Current situation: we have several service providers for our business, each of them has different values for a specific enum, for example, SegmentNo, V may have a value set {0,1}, whereas M may have {1,2}, further, our system defines our own enumerations to a unified object, like {10, 20} for the SegmentNo. The question is: How many enums do we need? Our current situation is 3 enums, worse that our team still prefer passing integer type for SegmentNo, rather than Enum, which forms a enum hell, we often pass a wrong value and boring to debug this again and again, developers often confused by the passed value, really unpleasant.
/* We often pass wrong parameter for this kind of API. Don't do this. */ public void doSomeBusiness(int vSegmentNo){ }Improvement:
public enum SegmentNo { FT(10, 0), H1(20, 1), ET(30, -1); private int id; private int vSegmentNo; SegmentNo(int id, int vSegmentNo) { = id; this.vSegmentNo = vSegmentNo; } public int getId() { return; } public int getvSegmentNo() { return this.vSegmentNo; } }2. Refactor the API, pass enums instead of integers, fetch the right integer if and only if necessary.
public void doSomeBusiness(SegmentNo sn){ int vsn = sn.getvSegmentNo(); }If we code in this manner, unlikely to pass incorrect value between methods. I believe this practice is much better.