板子:helper2416 qtopia2/3 作者:帅得不敢出门 c++哈哈堂:31843264
例子1: 修改工具栏, 比如添加一个关闭按钮
class MediaSelectorWidgetPrivate {
Action *tbQuit;
d->tbAdd = new Action( this, tr( "Add to Category..." ), "categorize",this, SLOT(categorize()) );下一行添加
d->tbQuit = new Action( this, tr( "Quit" ), "close", qApp, SLOT(quit()) );
d->tbAdd->addTo(contextMenu); 下一行添加
d->tbDown->addTo( d->bar ); 下一行添加
d->tbQuit->addTo( d->bar );
然后在qtopia/pics/icons/ 下的各文件夹加close.png就行了.
注意修改libraries/mediaplayer 下的文件会同时影响videos 与music
例2 播放音视频的窗口中滑动条与时间控件的右边添加关闭按钮
#include <qpushbutton.h>
QPushButton *closeBtn;
qtopia/src/libraries/mediaplayer/controlwidgetbase.cpp 中
ControlWidgetBase::ControlWidgetBase( QWidget* parent, const QString &skinPath, const QString &type, const char* name ) : QWidget(parent, name), buttonCount(0), slider(Qt::Horizontal, this), time(this), sliderBeingMoved(false), volumeTimeout(this), drawVolume(false) { setCaption( tr("Media Player") ); // 添加下面这一行 closeBtn = new QPushButton( tr("close"), this);
connect( &slider, SIGNAL( sliderPressed() ), this, SLOT( sliderPressed() ) ); connect( &slider, SIGNAL( sliderReleased() ), this, SLOT( sliderReleased() ) ); //添加下面这行 connect( closeBtn, SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( close() ) );
imgButtonMask.fill( 0 ); // 此行下面修改如下 int closeBtnW = 48; int y1 = h - timeHeight - 2 * border; int x2 = w - timeWidth - border - cornerWidgetWidth - closeBtnW - border; QRect sliderGeometry( border, y1, x2 - 2*border, timeHeight ); QRect timeGeometry( x2, y1, timeWidth, timeHeight ); QRect closeBtnGeometry( x2 + timeWidth + border, y1, closeBtnW, timeHeight); getRect(cfg, skinType+"_slider", sliderGeometry, w, h); getRect(cfg, skinType+"_time", timeGeometry, w, h); slider.setGeometry(sliderGeometry); time.setGeometry(timeGeometry); closeBtn->setGeometry(closeBtnGeometry);
再分别编译musi 与videos, 如果不重新编译运行会出现段错误.
例3: 给photoEdit的sider_show窗口添加 确定 与取消两个按钮
#include <qpushbutton.h>
private: QLabel *slide_length_label; QSlider *slide_length_slider; QCheckBox *display_name_check, *loop_through_check; //添加下面这行 QPushButton *ok_button, *cancel_button;
// Construct loop through label and check box loop_through_check = new QCheckBox( tr( "Loop through" ), this ); vbox->addWidget( loop_through_check );
// 加上下面这段 // Construct ok cancel buttons JYX_MODI add QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout; ok_button = new QPushButton( tr( "Ok" ), this ); cancel_button = new QPushButton( tr( "Cancel" ), this ); connect( ok_button, SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( accept() ) ); connect( cancel_button, SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, SLOT( reject() ) ); hbox->addWidget( ok_button ); hbox->addWidget( cancel_button ); vbox->addLayout( hbox ); // JYX_MODI add end重新编译photoEdit便可.