next('.multiSelect').next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL').mouseover(function() { $(this).parent().find('LABEL').removeClass('hover'); $(this).addClass('hover'); }).mouseout(function() { $(this).parent().find('LABEL').removeClass('hover'); }); // Keyboard $(select).next('.multiSelect').keydown(function(e) { // Is dropdown visible? if ($(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').is(':visible')) { // Dropdown is visible // Tab if (e.keyCode == 9) { $(this).addClass('focus').trigger('click'); // esc, left, right - hide $(this).focus().next(':input').focus(); return true; } // ESC, Left, Right if (e.keyCode == 27 || e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 39) { // Hide dropdown $(this).addClass('focus').trigger('click'); } // Down if (e.keyCode == 40) { if (!$(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL').hasClass('hover')) { // Default to first item $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL:first').addClass('hover'); } else { // Move down, cycle to top if on bottom $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL.hover').removeClass('hover').next('LABEL').addClass('hover'); if (!$(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL').hasClass('hover')) { $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL:first').addClass('hover'); } } // Adjust the viewport if necessary $(this).multiSelectAdjustViewport($(this)); return false; } // Up if (e.keyCode == 38) { if (!$(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL').hasClass('hover')) { // Default to first item $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL:first').addClass('hover'); } else { // Move up, cycle to bottom if on top $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL.hover').removeClass('hover').prev('LABEL').addClass('hover'); if (!$(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL').hasClass('hover')) { $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL:last').addClass('hover'); } } // Adjust the viewport if necessary $(this).multiSelectAdjustViewport($(this)); return false; } // Enter, Space if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 32) { // Select All if ($(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL.hover INPUT:checkbox').hasClass('selectAll')) { if ($(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL.hover INPUT:checkbox').attr('checked')) { // Uncheck all $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('INPUT:checkbox').attr('checked', false).parent().removeClass('checked'); } else { // Check all $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('INPUT:checkbox').attr('checked', true).parent().addClass('checked'); } $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').multiSelectUpdateSelected(o); if (callback) callback($(this)); return false; } // Other checkboxes if ($(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL.hover INPUT:checkbox').attr('checked')) { // Uncheck $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL.hover INPUT:checkbox').attr('checked', false); $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').multiSelectUpdateSelected(o); $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL').removeClass('checked').find('INPUT:checked').parent().addClass('checked'); // Select all status can't be checked at this point $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('INPUT:checkbox.selectAll').attr('checked', false).parent().removeClass('checked'); if (callback) callback($(this)); } else { // Check $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL.hover INPUT:checkbox').attr('checked', true); $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').multiSelectUpdateSelected(o); $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL').removeClass('checked').find('INPUT:checked').parent().addClass('checked'); if (callback) callback($(this)); } } return false; } else { // Dropdown is not visible if (e.keyCode == 38 || e.keyCode == 40 || e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 32) { // down, enter, space - show // Show dropdown $(this).removeClass('focus').trigger('click'); $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL:first').addClass('hover'); return false; } // Tab key if (e.keyCode == 9) { // Shift focus to next INPUT element on page $(this).focus().next(':input').focus(); return true; } } // Prevent enter key from submitting form if (e.keyCode == 13) return false; }); // Apply bgiframe if available on IE6 if ($.fn.bgiframe) $(select).next('.multiSelect').next('.multiSelectOptions').bgiframe(); // Eliminate the original form element $(select).remove(); }); }, // Hide the dropdown multiSelectOptionsHide: function() { $(this).removeClass('active').next('.multiSelectOptions').hide(); }, // Show the dropdown multiSelectOptionsShow: function() { // Hide any open option boxes $('.multiSelect').multiSelectOptionsHide(); $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL').removeClass('hover'); $(this).addClass('active').next('.multiSelectOptions').show(); // Position it var offset = $(this).position(); $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').css({ top: offset.top + $(this).outerHeight() + 'px' }); $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').css({ left: offset.left + 'px' }); /* IE6 does not support max-height */ if ($.browser.msie && typeof document.body.style.maxHeight === "undefined") { var listHeight = 0; $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').children().each(function() { listHeight += this.offsetHeight; }); // @todo - made this height configurable if (listHeight > 200) $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').css({ height: '200px' }); } // Disappear on hover out multiSelectCurrent = $(this); var timer = ''; $(this).next('.multiSelectOptions').hover(function() { clearTimeout(timer); }, function() { timer = setTimeout('jQuery(multiSelectCurrent).multiSelectOptionsHide(); $(multiSelectCurrent).unbind("hover");', 250); }); }, // Update the textbox with the total number of selected items multiSelectUpdateSelected: function(o) { var i = 0, s = ''; $(this).find('INPUT:checkbox:checked').not('.selectAll').each(function() { i++; }) if (i == 0) { $(this).prev('INPUT.multiSelect').val(o.noneSelected); } else { if (o.oneOrMoreSelected == '*') { var display = ''; $(this).find('INPUT:checkbox:checked').each(function() { if ($(this).parent().text() != o.selectAllText) display = display + $(this).parent().text() + ', '; }); display = display.substr(0, display.length - 2); $(this).prev('INPUT.multiSelect').val(display); } else { $(this).prev('INPUT.multiSelect').val(o.oneOrMoreSelected.replace('%', i)); } } }, // Ensures that the selected item is always in the visible portion of the dropdown (for keyboard controls) multiSelectAdjustViewport: function(el) { // Calculate positions of elements var i = 0; var selectionTop = 0, selectionHeight = 0; $(el).next('.multiSelectOptions').find('LABEL').each(function() { if ($(this).hasClass('hover')) { selectionTop = i; selectionHeight = $(this).outerHeight(); return; } i += $(this).outerHeight(); }); var divScroll = $(el).next('.multiSelectOptions').scrollTop(); var divHeight = $(el).next('.multiSelectOptions').height(); // Adjust the dropdown scroll position $(el).next('.multiSelectOptions').scrollTop(selectionTop - ((divHeight / 2) - (selectionHeight / 2))); } }); })(jQuery);  



var game1 = $("#GAME").val(); actionString = ""; for (k = 1; k < $('#mdiv').find('INPUT').length; k++) { var chkName = "mst" + k; if ($("#" + chkName).attr("checked") == true) { actionString = actionString + $("#" + chkName).val() + ","; } }
