中南大学2012年6月月赛 Problem F: 羊吃草 贪心

Problem F: 羊吃草

Time Limit: 3 Sec   Memory Limit: 128 MB
SUBMIT: 130   Solved: 39


      Like so many others, the sheep have developed very haughty tastes and will no longer graze on just any grass. Instead, Mr.Lee , the owner of the fram must purchase gourmet organic grass at the Green Grass Grocers store for each of his N (1 <= N <= 100,000) sheep.

     Each sheep_i demands grass of price at least A_i (1 <= A_i <=1,000,000,000) and with a greenness score at least B_i (1 <= B_i<= 1,000,000,000). The GGG store has M (1 <= M <= 100,000) different types of grass available, each with a price C_i (1 <= C_i <=1,000,000,000) and a greenness score of D_i (1 <= D_i <= 1,000,000,000).Of course, no sheep would sacrifice her individuality, so no two sheep can have the same kind of grass.

     Help Mr.Lee satisfy the sheep' expensive gourmet tastes while
spending as little money as is necessary.


     The input contains several test cases. each test case contains two space-separated  integers: N and M. The next N lines contains two space-separated integers: A_i and B_i. Then next M lines contains two space-separated integers: C_i and D_i


 A single integer which is the minimum cost to satisfy all the sheep. If that is not possible, output -1.

Sample Input

4 7
1 1
2 3
1 4
4 2
3 2
2 1
4 3
5 2
5 4
2 6
4 4

Sample Output


题意:输入n m  n只羊  要吃草  要求是吃的草价格不能低于某个数   草的绿度不能低于某个数
然后有m种草  每种草有价格 和绿色度 
每2只羊不能吃一样的草 问给每个羊配好草之后花的最少的钱是多少

需求也按照greenness从大到小排序,然后按照greenness 从大到小依次枚举每个需求,
choice1 , choice2 他们的greenness都满足当前的需求,但是choice1.price < choice2.price
求选它, 那么这个时候我们将choice2换成choice1显然会得到更优解; 还有一种可能
typedef long long LL ;
int N , M ;
std::vector< std::pair<int, int> >  v1,v2 ;
std::set< std::pair<int, int> >  ss ;

int main(){
    int a,b,r;
    while(scanf("%d %d",&N,&M) == 2)
        v1.clear(); v2.clear() ;
        for(int i=1;i<=N;i++)
            scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);
            v1.push_back( std::make_pair(b,a) );
        for(int i=1;i<=M;i++)
            scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);
            v2.push_back( std::make_pair(b,a) ) ;
        std::sort( v1.begin() , v1.end() );
        std::sort( v2.begin() , v2.end() );

        ss.clear() ;
        r = M - 1 ;
        LL ans = 0 ;
        bool ok = 1 ;
        for(int i=N-1;i>=0;i--)
            while( 1 )
                if(r < 0)  break ;
                if( v2[r].first >= v1[i].first )    ss.insert( std::make_pair( v2[r].second ,r) ) ;
                else        break ;
                r -- ;
            std::set< std::pair<int, int> >::iterator d = ss.lower_bound( std::make_pair( v1[i].second , -1) );
            if( d == ss.end() )
                printf("-1\n") ;    ok = 0 ;
                break ;
            ans += (*d).first ;
            ss.erase( d ) ;
        if( ok )    printf("%lld\n",ans) ;
    return 0 ;
