WIP backflush 流程

  1. change Org = M1, Master Items form, create 2 items
  2. create a25002, copy “finished Good”, set lot controlled, save, assign to M1
  3. create c25002, copy “purchased item”, set lot controlled, save, assign to M1
  4. Bills of Materials -> Routings -> Routings
  5. item = a25002, in Main tab, add 2 sequence
  6. WIP backflush 流程_第1张图片
  7. Bills of Materials -> Bills -> Bills
  8. WIP backflush 流程_第2张图片
  9. in Material Control tab, make sure Supply Type = Assembly Pull, save
  10. WIP -> setup -> Parameters
  11. WIP backflush 流程_第3张图片
  12. WIP -> Discrete -> Discrete Jobs: Create New Job
  13. WIP backflush 流程_第4张图片
  14. WIP -> Move Transactions -> Move Transactions
  15. WIP backflush 流程_第5张图片
  16. WIP -> Material Transactions -> Completion Transactions
  17. WIP backflush 流程_第6张图片
  18. input Lot Number = L-1023, click Done, then pop up this window:
  19. WIP backflush 流程_第7张图片
  20. input Lot Number - L-2023, click Done.
  21. 到这一步, 就完成了 backflush 的步骤. 因为我们设置的是 assembly pull 式的, 在 Completion Transactions 完成的时候, 会扣减 component 数量, 同时增加 assembly 数量. 如果设置的是 operations pull 方式, Move Transactions 的时候就会减掉 component 数量, Completion 的时候增加 assembly 数量. 如果设置的是 push 方式, 需要手动去做 Move 的动作.

也可以通过 wip issue 去做 backflush 的操作 (mh0st223).
1. create Assembly item “yuAssembly_1”, copy from “finished Good”, create Component item “yuComponent_1”, copy from “Purchased items”, assign to M1, both are Lot controlled.
2. Misc receive yuComponent_1 to FGI
3. Bills of Materials -> Bills -> Bills: yuAssembly_1 is composed by yuComponent_1, Supply_type = Assembly Pull
4. Bills of Materials -> Routings -> Routings: create Routing for yuAssembly_1, Department = ASSEMBLY
5. WIP -> setup -> Parameters: Material tab, Lot Selection Method = Manual, check the 2 checkbox below.
3. WIP -> Discrete -> Discrete Jobs: create Discrete Job, Job No. = 376907
4. Sub Transfer: Type = Backflush Transfer, move “yuComponent_1” from FGI to RIP
4. WIP -> Move Transactions -> Move Transactions: fill the Job No. 2nd step is “To Move”
5. check Discrete Job, open quantity = 10
6. WIP -> Material Transactions -> WIP Material Transactions: input Job No. Type = WIP Issue, Include = Specific Component, continue.
7. check Discrete Job, open quantity = 0
6. WIP -> Material Transactions -> Completion Transaction, this time should not input Component item

Reference: http://blog.csdn.net/pan_tian/article/details/7785714

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