第二单元 Speaking in a Polite Way

1. You look great today.
2. You're welcome.
3. I'm sorry, it was all my fault.
4. It doesn't matter.
5. May I help you?
6. Will you do me a favor?
7.You've been really helpful.
8. Do you mind my smoking?
9. I'd appreciate if you could turn down the radio a little bit.
10. Call me up sometime,OK?
11. I'm sorry to hear that.
12. May I bother you for a moment?
13. Will you excuse us for a while?
14. Wouldn't you like some coffee?
15. I'd rather have some tea,if you don't mind.
16. I was wondering what your opinion of ...is
17. Don't you want to go see a movie?
18. Would you like to join us?
19. I'd love to. But I'll have to go to the library tonight.
20. I hate to say this, but I really have to make a complaint.
1.You look great today.
活文化的重要方面,几乎所有的年轻女性都被称为:pretty girl/pretty woman; 即使你不算漂
亮, 人们也会夸赞你nice, kind, cute...要是你换了新发型, 朋友见到你就会讲You look great today! 这类
的句型。即使你的变化并不是让你更美, 他们也会说: You look different! 总之,老美老是能够想出办法赞
美你。注意:当别人夸赞自己的时候,千万别忘了感谢人家的好意,说声:Thank you, 而不能一味的说No,
no, no,更不要问 where, where。
A: Hi, Melissa. You gotta hair cut? You look so different!
B: Thanks.
A: You look so pretty today!
B: Thanks,you look great,too.
2.You're welcome.
外国人在得到别人感谢的时候,一般会说 You are welcome,
表示“不用谢,我很乐意帮你的忙” 。在澳大利亚,人们也常用:
It's ok. 这一句型来回应。
3.I'm sorry, it's all my fault.
Sorry 一词在英语国家很常用,在北美,道歉不一定非要说 Sorry;同样,Sorry 也不一定表示道歉。例如, 有
时 Sorry 可以用来引起别人的注意。这时, Sorry 的用法相当于 Excuse me。特别是在北美,Sorry 经常被用来
代替 Excuse me。当用疑问语气说 Sorry 这个词的时候,一般时表示“我没听清,请再说一遍”的意思。表示歉
a) 首先用正式的语言表达歉意。可以直接说“I'm sorry” ,也可以说
I didn't mean to ...” ;
I'm awfully sorry.
That was entirely my fault.
I do apologize.
b) 解释一下这个错误是如何造成的;
It was really careless of me.
How clumsy of me!
I'm afraid I overslept.
c) 提出将采用何种方法来弥补这个错误;
d) 保证下次不会再发生类似的错误;
Such things will never happen again.
I will be more careful next time.
Of course, I will do a better job.
I'm sorry, it was all my fault.
4.It doesn't matter
例如:Oh well, never mind.
It's nothing.等等。
A: I'm terribly sorry, Carla.
B: What's happened, Rob?
A: I'm afraid I've broken a glass.
B: It doesn't matter. I can get another one.
A: I'm awfully sorry, but I seem to have mislaid your scarf.
B: Oh, don't worry about that.
A: I just don't know what to say. I'll replace it, of course.
B: No, that's quite out of the question.
That's all right.
5.May I help you?
May I help you?这类的句型。
A: Good morning. May I help you?
B: I'd like to buy a pair of leather shoes.
A: Good afternoon. China World Hotel. Can I help you?
B: May I speak to Joanna Johnson?
6.Do you mind my smoking?
Do you mind my smoking?
I'd appreciate if you could turn down the radio a little bit.
这两个句子用来向别人提出询问和要求, 大家可以看出来,当你想做的事情可能会给别人带来不便时,说话应
该比较婉转客气,以表示你对他人的尊重。要注意,对 Do you/will you/would you mind+doing 这个句型,如果你
不同意对方,你应该回答 I'm afraid yes.如果你同意对方,直接回答:No, not at all. / Not at all, please / go ahead,
please 。
7.I'd appreciate if you could turn down the radio a little bit.
这句通过“appreciate” 和 if 引导的从句来使得语气更委婉,容易让人接受。
Do you / will you / would you mind move aside a little bit?
你也可以这样表达:I'd appreciate if you could move aside a little bit.
A: You mind my opening the window?
B: Not at all.
