NOI 2004 沙丘 dune

首先,由于已访问的每个点的度数都是已知的,可以通过记录从根到当前点的路径上每个点所走的弧的编号(设为cur_arc[path[i]],i为深度)来回到根结点(walk(degree[path[i]] - cur_arc[path[i]]))。




NOI 2004 沙丘 dune_第1张图片









/* * $File: dune.cpp * $Date: Fri May 14 19:32:24 2010 +0800 */ #include "dune_lib.h" #include <cassert> namespace Solve { const int NVTX_MAX = 105; int nvtx, degree[NVTX_MAX], cur_arc[NVTX_MAX], path[NVTX_MAX], npath; bool arc_nouse[NVTX_MAX][NVTX_MAX]; bool check(); // before check(), sign should be on hand // after check(), we should stay at the same vertex, // and the sign should be on hand // // the status seems to be walking from root to the current vertex void dfs(); void solve(); } void Solve::solve() { init(); walk(0); dfs(); if (!arc_nouse[0][0]) dfs(); int m = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nvtx; i ++) m += degree[i]; report(nvtx, m >> 1); } void Solve::dfs() { int root = nvtx ++, d; bool sign; look(d, sign); if (sign) take_sign(); degree[root] = d; if (d == 1) { walk(0); return; } path[npath ++] = root; bool last_check = true; for (int i = 1; ; i ++) { int cnt = 1; while (i < d && arc_nouse[root][i]) i ++, cnt ++; cur_arc[root] = i; arc_nouse[root][i] = true; if (last_check) walk(cnt); else walk(i % d); if (i == d) { npath --; return; } put_sign(); if (npath == 1) { dfs(); last_check = true; } else { walk(0); last_check = check(); if (last_check) { walk(i); dfs(); } } } } bool Solve::check() { bool ret = true; int istart = 0; for (int i = npath - 1; i > 0; i --) { int curv = path[i]; walk(degree[curv] - cur_arc[curv]); int d; bool sign; look(d, sign); if (sign) { take_sign(); walk(0); for (int j = i; j + 1 < npath; j ++) walk(cur_arc[path[j]]); put_sign(); walk(0); for (int j = npath - 2; j >= i; j --) walk(degree[path[j]] - cur_arc[path[j]]); int cnt = 0; while (1) { walk(1); look(d, sign); if (sign) take_sign(); walk(0); cnt ++; if (sign) break; } int v1 = path[i - 1], tmp = cur_arc[v1] + cnt; if (tmp == degree[v1]) tmp = 0; assert(tmp < degree[v1]); arc_nouse[v1][tmp] = true; ret = false; walk(degree[v1] - cnt); istart = i; break; } } if (!istart) { istart = 1; walk(0); } for (int i = istart; i + 1 < npath; i ++) walk(cur_arc[path[i]]); return ret; } int main() { Solve::solve(); }



  Problem: dune
    Point    Execution Status     Score         Time [sec]    Memory [kb] 
    1        Normal               10.000        0.007         2360        
    2        Normal               10.000        0.060         3212        
    3        Normal               10.000        0.006         2364        
    4        Normal               10.000        0.007         2412        
    5        Normal               10.000        0.006         2488        
    6        Normal               10.000        0.007         2412        
    7        Normal               10.000        0.008         2652        
    8        Normal               10.000        0.008         2660        
    9        Normal               10.000        0.016         2840        
    10       Normal               10.000        0.025         3180

