RIM Opens Software Store

Research In Motion Ltd.开设了自己的网上商店销售黑莓(BlackBerry)软件,希望以此打入因苹果公司(Apple Inc.)和iPhone而大受欢迎的网上软件市场。RIM立意进军的这个领域竞争日趋激烈,其中不乏微软(Microsoft Corp.)和诺基亚(Nokia Corp.)等知名公司。这是RIM这家加拿大公司力图吸引更多的消费者所采取的措施之一。RIM联席首席执行长拉扎里迪斯(Mike Lazaridis)周三在CTIA无线通讯展(CTIA WIRELESS)上发表讲话称,这是个一站式的设备商店。RIM预计,本周合作伙伴将在商店上推出大约1,000个软件。苹果的网上商店提供超过1.5万个软件,其中很多都是免费的,或者仅售几美元。电信研究公司Lopez Research首席执行长洛佩斯(Maribel Lopez)说,所有人都在努力追赶苹果。但开设一家类似苹果的商店不代表就会有数百万的下载量。RIM网上商店提供的软件包括了Facebook等社交网络服务软件以及音乐服务软件Shazam。黑莓用户可以从RIM网站下载软件登录商店。若购买软件,用户需要建立一个PayPal帐户。RIM联席首席执行长巴尔西利(Jim Balsillie)说,公司正在与无线运营商合作,把购买软件的费用纳入每月手机话费帐单。Roger Cheng 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年04月02日19:06', 'RIMM'));Research in Motion Ltd.总部地点:加拿大(Canada)上市地点:纳斯达克股票代码:RIMMdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年04月02日19:06', 'RIM.T'));Research In Motion Ltd.总部地点:加拿大(Canada)上市地点:多伦多股票代码:RIM

Research In Motion Ltd. opened its online store for BlackBerry applications as it looks to tap a market for software made popular by Apple Inc. and the iPhone.RIM is getting into an area increasingly crowded with high-profile companies, including Microsoft Corp. and Nokia Corp. It is part of a larger push by the Canadian company to appeal to more consumers.'It's a one-stop device shop,' Co-Chief Executive Mike Lazaridis said in an address at the CTIA Wireless trade show Wednesday.RIM said it expects about 1,000 applications to be posted by partners this week. Apple's store offers more than 15,000 application; many are free or cost just a few dollars.'Everyone is racing to catch up with Apple,' said Maribel Lopez, chief executive of telecom research firm Lopez Research. But 'having an app store isn't a guarantee of millions of downloads.'Among the applications available in RIM's store are social-networking services, such as Facebook, and music service Shazam.Blackberry users can download the storefront from RIM's Web site. In order to buy applications, users need to set up an account with PayPal.Co-Chief Executive Jim Balsillie said RIM is working with wireless carriers to make it possible for users to pay for the applications through their monthly cellphone bills.Roger Cheng
