public void start() { logger.info("Exec source starting with command:{}", command); executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); runner = new ExecRunnable(shell, command, getChannelProcessor(), sourceCounter, restart, restartThrottle, logStderr, bufferCount, batchTimeout, charset); // FIXME: Use a callback-like executor / future to signal us upon failure. runnerFuture = executor.submit(runner); /* * NB: This comes at the end rather than the beginning of the method because * it sets our state to running. We want to make sure the executor is alive * and well first. */ sourceCounter.start(); super.start(); logger.debug("Exec source started"); }启动了一个线程来运行,运行的详细过程看runner
if(shell != null) { String[] commandArgs = formulateShellCommand(shell, command); process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commandArgs); } else { String[] commandArgs = command.split("\\s+"); process = new ProcessBuilder(commandArgs).start(); } reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream(), charset));这里就是执行shell命令,并且将shell命令的输出结果作为输入流读到reader中,InputStreamReader是字节流通向字符流的桥梁,它使用指定的charset读取字节并将其解码为字符,每次调用read方法都会从底层输入流读取一个或多个字节。
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { synchronized (eventList) { sourceCounter.incrementEventReceivedCount(); eventList.add(EventBuilder.withBody(line.getBytes(charset))); if(eventList.size() >= bufferCount || timeout()) { flushEventBatch(eventList); } } }
future = timedFlushService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { synchronized (eventList) { if(!eventList.isEmpty() && timeout()) { flushEventBatch(eventList); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception occured when processing event batch", e); if(e instanceof InterruptedException) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } }, batchTimeout, batchTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);这是启动了一个线程,每个3000毫秒去检查eventList,如果有event或者超过3秒存留的event,将会送到通道中
channelProcessor.processEventBatch(eventList); sourceCounter.addToEventAcceptedCount(eventList.size()); eventList.clear(); lastPushToChannel = systemClock.currentTimeMillis(); }flush就是现将积攒下来的eventList中的event都处理掉,然后清空
for (Event event : events) { List<Channel> reqChannels = selector.getRequiredChannels(event); for (Channel ch : reqChannels) { List<Event> eventQueue = reqChannelQueue.get(ch); if (eventQueue == null) { eventQueue = new ArrayList<Event>(); reqChannelQueue.put(ch, eventQueue); } eventQueue.add(event); } List<Channel> optChannels = selector.getOptionalChannels(event); for (Channel ch: optChannels) { List<Event> eventQueue = optChannelQueue.get(ch); if (eventQueue == null) { eventQueue = new ArrayList<Event>(); optChannelQueue.put(ch, eventQueue); } eventQueue.add(event); } }这里就是将event放到通道中的详细过程了,但是这里大家注意到有两次selector的getchannel的方法,这是因为通道的选择器模式有两种: 复用和复制
if(restart) { logger.info("Restarting in {}ms, exit code {}", restartThrottle, exitCode); try { Thread.sleep(restartThrottle); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } else { logger.info("Command [" + command + "] exited with " + exitCode); } } while(restart);restart参数的含义是,当shell命令执行的时候进程死了,是否重启该命令的进程,默认是false
public static Event withBody(byte[] body, Map<String, String> headers) { Event event = new SimpleEvent(); if(body == null) { body = new byte[0]; } event.setBody(body); if (headers != null) { event.setHeaders(new HashMap<String, String>(headers)); } return event; }2、event如何放入通道?
private void flushEventBatch(List<Event> eventList){ channelProcessor.processEventBatch(eventList); sourceCounter.addToEventAcceptedCount(eventList.size()); eventList.clear(); lastPushToChannel = systemClock.currentTimeMillis(); }