VxWorks入门(一):VxWorks Vs Linux

1, VxWorks的特点:

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All functions exist in the same "space".
Name clashes may appear between different modules (libraries).
Use unique names (with prefix) for global functions!
Wrong: config , test , read_bi
Right: drvXy Config , foo Test , devAbc_ read_bi
Or make functions static .
vxWorks has no main function.
Every function (including the shell) can call any other function.
You don’t start programs from the shell, you call functions .
When name clash happens, you might call the wrong function.

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Ending a thread does not clean up system resources.

2, VxWorks中不同模块下相同名字的全局变量仍占用同一块内存;



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Pro: Functions and threads can easily
exchange large amounts of data by reference (pointers).
access any hardware register (e.g. VME bus).
Con: Functions and threads can easily
overrun allocated memory or stack size (esp. with arrays)
overwrite system tables. (e.g. interrupt handler table at NULL )
overwrite program code.
modify global variables of other modules (e.g. drivers).

3, 入门指导:

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Online help: http://vxworks.web.psi.ch
Important for beginners:
VxWorks Programmer's Guide, Chapter 2
All about tasks, semaphores, watchdog timers, interrupts
Always helpful:
vxWorks Reference Manual
All vxWorks system functions
Run-time help: Type help on the vxWorks shell.

4,VxWorks shell使用注意:
Error checking is the key to a stable system.
Stability is limited by the weakest point!
Check arguments to API functions (esp. shell functions)
Never trust a user! Not even yourself.
Always check pointer arguments for validity.
Writing to NULL overwrites the interrupt handler table!
Check results of system functions ( malloc , fopen , )
System functions may fail and return NULL or ERROR .
Using these values unchecked may crash the system much later.
Check for "impossible" values (e.g. in case constructs
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