DS Racer项目之后

DS Racer项目之后,忽然又想起一些东西:

1. 在计算碰撞时,在游戏运行中尽量减少对图形正确性的判断。图形正确性验证的工作在工具中进行。就是说游戏在运行时三角形就是三角形,不会是一条直线上的3个点的“三角形”。当然这样做也只能把效率提高一点点。

2.读《3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development.pdf》第8页有感,

The bottom line in choosing to count and measure in your virtual world using ints, floats, or

doubles is not, as some misguided people would have it, a matter of choosing between discrete

shorts and ints versus continuous floats and doubles. It is more a matter of precision. They are all

discrete in the end. Older books on computer graphics will advise you to use integers because

floating-point hardware is slower than integer hardware, but this is no longer the case. So which

should you choose? At this point, it is probably best to introduce you to the First Law of Computer

Graphics and leave you to think about it:

The First Law of Computer Graphics: If it looks right, it is right.

We will be doing a large amount of trigonometry in this book. Trigonometry involves real

numbers, such as , and real-valued functions, such as sine and cosine (which we’ll get to later).

Real numbers are a convenient fiction, so we will continue to use them. How do you know this is

true?You know because, Descartes notwithstanding, we told you so, because it would be nice, and

because it makes sense.

2.1 The First Law of Computer Graphics: If it looks right, it is right.


2.2 “一定要使用整数代替浮点数吗?”

是的。在DS Racer做报告总结时,我被问的最多的就是这个问题(老实说我当时回答的一塌糊涂)。因为这是平台的限制造成的,做软件的人一定不能脱离硬件平台的限制的。起码实践已经证明如果在DS平台上大量使用浮点几乎是不能完成3D碰撞计算的(说“几乎”就是不排出在使用浮点计算的同时,在使用一个比现在使用的算法更快的算法这种情况,毕竟算法是有可能有这个能力的)。所以,按照我们已经实践的结果,在DS上碰撞计算只能使用定点数。




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