A: Is it possible you turn down the radio a little bit? I'd appreciate.
B: Sure.
8. I'm sorry to hear that.
例如别人说: When I was 6 years old, my father passed away. 那么听者就会回答: I'm sorry to hear that.
9. Will you excuse us for a while?
这句话看起来是要别人 excuse us,而实际上这是在向别人提出要求,请他回避,直白的意思就是:Leave us alone.
Get out of my room/face,但是这样的语言十分直白,甚至有些粗鲁,只能和家人、朋友使用,或者是你在任性、
Will you excuse us for a while? I want to have a personal conversation withJoanna.
10. I'd love to. But I'll have to go to the library tonight.
后半部分,出现 But 并跟了一个完美的理由。一般在拒绝别人之前,并不直接回答 No,总是先对邀请虚伪地
表达一下感激或赞赏,然后提出拒绝他人的合理理由。如果是接受邀请,则通常会用“Sure” , “Of
Course” . “Why not”?等直接的肯定方式。
11. I hate to say this, but I really have to make a complaint?
在英语国家,人们不大愿意向其他人表示抱怨,当然更没有人愿意听到别人的抱怨。因此, 当他们提出抱怨的
Thank you so much!
Thanks a million / Thanks a lot.
I feel/am very grateful (for your help.)
I'd appreciate.
You are welcome.
Don't mention it.
My pleasure.
I'm sorry, it was all my fault.
Excuse me for ...
I really am so sorry.
I'm awfully sorry. I didn't realize.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feeling.
I'm terribly sorry about...
I'm very sorry for...
It was most careless of me.
It was really quite unintentional.
It was most careless of me.
It was wrong of me.
I really feel bad about...
How clumsy of me to...
I apologize for...
I can't tell you how sorry I am.
I do apologize about that.
I beg you pardon.
I hope you will pardon me for...
I must apologize ...
I'm extremely sorry.
May I offer you my sincere apologies for ...?
Please forgive me for...
I've got to apologize for...
It doesn't matter at all.
It's not your fault.
It's nothing.
Never mind.
It's all right.
Please don't worry.
I quite understand.
Don't let it worry you.
Don't think any more about it.
Not to worry.
Forget it.
Please don't feel bad about it.
Please don't blame yourself.
There's no need for you to worry.
There's no reason to apologize.
It's really not necessary.
Will you do me a favor?
Can you help me?
Will you give me a hand?
Please do me a favor.
Do me a favor and ..., will you?
Could/would you do ...,please?
Do you think you could do...?
Yes, of course.
No problem
All right.
I'm afraid I can't...
I really/do wish I could help you, but I'm afraid...
I'd like to help, but I'm afraid...
I'd love to help, only...
May I smoke here?
May I bother you a moment?
Do you mind / would you mind my smoking here?
Do you think you could possibly lend me 50p?
Would you mind taking a photo of me?
Would you care / mind if I smoke here?
Will you excuse us for a while?
Would you / will you please pass me that cake?
Excuse me miss, could we have a table over there?(注意这是一句向餐厅服务员提出要求坐在
某处的问句。回答可能会是: I'm sorry, we're closing that section.)
I wonder if you could possibly do ...?
Would you mind doing...?
What do you want?
You want some Coffee?
Would you like some coffee?
Wouldn't you like some coffee?
Wouldn't you like to go out for a walk?
Why not go out for a walk?
I want to have some Cola.
I'd like to have some orange juice.
I'd loveto go to a concert.
I prefer to see a movie.
I'd rather stay at home.
I'd rather not go out.
I'd appreciate if you turn down the radio a little bit.
I'd rather have some tea if you don't mind.
I prefer some tea if it's convenient.
I'd love to. But I am very busy tonight.
That's a good idea. But I'm afraid I have to work late.
Can you tell me something about yourself?
May/Can I ask you a few questions?
Could you possibly answer a few questions?
Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
I hope you don't mind, but I was wondering if you could tell me...?
I wonder if you mind my asking...?
So, tell me about yourself?
What's your opinion of...?
What do you think of...?
How do you feel about...?
I was wondering what your opinion of ... is?
What about ...?
As far as I'm concerned...
In my opinion,...
From my point of view...
Personally, I think...
It would seem to me that...
As far as I' m able to judge, ...
As I see it,...
Frankly, I think...
