栈的结构特性为: 最后进入栈的最先出栈,即所谓的LIFO(,last in first out)特性。
template<typename T> class Stack { public: virtual ~Stack(){}; virtual void push(T data)=0; virtual T pop()=0; virtual bool isEmpty()=0; virtual void clear() = 0; virtual T getTop()=0; virtual int getSize()=0; };
class ArrayStack : public Stack<T> { public: ArrayStack(int cap=initCapacity); ~ArrayStack(); //公共接口函数省略 private: void resize(int cap); private: T *base,*top; int capacity; };
其中base指针指向数组首地址,top指向栈顶的下一位置;当top-base >= 栈容量capacity时则需要动态扩充容量。
注意 :容量是值为数组分配的实际空间,而size或者下文队列的length则是指实际放置元素的个数。
template<typename T,int initCapacity> void ArrayStack<T,initCapacity>::push(T data) { if(top - base >= capacity) //stack size over capacity { resize(2*capacity); //resize as needed } *top++ = data; }动态扩容函数定义为:
template<typename T,int initCapacity> void ArrayStack<T,initCapacity>::resize(int cap) { if(cap <= capacity) return; int size = top - base; T* mem = 0; try { mem = new T[cap];//reallocate memory } catch (const std::bad_alloc& ba) { std::cerr << "stack out of memory " << ba.what() <<std::endl; delete[] base; throw; } if(mem != 0) { std::copy(base,base+size,mem); //copy elements delete[] base; //release old memory base = mem; //reset base top = base+size; //reset top capacity = cap; //update capacity } }测试结果为:
push 1-7 get top: 7 pop top: 7 get top: 6 pop top: 6 stack size: 5 clear stack stack isEmpty: yes push 1-7 pop till empty: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
#ifndef _LINKED_LIST_STACK_H_ #define _LINKED_LIST_STACK_H_ #include <list> template<typename T> class LinkedListStack : public Stack<T> { public: ~LinkedListStack() { //let std::list do for us } void push(T data) { list.push_front(data); } T pop() { T data = list.front(); list.pop_front(); return data; } bool isEmpty() { return list.empty(); } void clear() { list.clear(); } T getTop() { return list.front(); } int getSize() { return list.size(); } private: std::list<T> list; }; #endif
普通队列结构,即为从队尾加入元素,从队头移除元素的线性结构,这称之为先进先出(FIFO first in first out)的结构。
template<typename T> class Queue { public: virtual ~Queue(){} virtual void enqueue(T data) = 0; virtual T dequeue()= 0; virtual void clear()=0; virtual int getLength()= 0; virtual bool isEmpty()=0; };
void enqueue(T data) { if((rear+1)% maxCapacity == front) { std::cerr<<"logic error : enqueue at full queue. "<<std::endl; throw std::logic_error ("enqueue at full queue"); } queue[rear] = data; rear = (rear+1) % maxCapacity;//rear point to the next of the last }
void enqueue(T data) { if((rear+1)% capacity == front) //queue full { resize(2*capacity); // resize as needed } queue[rear] = data; rear = (rear+1) % capacity;//rear point to the next of the last } template<typename T,int initCapacity> void ResizingArrayQueue<T,initCapacity>::resize(int cap) { T* mem = 0; try { mem = new T[cap]; //allocate memory } catch (const std::bad_alloc& ba) { std::cerr << "queue out of memory " << ba.what() <<std::endl; delete[] queue; throw; } if(mem != 0) { if(front < rear) { std::copy(queue+front,queue+rear,mem);//copy from front to rear }else if(front > rear) { //note source and destination pointer std::copy(queue+front,queue+capacity,mem);//copy from front to end std::copy(queue,queue+rear,mem+capacity-front);//copy from 0 to rear } int length = (rear-front+capacity) % capacity; delete[] queue; //release old memory queue = mem; //reset queue pointer front = 0; //reset front index rear = length; //reset rear index capacity = cap; //update capacity } }
enqueue 1-10 queue length: 10 dequeue: 1 dequeue: 2 clear queue enqueue 1-10 dequeue till empty: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
利用C++ list实现的队列更简单,定义如下:
