TxtSQL = "select * from Line_Info where cardno='1'"
"select*from Line_Info where cardno='1' or studentNo > '2' and studentName='1'"诶!你有没有发现离目标又进一步了。
Dim Mrc As ADODB.Recordset Dim TxtSQL As String '定义查询变量 Dim MsgTxt As String Dim strfieldA As String Dim strfieldB As String '定义字段变量 Dim strfieldC As String Dim strOperatorA As String Dim strOperatorB As String '定义操作符变量 Dim strOperatorC As String Dim strValueA As String Dim strValueB As String '定义查询内容变量 Dim strValueC As String Dim strRelationA As String Dim strRelationB As String '定义与或关系变量 If CmoField(0).Text = "" Then strfieldA = "1" '下面的几个IF语句就是为变量赋值 '各种字段、各种操作符和与或关系的 Else strfieldA = FieldName(CmoField(0).Text) End If If CmoField(1).Text = "" Then strfieldB = "1" Else strfieldB = FieldName(CmoField(1).Text) End If If CmoField(2).Text = "" Then strfieldC = "1" Else strfieldC = FieldName(CmoField(2).Text) End If If CmoOperator(0).Text = "" Then strOperatorA = "=" Else strOperatorA = FieldName(CmoOperator(0).Text) End If If CmoOperator(1).Text = "" Then strOperatorB = "=" Else strOperatorB = FieldName(CmoOperator(1).Text) End If If CmoOperator(2).Text = "" Then strOperatorC = "=" Else strOperatorC = FieldName(CmoOperator(2).Text) End If If TxtContent(0).Text = "" Then strValueA = "1" Else strValueA = Trim(TxtContent(0).Text) End If If TxtContent(1).Text = "" Then strValueB = "1" Else strValueB = Trim(TxtContent(1).Text) End If If TxtContent(2).Text = "" Then strValueC = "1" Else strValueC = Trim(TxtContent(2).Text) End If If CmoCombinationRelation(0).Text = "" Then strRelationA = "and" Else strRelationA = GetOrAnd(CmoCombinationRelation(0).Text) End If If CmoCombinationRelation(1).Text = "" Then strRelationB = "and" Else strRelationB = GetOrAnd(CmoCombinationRelation(1).Text) End If If CmoField(0).Text = "" And CmoField(1).Text = "" And CmoField(2).Text = "" Then MsgBox "请选择字段名!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "提示" Exit Sub Else If CmoOperator(0).Text = "" And CmoOperator(0).Text = "" And CmoOperator(0).Text = "" Then MsgBox "请选择操作符!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "提示" Exit Sub Else If TxtContent(0).Text = "" And TxtContent(0).Text = "" And TxtContent(0).Text = "" Then MsgBox "请输入查询内容!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "提示" Exit Sub End If End If End If TxtSQL = "select * from Line_Info where " TxtSQL = TxtSQL & strfieldA & strOperatorA & "'" & strValueA & "'" & " " & strRelationA & " " & strfieldB & strOperatorB & "'" & strValueB & "'" & " " & strRelationB & " " & strfieldC & strOperatorC & "'" & strValueC & "'order by cardno" Set Mrc = ExecuteSQL(TxtSQL, MsgTxt) If Mrc.EOF And Mrc.BOF Then MSFlexGrid1.Clear MsgBox "数据库中没有符合此条件的记录!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "提示" Exit Sub Mrc.Close Else MSFlexGrid1.Rows = 1 Do While Not Mrc.EOF With MSFlexGrid1 .Rows = .Rows + 1 .CellAlignment = 4 .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 0) = Mrc.Fields(1) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 1) = Mrc.Fields(3) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 2) = Mrc.Fields(6) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 3) = Mrc.Fields(7) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 4) = Mrc.Fields(8) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 5) = Mrc.Fields(9) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 6) = Mrc.Fields(11) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 7) = Mrc.Fields(12) .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 8) = Mrc.Fields(13) Mrc.MoveNext End With Loop Mrc.Close End If