I'd go along with you there/on that.
Valid point.
Yes, I'd tend to agree with you there/on that.
I couldn't agree more!
I'm with you there/on that.
Do you really think so?
I'm not really sure I would agree/go along with you there/on that.
I wouldn't agree.
I can't accept that.
I hate to say this, but I really have to make a complaint
Excuse me. I'd like to make a complaint
I'd be glad to.
I'd love to.
Well, if I can.
Well, of course.
By all means.
Not at all.
I'd like to, but I don't have time.
I'm sorry, I'm busy now.
No, I'm afraid I can't.
No,that's okay.
Asking for a lift 搭便车
A:Could you do me a favor?
B:What is it?
A:Could you possibly give me a lift home?
B:All right.
A:Are you sure? I don't want to inconvenience you.
B:No problem. I'd be happy to.
A:Thanks. I really appreciate it. Thanks so much.
1.) Could you do me a favor?
2.) All right.
这是一种比较友善的说法,表示“可以的,没问题” 。
3.) I really appreciate it.
当别人帮里你一个大忙,你当然要说“我非常感激你” ,这时就可以用上这个句子。
Picking up things 捎点东西
A:Could you do me a favor?
B:Sure. What is it?
A:Could you run over to the store?We need a few things.
B:All right. What do you want me to get?
A:Well,could you pick up some sugar?
B:Okay. How much?
A:A small bag. I guess we also need a few oranges.
B:How many?
A:Oh,let's see. . . About six.
B:Anything else?
A:Yes. We're out of milk.
B:Okay. How much do you want me to get?A gallon?
A:No. I think a half gallon will be enough.
B:Is that all?
A:I think so. Have you got all that?
B:Yes. That's small bag of sugar,four oranges,and a half gallon of milk.
A:Do you have enough money?
B:I think so.
A:Thanks very much. I appreciate it.
1.) Could you run over to the store?
Run over to 是口语化的说法,相当如 go to.
2.) Could you pick up some sugar?
Pick up sth. 就是顺便捎带些东西
例如:I'll pick up cakes for my grandma this afternoon.
3.) We're out of milk.
Be out of sth. 是指“快没有…了” 。
比如 :I am out of money.
We are out of rice and wheat.
Shopping 购物
A:Excuse me. Could you help me?
B:Certainly. What can I do for you?
A:I'm looking for a leather belt for my husband.
B:Do you know what size he wears?
A:Size 36. . . I think.
B:And what color would you like?
A:Dark brown,if you have it.
B: Okay. Let's see. . . a size 36 dark brown leather belt. Oh, yes. Here we are. Do you
think your husband will like this one?
A:Yes. I'm sure he will. I'll take it.
B:Will this be cash or charge?
A:Do you take Master Card?
B:No,I'm afraid not. We only accept our own store credit card.
A:Oh. In that case,I'll pay cash.
1.) Could you help me?
注意不要把这句话和 May I help you? 混淆了。
2.) What can I do for you?
这句话就相当于 May I help you?
3.) Dark brown
在颜色的词语前加上 dark,表示“深色的” ,darkbrown 是“深棕色” 。Light 则是表“浅色的” ,如 light yellow
是“淡黄色” 。
4.) Will this be cash or charge?
Charge 是指用信用卡来支付费用。
5.) In that case
如果是那样,in any case 则是“无论如何” 。
I'm very grateful to receive this award for “Best Actress. ”
I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate this honor.
There are many people I'd like to thank. First of all,I want to thank my parents for bringing
me into this world. I also want to express my gratitude to all of my teachers over the years,but
especially to my acting teacher,Vincent Lewis,who taught me everything I know.
And finally,I want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support,especially to Katherine Miller, for
being there when I needed her.This award means a great deal to me. Words can't express how honored I feel at this
moment. Thank you very much.
1.) I'm very grateful to ...
I want to thank ...
Ialso want to express my gratitude to ...
I want to express my appreciation to ...
5.What do you want?
6.I'd rather have some tea, if you don't mind.
7.Do you mind my smoking here?
8.Do me a favor please?
9.I'd appreciate if you could turn down the radio a little bit.
10.I'm afraid I can't go with you.
11.A: Pardon me. Can I ask you a question?
B: Certainly.
A: Can I park my car here?
B: Yes, you can.
