
weather conditions
threatening the existence of mankind 威胁着人类的生存。
poisonous gases 有毒气体
emission of the chemical substances 的化学物质的排放
expansion of land  扩大土地
in short supply 短缺
many parts of the world 世界上的许多地方
remarkable progress 显着进展
area of desert 沙漠面积
succeed in controlling population growth 在控制人口增长取得成功
environmental problems 环境问题
thoughtlessly use the resources 不假思索地使用资源
non-smokers 非吸烟者
is a clear link between 之间的明确联系
reduction in population growth 减少人口增长
hundreds of refugees in Africa  数百名非洲难民
effectively 有效
world-wide water shortage 世界各地的水短缺
specialist 专家
study reveal 研究揭示
boost its economy 振兴经济
conserve what remains 节约使用
soil is gradually lost
spoil the environments 破坏环境
support the increasing population 支持不断增长的人口
make an active effort to 做出积极的努力
countless sights 无数的景点
fresh air 新鲜的空气
industrial waste 工业废水
limited resources 有限的资源
valuable soil 有价值的土壤
is already within sight 已近在眼前
medical services 医疗服务
regularly 定期地
compared with 相比
agricultural research 农业研究
lead to 导致
run out of resources 资源耗尽
time and time again 一次又一次
use up
health would be undermined 健康会受到损害
overhunt animals 过度的猎取动物
ecological environment 生态环境
energy needs are so immense 如此巨大的能源需求
will eventually run out
resources are not inexhaustible 资源不是取之不尽,用之不竭
totally irrelevant 完全不相干的
means of transport 运输工具
joy and comfort, injury and death 欢乐和舒服,伤害和死亡
be served regularly  定期服务
unfortunately 不幸的是
inconvenience 不方便
increased significantly 增加显著
solve problem efficiently 有效地解决问题
heavy traffic 交通繁忙
a combination of the two 两个的组合
the fact cannot be ignored 实际上不能被忽略
unbearable noise 无法忍受的噪音
field are disappearing  农田正在消失
we would consider him mad 我们会认为他疯了
any individual or organization can easily handle it 任何个人或组织都可以很容易地处理它
suffer a lot 遭受不少
popularization of cars 汽车普及
sign of modernization 现代化标志
accelerate the flow of cars 加速车的流动
relieve the traffic congestion
convenient and efficient 方便,高效的
low cost 低成本
cyclists do not obey traffic rules 骑自行车的人不遵守交通规则
unforeseen event 
the air is filled with exhaust gas 的空气中充满了排气
further more 进一步
throw a man and his family into misery 抛出一个男人和他的家庭陷入痛苦
enjoying the mobility of cars 享受汽车的流动性
strengthen traffic control
