数据结构与算法分析——c语言描述 第三章的单链表
typedef int ElementType; #ifndef _List_H #define _List_H struct Node; typedef struct Node *PtrToNode; typedef PtrToNode List; typedef PtrToNode Position; List CreatList(); List MakeEmpty(List L); int IsEmpty(List L); int IsLast(Position P, List L); Position Find(ElementType X, List L); void Delete(ElementType X, List L); Position FindPrevious(ElementType X, List L); void Insert(ElementType X, Position P); void DeleteList(List L); Position Header(List L); Position First(List L); Position Advance(Position P); ElementType Retrieve(Position P); #endif
#include"list.h" #include<stdlib.h> #include"fatal.h" struct Node { ElementType Element; Position Next; }; List CreatList() { List l = malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); if (l == NULL) Error("out of memory"); l->Next = NULL; return l; } List MakeEmpty(List L) { if (L != NULL) DeleteList(L); L = malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); if (L == NULL) FatalError("Out of memory"); L->Next = NULL; return L; } int IsEmpty(List L) { return L->Next == NULL; } int IsLast(Position P, List L) { return P->Next == NULL; } Position Find(ElementType X, List L) { Position P; P = L->Next; while (P != NULL&&P->Element != X) { P = P->Next; } return P; } void Delete(ElementType X, List L) { Position P; P = FindPrevious(X, L); if (!IsLast(P, L)) { Position TmpCell = P->Next; P->Next = TmpCell->Next; free(TmpCell); } } Position FindPrevious(ElementType X, List L) { Position P; P = L; while (P->Next != NULL&&P->Next->Element != X) P = P->Next; return P; } void Insert(ElementType X, Position P) { Position tmpCell; tmpCell = malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); if (tmpCell == NULL) FatalError("Out of space!!"); tmpCell->Element = X; tmpCell->Next = P->Next; P->Next = tmpCell; } void DeleteList(List L) { Position p; p = L->Next; L->Next = NULL; while (p != NULL){ Position tmp; tmp = p->Next; free(p); p = tmp; } } Position Header(List L) { return L; } Position First(List L) { return L->Next; } Position Advance(Position P) { return P->Next; } ElementType Retrieve(Position P) { return P->Element; }
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define Error(Str) FatalError(Str) #define FatalError(Str) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",Str),exit(1)