Spring 2.5发布不久,Spring3.0项目已经是开始进行了。
1. Full scale REST support by means of additions to the Spring MVC API - already pretty detailed, and apparently going to be included in the first milestone release
2. Support for Unified EL (as seen in Spring Web Flow) - very likely part of 3.0, but no details given
3. Annotation support for declaring factory methods - as above
4 .Support for Portlet 2.0 (JSR 286), including resource requests (ResourceServingPortlet) - as above
5. "Preparations" for Servlet 3.0 specification - sounded a lot like architectural preparations not visible to the "consumer"
6. Something to fill the gap between Spring Web Flow and Spring MVC - that sounded very vague
7. Inclusion (probably generalisation) of the repeat, retry and resume semantics provided by Spring Batch - was only hinted at, no details given
8. Inclusion of the OXM support provided by Spring WS - sounded pretty definitive, but no details given
9. Some kind of site definition language for the web stack - no idea whether this is more than a rumour
10. Model-based validation for use both in server and client - as above
刚才我也提到了,Spring3.0是基于其目前提供的Spring MVC框架上引入对Rest的支持,这样使其可以很好的融合到Spring中。
看到使用Annotation方式,代码非常简洁。@RequestMapping是对访求的资源进行服务的绑定, value指定服务的资源路径, method是指Rest风格中的CRUD的方法。
当然在Spring 3.0 发布之前,上述的API,annotation可能会有变动,我们也期待Spring能与我们早日见面。