#ifndef _LINKED_LIST_QUEUE_H_ #define _LINKED_LIST_QUEUE_H_ #include <list> #include "Queue.h" template<typename T> class LinkedListQueue : public Queue<T> { public: void enqueue(T data) { list.push_back(data); } T dequeue() { T data = list.front(); list.pop_front(); return data; } void clear() { list.clear(); } int getLength() { return list.size(); } bool isEmpty() { return list.empty(); } private: std::list<T> list; }; #endif
优先级队列的结构特点为: 队列出队不再以入队先后作为唯一标准,而是根据实际需要定义的谓词函数,该函数表明以怎样方式判定优先级,总是选择优先级最高的元素出队。
优先级队列的形象解释为: 公路收费亭,优先让警车、救护车、消防车通过;超市购物时可能优先为物件很少的顾客先结账;操作系统中选择预估耗时最短的进程先运行等等。
这里利用C++的函数对象(function object ),实现优先级比较的谓词函数,默认采用std::less<T>作为谓词函数。关于C++ compare谓词的使用请查阅参考资料部分的[4][5]。
#ifndef _PRIORITY_QUEUE_H_ #define _PRIORITY_QUEUE_H_ #include <functional> // std::less #include <exception> #include "Queue.h" #define INIT_LENGTH 16 template<typename T,typename Compare=std::less<T> > class PriorityQueue : public Queue<T> { public: PriorityQueue():index(0),capacity(INIT_LENGTH) { queue = new T[capacity]; } void clear() { index = 0; } int getLength() { return index; } bool isEmpty() { return index == 0; } T dequeue(); void enqueue(T data); private: void resize(int cap); private: T* queue; int capacity; int index; }; template<typename T,typename Compare> void PriorityQueue<T,Compare>::enqueue(T data) { if(index >= capacity) { resize(2*capacity); //resize as needed } queue[index] = data; index++; } template<typename T,typename Compare> T PriorityQueue<T,Compare>::dequeue() { if(index == 0) { std::cerr<<"logic error : dequeue at empty queue. "<<std::endl; throw std::logic_error("dequeue at empty queue"); } //pick up one with highest priority int highIndex = 0; for(int i = 1;i < index ;i++) // O(n) { if( Compare()( queue[i],queue[highIndex] ) ) highIndex = i; } T result = queue[highIndex]; index--; queue[highIndex] = queue[index]; //put the last element to the removed position return result; } template<typename T,typename Compare> void PriorityQueue<T,Compare>::resize(int cap) { T *mem = 0; try { mem = new T[cap]; } catch (const std::bad_alloc& ba) { std::cerr << "queue out of memory " << ba.what() <<std::endl; delete[] queue; throw; } if(mem != 0) { std::copy(queue,queue+index,mem); //copy elements delete[] queue; //release old memory queue = mem; //reset queue pointer capacity = cap; //update capacity } std::cout<<"resized "<<std::endl; } #endif
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <functional> // std::less std::greater #include "PriorityQueue.h" class Person { public: // default constructor Person() : age(0) {} Person(int age, std::string name) { this->age = age; this->name = name; } bool operator <(const Person& rhs) const { return this->age < rhs.age; } int age; std::string name; }; void testIntegers() { PriorityQueue<int,std::greater<int> > queue; int i = 0; while(i++ < 10) queue.enqueue(i); std::cout<<"dequeue till empty: "<<std::endl; while(!queue.isEmpty()) std::cout<<queue.dequeue()<<"\t"; std::cout<<std::endl; } void testPerson() { PriorityQueue<Person> queue; queue.enqueue(Person(24,"Calvin")); queue.enqueue(Person(30,"Benny")); queue.enqueue(Person(28,"Alison")); std::cout<<"dequeue till empty: "<<std::endl; while(!queue.isEmpty()) { Person p = queue.dequeue(); std::cout<<p.age<<", "<<p.name<<std::endl; } std::cout<<std::endl; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { testIntegers(); testPerson(); return 0; }
enqueue 1-10: dequeue till empty: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 dequeue till empty: 24, Calvin 28, Alison 30, Benny
[1] 《数据结构与算法 c++版 第三版》 Adam Drozdek编著 清华大学出版社
[2] 《数据结构》 严蔚敏 吴伟明 清华大学出版社
[3] Queues and Priority Queues[4] C++ concepts: Compare
[5] STL Sort Comparison Function