题目:已知strcpy函数的原型是char * strcpy(char * Dest, const char * Src);
2、解释为什么要返回char *。//返回指针是为了方便链式操纵,比如连续拷贝
char * strcpy(char * Dest, const char * Src) { if ((Dest == NULL)||(Src == NULL)) return NULL; char * DestCopy = Dest; while ((*Dest++ = *Src++) != '\0'); return DestCopy; }
#include <stdio.h> int main() { char p[] = "\\\bSRE\0abc\\\b\n"; printf("%d %d\n", strlen(p),sizeof(p)); printf("%%s = %s", p); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int myatoi(const char *s) {//字符串转换成整数 int i, sign, num; for(i = 0; isspace(s[i]); i++);//跳过字符串前面的空格 if (s[i] == '-') sign = -1; else sign = 1; if(s[i] == '-' || s[i] == '+') i++;//符号位 for(num = 0; isdigit(s[i]); i++) {//遇到非数字字符就结束循环 num = 10 * num + s[i] - '0'; } return sign * num; } void reverse(char *s) { char *p = s; int len = 0; while(*p++ != '\0') len++; for(int i = 0, j = len-1; i <=j; i++, j--) { s[i] = s[i] ^ s[j]; s[j] = s[i] ^ s[j]; s[i] = s[i] ^ s[j]; } } void myitoa(int num, char *s) {//整数置换成字符串 int sign = 1; if(num < 0) { num = -num; sign = -1; } int i = 0; do{ s[i++] = num % 10 + '0'; num /= 10; }while(num > 0); if(sign == -1) s[i++] = '-'; s[i] = '\0'; reverse(s); } int main() { char str[] = " -1234567a8"; int num = -1234567; cout << myatoi(str) << endl; myitoa(num, str); cout << str << endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int wordnums( char *s) { if(s == NULL) return 0; int num = 0; char *pchar = s; while(*pchar != '\0') { while(*pchar == ' ') pchar++;//去除空格 while(*pchar != ' ' && *pchar != '\0') pchar++; num++; while(*pchar == ' ') pchar++;//去除空格 } return num; } int main() { char str[] = " Hello Nice to meet you!"; cout << wordnums(str) << endl; return 0; }
//神的代码 找出MAXN中的素数 #include <iostream> using namespace std; const int MAXN = 65535; bool prime[MAXN + 1]; int main(){ for (int i = 0; i <= MAXN; ++i) { //对非偶数标true prime[i] = true; if (!(i & 1)) { prime[i] = false; } } prime[1] = false; //0和1非素数标fales prime[2] = true; //对2标true for (int i = 3; i * i <= MAXN; i += 2) { if (prime[i]) { for (int j = i + i; j <= MAXN; j += i) { //碰见true往后加i,标false prime[j] = false; } } } return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; void func(char str[50]) { printf("A %d B %d\n",sizeof(str), strlen(str)); } int main() { char stra[] = "HelloWorld"; char *strb = stra; printf("C %d D %d\n", sizeof(stra), sizeof(strb++)); func(++strb); printf("E %d F %d\n", strlen(stra), strlen(strb++)); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int count = 3; int main() { int i, sum, count = 2; for(i = 0, sum = 0; i < count; i += 2, count++) { static int count = 4; count ++; if(i % 2 == 0) { extern int count; count ++; sum += count; } sum += count; } printf("%d %d\n", count, sum); return 0; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: Base(){ cout << "construct in Base" << endl;} Base (Base & b) {cout << "copy in Base" << endl;} ~Base(){cout << "deconstruct in Base" << endl;} int a; }; class Derive: public Base { public: Derive(){cout << "construct in Derive" << endl;} Derive(Derive & b) {cout << "copy in Derive" << endl;} ~Derive(){cout << "deconstruct in Derive" << endl;} Derive getderive(Derive a) {return a;} }; int main() { Derive d; Derive a = d.getderive(d); return 0; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int *p1 = new int[10]; int *p2 = new int[10](); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) cout << *(p1 + i) << " " << *(p2 + i) << endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int &f1() { int i = 1; return i; } int g1() { int j = 3; return j; } int f(int i) { return ++i; } int g(int &i) { return ++i; } int main () { int &ri = f1(); int rj = g1(); cout << ri << endl; cout << rj << endl; int a = 0; a += f(g(a)); cout << a << endl; return 0; }
#include <stdio.h> int main() { short int x; char x0,x1; x=0x1122; x0=((char*)&x)[0]; //低地址单元 x1=((char*)&x)[1]; //高地址单元 if(x0 == 0x11) printf("little-endian \n"); else printf("big-endian \n"); return 0; }
12、如何判断当前编译器是C++ 还是C ?
