AMD Radeon HD5870 memory capacity and performance

Memory capacity and performance

AMD is very clear about the memory capacity and performance details in their OpenCL programming guide. The figure below showcases these hardware characteristics of the Radeon HD5870:

OpenCL Memory Type Hardware Resource Size/CU Size/GPU Peak Read Bandwidth / Stream Core
Private GPRs 256KB 5MB 48 bytes/cycle
Local LDS 32KB 640KB 8 bytes/cycle
Constant Direct-addressed constant - 48KB 16 bytes/cycle
Same-indexed constant - - 4 bytes/cycle
Varying-indexed constant - - ~0.6 bytes/cycle
Images L1 Cache 8KB 160KB 4 bytes/cycle
L2 Cache - 512KB ~1.6 bytes/cycle
Global Global Memory - 1GB ~0.6 bytes/cycle

GPRs – General Purpose Registers
LDS – Local Data Store
Direct-addressed constant – a constant accessed using a constant address.
Same-indexed constant – a varying-indexed constant where each processing element accesses the same index.
Varying-indexed constant – a varying-indexed constant where the processing elements access different indices.

Of course, consider this data for fetches that are properly aligned. In case of unaligned data access the actual throughput can be much lower. In order to be able to reach the peak bandwidth we have to align our data usually to multiples of 4, 8 or 16 bytes (depending on actual hardware).

As it can be seen, constant storage can also fall into three different access performance categories so do buffers and images. While actual numbers differ on various platforms, the guidelines apply to most of modern GPUs: use a particular addressing method wisely and take in consideration access locality in order to get optimum performance.

AMD Radeon HD5870 memory capacity and performance_第1张图片

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