嵌入式 H2.64中I帧和IDR帧的区别

 IDR(Instantaneous Decoding Refresh)--即时解码刷新。

   I和IDR帧都是使用帧内预测的。它们都是同一个东西而已,在编码和解码中为了方便,要首个I帧和其他I帧区别开,所以才把第一个首个I帧叫IDR,这样就方便控制编码和解码流程。IDR帧的作用是立刻刷新,使错误不致传播,从IDR帧开始,重新算一个新的序列开始编码。而I帧不具有随机访问的能力,这个功能是由IDR承担。IDR会导致DPB(DecodedPictureBuffer 参考帧列表——这是关键所在)清空,而I不会。IDR图像一定是I图像,但I图像不一定是IDR图像。一个序列中可以有很多的I图像,I图像之后的图像可以引用I图像之间的图像做运动参考。一个序列中可以有很多的I图像,I图像之后的图象可以引用I图像之间的图像做运动参考。




nal_unit_type    Content of NAL unit             C     Annex A NAL unit    Annex G and Annex H  

                and RBSP syntax structure              type class          NAL unit type class

5    Coded slice of an IDR picture             2,3     VCL                 VCL 
     slice_layer_without_partitioning_rbsp( )

7    Sequence parameter set                     0      non-VCL             non-VCL 
seq_parameter_set_rbsp( )

8    Picture parameter set                      1      non-VCL             non-VCL
pic_parameter_set_rbsp( ) 

RBSP(raw byte sequence payload): A  syntax structure containing an integer number of  bytes that is encapsulated封装 in a NAL unit. An RBSP is either empty or has the form of a string of data bits containing syntax elements followed by an RBSP stop bit and followed by zero or more subsequent bits equal to 0.  原始字节序列载荷:一个语法结构,包含整数个封装于NAL单元中的字节。RBSP或者为空,或者包含具有数据比特串形式的语法元素,其后跟随RBSP截止位和零个或多个连续的0值比特。


列标记“C”列出可能出现在NAL单元中的语法元素的种类。The column marked "C" lists the categories of the syntax elements that may be present in the NAL unit.





     Yes, idrFrameInterval = n should give you SPS/PPS on an IDR frame every n frames.

This does not appear to be working.  I can control I-frame rate with intraFrameInterval, but no matter what I set idrFrameInterval to, I do not get get IDR frames unless I force them.

I did discover today that there is a behavioural difference between newer and older versions of the encoder.
      - In codec_engine_2_22 (approx dvsdk_1_30_01_41) the encoder returns every I-frame in an IDR Picture slice nal unit (nal_unit_type = 5) but the encodedFrameType in outargs is set to IVIDEO_I_FRAME, notIVIDEO_IDR_FRAME. (I'm guessing this was reported as a bug.)
      - In codec_engine_2_24 (dvsdk_2_10_01_18) the encoder returns I-frames in a non-IDR picture slice nal unit (nal_unit_type =1) when encodedFrameType  is set to IVIDEO_I_FRAME and uses an IDR Frame (5) when encodedFrameType  

     Is it possible that the people who were using idrFrameInterval with success were using an older version?







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