#include <stdio.h> int main() { #ifdef __cplusplus printf("C++ compiler!\n"); #else printf("C compiler!\n"); #endif return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { const int a = 10; const int *p = &a; //int a = 10; //int *p = &a; *(int *) p = 100; cout << p << " " << &a << endl; cout << a << endl; cout << *p << endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Vehicle { public: Vehicle(int weight = 0) { Vehicle::weight = weight; cout<<"载入Vehicle类构造函数"<<endl; } void SetWeight(int weight) { cout<<"重新设置重量"<<endl; Vehicle::weight = weight; } virtual void ShowMe() = 0; protected: int weight; }; class Car:virtual public Vehicle//汽车,这里是虚拟继承 { public: Car(int weight=0,int aird=0):Vehicle(weight) { Car::aird = aird; cout<<"载入Car类构造函数"<<endl; } void ShowMe() { cout<<"我是汽车!"<<endl; } protected: int aird; }; class Boat:virtual public Vehicle//船,这里是虚拟继承 { public: Boat(int weight=0,float tonnage=0):Vehicle(weight) { Boat::tonnage = tonnage; cout<<"载入Boat类构造函数"<<endl; } void ShowMe() { cout<<"我是船!"<<endl; } protected: float tonnage; }; class AmphibianCar:public Car,public Boat//水陆两用汽车,多重继承的体现 { public: AmphibianCar(int weight,int aird,float tonnage) :Vehicle(weight),Car(weight,aird),Boat(weight,tonnage) //多重继承要注意调用基类构造函数 { cout<<"载入AmphibianCar类构造函数"<<endl; } void ShowMe() { cout<<"我是水陆两用汽车!"<<endl; } void ShowMembers() { cout<<"重量:"<<weight<<"吨,"<<"空气排量:"<<aird<<"CC,"<<"排水量:"<<tonnage<<"吨"<<endl; } }; int main() { AmphibianCar a(4,200,1.35f); a.ShowMe(); a.ShowMembers(); a.SetWeight(3); a.ShowMembers(); cout << sizeof(Vehicle ) << endl; cout << sizeof(Car ) << endl; cout << sizeof(Boat) << endl; cout << sizeof(AmphibianCar) << endl; return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class OnlyStack { public: OnlyStack(int i_):i(i_){} void print() const { cout<<"member i = "<<i<<endl; } private: void* operator new (size_t t); void operator delete(void* ptr); private: int i; }; int main () { //OnlyStack * ptr = new OnlyStack(5); //ptr->print(); OnlyStack b(3); b.print(); return 0; }
void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t num)
void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t num) { const char *s = (char *) src; char *t = (char *) dest; while(num--) *t++ = *s++; return dest; }
#include <stdio.h> int func(int n) { int k = 1; if(n > 0){ k += func(--n); printf("%d ", n); k += func(--n); } return k; } int main(void) { int a = 3; printf("%d\n",func(a)); return 0; }
24、给定一个字符串,按单词将该字符串逆序,如输入"hello world",输出为"world hello"。方法:先按单词逆序,再对整个句子逆序。
//给定一个字符串,按单词将该字符串逆序,不包括标点 #include<stdio.h> //p和q之间的逆序 void ReverseWord(char *p, char *q) { while(p < q) { *p = *p ^ *q; *q = *p ^ *q; *p = *p++ ^ *q--; } } char *ReverseSentence(char *s) { char *p = s; char *q = s; while(*q != '\0') { if(*q == ' ') {//查到一个单词 ReverseWord(p,q-1); q++; //指向下一个单词道字符 p = q; } else q++; } ReverseWord(p, q-1);//逆序最后一个单词 ReverseWord(s, q-1);//整个句子逆序 return s; } int main( ) { char s[] = "I am glad to see you"; printf("%s\n", s); ReverseSentence(s); printf("%s\n", s); return 0; }