Given two node, find the lowest common ancestor.
we build the test case here:
class ListNode: def __init__(self,val): self.val=val class TreeNode: def __init__(self,val): self.val=val self.left=None self.right=None root=TreeNode(0) root.left=TreeNode(1) root.right=TreeNode(2) root.left.left=TreeNode(3) root.left.right=TreeNode(4) root.left.left.left=TreeNode(5) root.right.left=TreeNode(8) root.right.right=TreeNode(9)
based on the problem description there are two possible solutions:
1. with direction to parents:
we just need to trace back and mark nodes as visited. if the node is visited twice then we return the node.
2.without direction to parents:
we need to define a cover function first to see if the node exist in the subtree.
def covers(root,val): if root==None: return False if root.val==val: return True return covers(root.left,val) or covers(root.right,val)
def find(root,val1,val2): if root==None:## if find the end still not return then None return None if root.val==val1 or root.val==val2:## if we find one of the node we return it and recurse return root v1left=covers(root.left,val1) ###if on the left v2left=covers(root.left,val2)### if on the lelft if v1left==v2left and v1left==True:## both of them on the left return find(root.left,val1,val2) if v1left==v2left and v1left==False:#right return find(root.right,val1,val2) if v1left!=v2left:# if not the same side we return return root def main(): if covers(root,5)==False or covers(root,4)==False: return None node=find(root,5,4) print node.val if __name__=="__main__": main()