
Running MediaTomb Manually

1. You may run MediaTomb manually, but you must first remove the service using
   the following terminal commands.

   $ sudo mv /etc/init.d/mediatomb /etc/init.d/mediatomb.backup
   $ sudo update-rc.d mediatomb remove

2. Once the service is removed, you may run MediaTomb using the following
   command in the terminal.

   $ mediatomb

Now the above change doesn't work any more, and we don't need to remove it in fact. By default, we can use sysv-rc-conf to configure start it or not when system bootup.

But current mediatomb is prone to use upstart and it put a script conf in /etc/init/mediatomb.conf, so if we need to start mediatomb mannually, we have to remove this conf.

For /etc/init, please refer to Linux文件目录/etc/init和/etc/init.d的前世今生.