A: Thanks.
A: 对不起,能打扰一下吗?
B: 没问题,说吧。
A: 我能在这儿抽烟吗?
B: 对不起,不过我想这儿不能吸烟。
A: 哦,好的。谢谢。
12.A:Could I ask you to make three copies for me?
B:Three copies?Okay.
B:You're welcome.
13.Excuse me. I'm sorry to bother you. Could you possibly tell me if there's a post office
1. A: ?
B: I want a cup of coffee.
2. A: What would you like to eat, John?
B: .
5.A: Which one would you like-this one or that one?
B: .
6.A: Your sweater is really beautiful.
B: .
7.A: You've been really helpful. Thank you so much.
B: .
8.A:The box is very heavy. Will you give me a hand?
B: .
9.A: Wouldn't you like some ice cream.
B: , I'm on a diet.
10.A: Do you mind my smoking here?
B: .
13.A: ?
B: Yes, I'd like to buy a pair of shoes, leather shoes.
17.A: You're late again!
B: . I'm afraid I overslept.
18. A: being late this morning. My alarm never went off.
B:I see.
20.A: ?
B:Yes, of course, here it is.
21.A:I wonder if you could lend me your pen?
B: .I'm using it now.
23.A:I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
B: .
24.A:Excuse me for interrupting.
B: .
What can I do for you?
28.A: So this is your new flat?
B: Yes.
A: Oh, what an ugly color! Who painted it?
B: I did.
A: . I didn't realize.
1. Lend a hand 帮忙
A:Would you like me to help you move that desk?
A:Oh,come on!Let me give you a hand. There's no sense in your moving it yourself if I'm here
to help.
A:Look! I insist! You're not moving that desk by yourself.
B:Well,okay. But I really don't want to trouble you.
A:No trouble at all! Honestly! 我很乐意帮你一把。
A:Excuse me. Could you help me for a minute?
B: 当然,什么事儿?
A: Could you tell me how to transfer a call?
B: Sure. Press the red button. 然后拨另一个办公室,再挂断。
A: I see. First, I press the red button. Then, I dial the other office and hang up. Right?
B: 对,就这样。
A: Thank you.
B: 不用谢。
B:Yes,I'd like a steak.
A:How would you like it?
A:Okay. And would you prefer a baked potato or rice with that?
A:Anything to drink?
A:Okay. That's a medium raresteak with a baked potato and a cup of coffee.
A: Can I help you take out the garbage?
B: No. That's okay. 我自己能行。
A: Please. Let me help you.
B: 那好吧,如果你不介意的话。
A: No,not at all.
B: 非常感谢。
2. Visiting the patient 看望病人
A: Hello, Paul. 你好些了吗?
B: Oh, not too bad.
A: 我给你带了些巧克力来。
B: Oh ... um... the doctor said I couldn't eat anything sweet.
A: 哦,对不起,我没想到。
B: It doesn't matter. You didn't know.
3. Getting sth. to eat 吃点东西
Tim: Tony has just brought us some refreshments.
Tony: Yes,there is plenty for everyone. ?
David:We are always hungry.
Tony: Let's see. . . you take cream in your coffe,Auntie Sundi?
Sundi:Just sugar. Thank you.
Tony: ?
Tim: Black coffee will be fine and one of those sandwiches. They look good!
Tony: What about you,Allen? You like hot chocolate or a glass of milk?
Allen: I'd like chocolate and one of those ice cream bars.
David:A Tab for me. I can drink milk at home. And some cookies would be fine. Thanks.
Tony: ?
David:No,thanks. We just had lunch.
Tony: Auntie Sundi?
Sundi:Thankyou,no. This is just good.
4. Returning the book 还书
A: Hello, John! Come in.
B: Thank you. I've brought your book back, Mary.
A: Oh, thank you. Just put it on the table, will you?
B: Look, Mary, I'm sorry, .
A: Oh?
B: Yes, I spilt some coffee on it, I'mafraid. I really am sorry. It was terribly careless of me.
A: ! You seem to have spilt a whole pot of coffee on it. Oh well, these things happen.
B: I'll get you another copy.
A: Oh, no. .
B: But it does matter.
A: No, no, forget it. It's not important. I've read it anyway.
B: Well, if you are sure ...
A: Of course I am. Now let me get you some tea.
