.net GC (GC roots)小结

reference article: https://www.simple-talk.com/dotnet/.net-framework/understanding-garbage-collection-in-.net/


1. GC roots, 什么可以成为GC roots.

    a). local variable

    b). static variable

    c). If a managed object is passed to an unmanaged COM+ library through interop, then it will also become a GC root with a reference count.

2. objects management in heap:

      young generation(s0, s1), old generation, permanent generation.

      process: marking --> move-->promotion--> compact and recycle


3. 两种形式回收堆垃圾: 同步和异步

4. 释放资源的两种方式:

    4.1.  Finalizer (这个事有GC调用的,user想 override它,只有通过 析构函数来完成),但是何时做Finalizer是有GC thread决定的。

     4.2. IDispose,实现IDispose, 可以直接被调用通过Using(....)


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